I am sorry to interrupt my normally happy, cheerful and for the most part pretty posts to address a few things. This is an open letter, this will mean something to some, and nothing to others and hopefully to the person who has written me more than once with some very insulting and rude comments, you are reading this as well. While I am not going to give in to rehashing over some of the mean spirited comments that were left by a “certain someone” I do want to set the record straight on a few things once and for all, so please take note. First off, if this blog isn’t “your thing”….don’t come here. Seems pretty simple to me. I have gotten comments on everything from questioning the size of the home I am building to what charities I support to calling me a fraud living in a make believe world. An “anonymous” commenter (you arent’ surprised are you) left me a scathing comment that rattled me, as much as I hate to admit it. And I need to address it as well as address this person directly and you know who you are. A few of your hateful insinuations implied below and I quote the following comment and my comments are highlighted….
Frankly in my opinion not a word you say here is true. I have actually built a home similar to the one you portray here and nothing about your time line, last minute selections etc. seems plausible. Because we all know every home ever built follows the exact same time line, right? YOU don’t think its palusible, do I care? Our home took 3 years to complete with similar finishes and detailing. At 12,000 sq feet, there were 84 lighting fixtures to choose–not a canned light in the entire place–not even in the closets or garages and this was done well in advance as was hardware, carpeting, flooring, natural stone, fireplace surrounds, plumbing fixtures (2 kitchens, 11 bathrooms). Well good for you, you obviously were way more on top of things than I am. I believe in taking my time and doing it right and loving every decision I make, if it means it takes a few extra months so be it. Get over it, we might be living with some light bulbs and gasp maybe not having fixtures for awhile in our garage or closets!! Do you even KNOW what I have and haven’t ordered? You seem to be making A LOT of presumptions but even still it is MY house and if I want to live with canned lights then I will. And for the record we are going on over three and a half years since we started this! With all of your last minute decisions ‘your” contractor must find this a nightmare. No to the contrary, we have a wondeful relationship and count him as a friend, he is a phenomenal builder and a person of high standards and integrity.I also question some of your low-end selections for a home of this caliber. As far as I know, every single thing I have done has been of very high quality, for which I feel very fortunate to have been able to do, so if you have something specific you want to “call me out on” have at it. And let me tell you with all the effort it took, I for sure would not have had time to take care of my children AND blog like you do plus get around and comment to so many other blogs. Well, thats why you are you and I am me. Some can multi task and others cannot. If there is one quality I can say I like about myself it is my ability to do A LOT in a day, that said I will also say I enjoy blogland very much and spend more time than I should on some days but that is purely my perogative and if you don’t “get’ how I do it all, then that is your problem, not mine. Others feel the same way that I do and we are watching you. You are watching me? Oooooh….sounds scary. OK, have fun! I also find your recent drops of oh I did volunteer work this weekend, or I am doing something for a needy family very conveniently thrown in lately…most of us who do regular charity work never casually mention this to bolster our credibility…we keep our mouths shut about it or only highlight it when there is a particular event to showcase or to rally support for. I know what I do and am proud of the little I have done. I believe in being charitable and giving what you can. If I want to talk about ON MY BLOG I WILL. I have spoken of Wounded Warriors Project, and a few other things, I am not saying it for a pat on the back or for accolades, its just something I enjoy doing. I love when I read about others and the charitible work they do, and in fact get inspired by it, I do not think they are bragging, the insinuation is ridiculous. I challenge you to prove us wrong. You seem to have made a tremendous attempt to validate yourself with VIRTUAL friendships, but never have you talked of meeting another blogger face to face. This is not something I HAVE to do, I will if I want to. Incidentally there are a few people who I have spoken to who I plan on meeting up with and you know what, I am not going to be talking about it on this blog. Why? Because I dont’t want to and have NOTHING to prove to you. Neither do you show anything else that validates your blogging persona–trips to wonderful f=resorts and you have to pull the photos off the websites. I have been fortunate to have taken many fabulous trips to many amazing places (I dont’ have to “prove” that to you), for the record in Feb. I posted on my trip to France and ugh..those were MY pictures. Since buidling we haven’t been away nearly as often as I would liked, so shoot me! I am also private when it comes to certain aspects of my life and will not share family trips or weekend getaways with my husband on this blog. I do not post pictures of my family and other personal aspects of my life by choice. So here is the challenge: invite at least one REAL blogger that we all know to be legitimate to your new home to hang out with you for the day. You don’t know me but I would as soon take “your challenge” as I would dye my hair purple and get a mohawk and give up chocolate. I will meet a blogging friend if and when I want to. And when I do I will NOT be talking about it. I have NOTHING to prove to you. Better yet, how about inviting several real bloggers to your slumber party. No thanks.I would be relieved to learn that you are actually a great REAL person and that the enchanted home is not a virtual fantasy of yours or of whomever you work for. Why don’t you instead keep believing I am not a real person and that I am living in a makeblelieve world and this house is all a virtual dream and I just go in the middle of the night in camo and warpaint and take pictures and pretend its all mine. and then go back to the little bridge I live under. I think we are both better off that way, “friends” like you…I DO NOT WANT OR NEED!..We all know a sham blog is possible–I and several others I know have been contacted to create blogs for some rather large entities under assumed names and personas to promote their concerns–so it can happen. Well they sure asked the right person didn’t they? This is my opinion and I would be very happy and relied to learn that is unsound. Just trying to keep some authenticity here in the blog world. Really? If you are trying to keep some authenticity in the blog world, try being authentic and OWN YOUR COMMENT and put a name to it, instead of wimping out and signing as an anonymous commenter. If you have a problem then address it to me in an email and we will discuss it like adults but I will not have you come to MY blog and basically imply that I am a sham. NO THANK YOU.
I do believe the truth comes out, always. I could so easily find out who you are with the IP address I have for you for the comment you left at the exact time you left your comment, but its not worth my time or effort. My suggesion to you? Don’t come here anymore. How’s that for keeping the blog world authentic.
Very truly yours, Tina
I am sorry to have “wasted” an entire post on this but I had to get it off my chest. As much as I wish I could say this didn’t bother me, it did, it really hurt me. I am an honest to the core kind of person and it really surprised me that someone would speak out like this. Anyone who knows me can vouch for this. I needed to address it. I cannot thank the 99.9% of you that are just AMAZING and so supportive, truly you are what makes doing this so much fun. Blogging is such an integral part of my life and I cannot imagine a day not coming here!! I will not let this get me down, I am a fighter and never a quitter, I just felt compelled however to address this in no unspoken terms and if someone has an issue, feel free to email me. Thank you for your support and understanding……..
I LOVE THIS!!!!! You tell them, Tina. You were brilliant. How dare someone go to your blog and say those things. Horrible. So proud of you, love that fighting spriit:-)
I am sorry you have had to undergo this type of scathing nonsense. Even though you don’t choose to go to the trouble of checking up, I think that each person has a unique style of writing, and I’ll bet that your anonymous poster will eventually be recognized by some of your readers. I would guess that this isn’t the first time she/he has tried to boost their ego by tearing into someone else’s joy. Meanwhile, please continue your lovely posting…I always look forward to seeing your beautiful home.
Tina- I am concerned that this stalker could be dangerous. It is obvious that your blog is not the motive behind this sick person. They truly need help. I get comments like this and just don’t post them. I save the IP address too, so if you need the last one, let me know. It was anonymous, so I have disallowed these comments. It is a shame that there are people out there like this, but it is just a part of blogging. It is obvious that this person is in pain and needs help, but don’t you let this person bother you. What you have been doing is creating a beautiful log of building our dream home, not to mention your sharing of fabulous retail sites for us to visit. This is just a few of the wonderful things about your blog. Report this to blogger, and if I had had 1 individual doing this I may take further action. Teresa xoxo
Sweet Jesus you would think someone wealthy enough to build a big home with two kitchens would have the sophistication to know better than to launch a personal attack as she did – wow! I can understand your need and desire to ” set her straight” and you sure did. I fail to understand some people and how they think. Sorry for you, remember you make a lot of people very happy with what you do here.
So sad that some people have to be so nasty. If this person doesn’t like you or your blog, why in the world waste so much of their time telling you so. Such a very sad person. I think they need a friend, but they sure need to change their attitude first. Just delete their comment, don’t even read it. Hugs, Marty
I never comment but felt compelled today to let you know how much I look forward to your blog. Please try not to let this person get to you (why someone would intentially try to hurt someone is just beyond me…if they don’t like this blog don’t come here geesh!). How sad for them that this is what they choose to do with their time/life. Wishing you a blessed day! Mary M.
I am a new reader to your blog. I think you are such a wonderful and generous person by sharing your design details with us here. Please don’t let that sour person robs your happiness. We love what you do.
Tina- I have been reading your blog for some time now. It is fabulous. It’s like reading a magazine only better. I agree with Teresa above. This situation has taken a nasty turn. This is not about the blog is is something else. I would do my due diligance and not allow these posts any longer. I believe that giving this person the attention and publicity they are craving is making this worse. It has become very uncomfortable – just as a reader. I can’t begin to imagine how this has effected you. Take care. Love every little thing about the blog. Hugs!
OK I’m totally amazed, do people really do that – leave comments like that? I feel for you, it must be very upsetting. I enjoy looking at your blog. Your home is beautiful – it is certainly not something I would ever have within my means, but that’s one of the reason I love to read your blog, so I can dream – I certainly wouldn’t hold it against you. Please keep on doing what you do – I love it!
I can’t believe *anyone* would spend so much wasted time and energy on berating anyone’s personal blog, home, or lifestyle…how arrogantly selfish!!! Tina, you don’t pay no mind to those that are so narrow & thoughtless…please, you are a bright light in the blog world and if I had known about blogging when building my house (I had only discovered it just at the tale end) then I could only hope that I would have done half as beautiful a job posting about it as you have…I’m always in awe of your ability to so, and admire greatly the time you’ve given to sharing your entire experience…you are officially thanked!! I can’t even tell you how many of our decisions were last minute, and how many times we were flying by the seat of our pants when building….how dare someone compare their process to anyone else’s…again, very arrogant! There…now I think it’s all off of my chest. Have a happy weekend!!! xo J~
Your blog is lovely. I really do not understand people who are so mean spirited. Wishing you the best in the future and hopefully a stop to such nonsense.
OhTina I read thus dumbfounded how could someone be so mean and vindictive? They must be very jealous or very sad ior both. I feel likeI know you- like how your personality cones through your postings, you make an average day great! If this person is a real fellow blogger all I can guess us he/she us very threatened by your immense popularity. I do however feel badly for you,keep up the great work, are you able to remove the ability for people to post anonymously? Hang in there,a big fan!
OMG Tina! I am laughing out loud at the audacity of the ANONYMOUS idiot that wrote this. My husband came from a VERY wealthy family. If I mentioned the name you would recognize it instantly…but I, like you, think that I don’t need to TELL the world all about myself-nor do I need to broadcast anything except that which I choose to do.
I CAN believe everything you have done and you CAN do it in a year (give or take a little)…if you are a good planner you can have everything worked out and then make some last minute changes and choices.
I will tell you this- I think that everything Anonymous said about THEMSELVES is a lie. I don’t see any proof at all. Anonymous is a jealous troll sitting in a poor, homely little house wishing she (OR HE) could live the life that you are living!
Bravo, girl, for your response. Now…from here on out don’t give Anonymous (her OR HIM) a moment’s second thought. Delete whatever they write because this is just what they are hoping for- a response and recognition. Laughable, isn’t it?
BTW- Would you like me to list the charities I support?;>) Or, barring that, how about how much I have in my bank account…don’t you think that would be a good place to start? AND…I would be GLAD to meet you for coffee cuz you just can’t get much more real than ME! XO
Tina, “Anonymous” needs to get a life! Maybe a hobby? I had to laugh at the insinuation that this is NOT your house. I can just picture you dressed all in black as a cat burglar and breaking into this house just to take photos! I am really sorry you have been subjected to this rubbish. Take care. Hugs, Sherry
Tina, even if I do not know you, I really do feel sorry for you. I don’t care to know if you are true or not – and I definitely believe that you are a true person – and I am enjoying your posts and pictures very much. I too am restoring my (much smaller) house in these days and I too am using a blog to keep track of my ideas. I feel that you shouldn’t allow anonymous comments on this fabulous blog of yours (at least for a few weeks or months) and, maybe, report any direct emails to the police. It is probably only someone jealous of your “enchanted home” but you never know, and it could be something worse. Take care, Elena
I too love your blog and believe every word in it. I look forward to all your posts. It sounds to me like someone is JEALOUS. I think anonymous comments are a cowardly device and agree that you should not let them on your blog.
Dear Tina, It has been a few months since I have really read a lot in Blogland, but this post is beyond anything I have ever read. My first thought was this…. Are we in high school again? And then I though of the kindness you have extended to me as I was taking care of Kenny. Always going out of your way to encourage me… this is the kindness of a lovely woman. I know that. I am sorry you were subjected to this. You deserve much better. Please know that so many of us look forward to the thrill of the progress of your home. Enjoy when you ask us our opinion, and are grateful that you have generously invited us into part of your world. Thank you, Cheryl
Tina this is only the second time I have posted here, but I am here all the time, I cannot tell you how many great ideas I have gotten from your blog as we are renovating our home here in Boston.
You have shown me so many great resources especially the marble (got both my girls bathrooms from that source and it came out beautiful)
Now I feel compelled to address this letter you received. I would guess this person is really either another blogger who cannot stand that your blog is so well liked and wants to tear you down likely out of jealousy or is not who they say they are but are portraying themselves as a blogger to upset you but in fact is just a random person who is jealous or intimidated by who or what you represent and likely you make them feel inferior.
Either way it is quite sad. I always wonder why people put so much energy into being mean and negative when it takes the same energy to be nice and polite. If they don’t like you or what you do, why do they even bother? Just makes me scratch my head in wonder. I know that even though many say ignore it or don’t let it get to you, it has to bother you, it would anyone, but maybe consider not allowing anonymous commenters.
That I would think would keep them at bay or as you said they would have to come forward and start “owning their comments”. Lets hope this letter put them in their place and they stay away from this point forward since they now know they are not welcome to your blog anymore. Hope you get to relax this weekend, on a side note the house looks fantastic and I loved your letter especially the purple mohawk chocolate part:-)
I haven’t been following your blog for very long but please don’t let people like this get to you. It feels like high school all over again. To think someone went to this much trouble to hurt another person is beyone me. Hang in there and keep blogging!
Great response Tina. Perfect comeback with a healthy dose of humor, love your humor. This person sounds wretched as my mother would say. You can only feel pity for someone who has to bring someone down for them to feel good. Your blog is “the bomb’ as my kids would say, my absolute favorite one, and I cannot and will not miss a single post. I think Miss anonymous is in fact a jealous hater who wants to rain on your parade. Don’t give her the power. Move on, smile and keep on with your wonderful spirit. Starting my day with a cup of tea and your blog is a little slice of heaven.
Wow wow and wow, I can’t believe that someone would take the time to be so nasty. And would we want someone like this doing”vounteer” work, I don’t think so. Ignore the jealous comments and keep showing us your wonderful home. If it really upsets you turn your coments off. Don’t let one person who you don’t even know get under your skin. Life is too short for such trivial nonsense. Maybe one of her 84 lights may fall on her(gloating 12,000ft sq home) head and knock some sense into her. (assuming its a her).And what exactly does one do with 11 bathrooms????
I don’t for one lickity split minute believe this person built a 12,000 sq foot home with not 1 but 2 kitchens and 84 light fixtures. Who counts how many light fixtures they have? That right there tells you she is bonkers. Every one of her insinuations were so off the mark, it indicates she is a WACKO.
Best thing from this point forward is either take off ability to have anonymous posters or delete all her comments or just ignore them as though they simply do not exist. Eventually she will move on to try and torture someone else that she feels inferior next to.
Anyone capable of living the lifestyle she claims she does, would A. have the grace and common sense to not leave such a rude comment and B. would be sympathetic to the building process and all the ups, downs and uncertainties. SHE is the fraud. Tina, you are a bright light in the world of blogs, I visit many, rarely comment only when I am really compelled to and consider yours to be one of my top two. AWESOME JOB you are doing here, please do not change a thing sweetheart! XO
I don’t get how people can be so difficult…I mean really? If I were you I would turn off anonymous comments. I was sent a rude comment the other day by an anonymous person and I read it to my husband and he said don’t give that person the satisfaction of having that comment appear on my blog. So I deleted it. The person was trying to give my blog a compliment while slamming other blogs. I’ve said this before and you know how I feel….LOVE YOUR BLOG SWEETIE!!! XOXO
DO NOT BOTHER. There are so many crazies out there, you cannot and shouldnt fight them. Some people need to elevate their own self-worth by putting others down. As you said, the ones that like your blog come back and read it. The others ought to stay away.
I have to admit, I was very envious of the house you get to have and the bathrooms your boys have – wish my master bath was anywhere near that gorgeous. Your reality is most of ours inspiration picture and, for some, that’s hard to swallow. I love your blog though. So here’s to thicker skin. xx
This person who wrote this horrible post, is, as my 7 year old daughter would say, a meaner. I am shocked to see anything so horrible left as a comment, and sorry you had to have that happen to you. I probably would have been in tears had that comment been on my blog! Just remember all us other people who very much enjoy your blog, are happy for your successes, and can’t wait to see you in your dream home!
I can see that by the number of comments that you have gotten in just the few hours this post has been up that you have a FOLLOWING OF GREAT FRIENDS, ME INCLUDED! After reading this person’s comments, I just think, “WHY does this person even care to attack you in such a way?” My goodness, even if there are sham blogs out there…..don’t go there, then! What does this person care…obviously this blogger has nothing else to focus on. I am so sorry that this has creeped into your life, but dearest, we believe in your, your actions, as distant as ALL OF OUR ACTIONS ARE towards each other, are always and always have been of the utmost kindness! I HUG YOU FROM MINNEAPOLIS MY DEAR ONE…this is harassment! LOVE TO YOU MY PRECIOUS TINA! Anita
Tina, I love your blog and your willingness to share your journey as you build what is a truly spectacular and beautiful home. I love seeing your choices and look forward to your updates. I’m horrified that someone could leave you such petty and ill-spirited comments. I hope it doesn’t impact how you feel about blogging because there are a lot of us out here who love your posts and the inspiration you provide. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Oh my goodness, I found this anonymous person HILARIOUSLY ridiculous!! Does she not have anything better to do? (cuz c’mon with those sharp claws we all know its a woman) Even if your blog was a fake, which I know its not, she should be appreciative that you are putting such great care and effort into it! What a douche. Yeah I just said that. Your blog is one of my favorites and you are such a dearheart. Also I would LOOOOOVE to check your house for real… just throwing that out there! I am available anytime! lol.
All of the above, and listen good friends of mine quit rate my space because of these mean spirited people, you are such a kind hearted person and they don’t see that, they are jealous to the core so…IGNORE..and delete period..don’t allow anyone to make you feel anything other than how you want to feel…you my friend have all that power. I feel so blessed to be able to follow your project and enjoy every moment of your posts because of your beautiful home but mostly because your sweet soul comes through.
So sorry that someone was so cruel. I happen to love your blog, and appreciate you sharing so much with us. Shake it off! This person is not worthy of another thought. Happy Thanksgiving
Hey Tina- You know what my dad used to say to my brother and I? Something about winners always attracts losers with opinions. I think thats whats going on here. You, are a winner through and through. Your kind and giving nature is obvious. Who made this person the blog world police? Who are they to question if you dont’ want to share your vacation pictures or talk about your friends? I was shocked to read that, were they for real? Then the “challenge” part, I was like “OK this kook is really off her meds today”. Serioulsy if you are reading this, GO TAKE YOUR MEDS! I guess if you have a blog, you put yourself out there but you are always nothing less than gracious, funny, kind, and warm and always keep it real. I just love visiting your blog. It really stuns me that someone could be so ill willed towards another, out of spite (and obviously out of jealousy). I am sorry TIna you had to be on the receiving end of this. Best thing is to rise above it, march on, as the winner that you are.
Hi Tina, I just hate that this person got under your skin. Now that you have had your say with the idiot and hear from all of us who love coming to your blog, I hope you have found relief and resolve to ignore such ridiculous commentary. This person is a very jealous person. She is an ugly green eyed monster who has reduced her own value to creating moments when she feels she can be more and have more than anyone else by trying to tear other people apart. Especially nice supportive and well liked ones, like you. She is a sick person. I just am hear to say all she would get from me is a quick press of the delete button, then I would order my butler to bring in my champagne bottle and give me a refill while I straighten out my tiara. Remember Snow White? Well this lady reminds me of the Wicked Step mother who gazes into the mirror…she is just evil and jealous and truly ugly. You, my dear, are Snow White!
So sorry to hear about your troll! I love Annie H. (19.11.2011 5.15pm) comment “winners always attracts losers with opinions” it is so true. Your blog is lovely and I love how you voice comes through in your writing.
Tina, loved your response. Especially the mohawk and chocolate part. Didn’t know you lived under a bridge? lol. You claerly have loads of fans as you should. You my dear are a doll. I can tell you are the real deal. The only fraud is this horror of a woman (and I know this is a woman, as no man would be capable of writing such a catty mean petty post..lol) PATHETIC LOSER is how I would have to sum her up. Sad in one respect and disgusting in another. Shame on her. Vent today but wipe your hands clean tomorrow morning of this person and their venom and get used to pressing delete as Amy above said, love the tiara and champagne part too…she has the right idea. This person will go away soon enough as soon as they realize their comments aren’t getting the “air time” they are craving.
Tina I am a long established “blogger” (2 and a half years) but for what I am going to say I am chosing to say this anonymously as I do not want to offend anyone, and I hope you will respect and understand that.
I have blogged for almost two years, have a healthy readership and have formed a “virtual friendship” if you want to call it that with several women who are just great. I have never met them in person. Two of them live close enough to where we could meet if I wanted to but I have zero interest in cultivating friendships at this point outside of blogging.One of them has asked twice to meet and I was finally honest with her about my feelings. She fully respected that. I raise 3 kids, teach part time, have a full life and am content with the way things are. Blogging is just that, my “online world”. It is whatever you want it to be. For some, they have met others outside of blogging and have formed special friendships and that is great but to insinuate and “challenge” you because you haven’t conformed to their ideal of what a blogger should do, is just absurd and indicates someone who is more than a little off kilter. You keep doing what you are doing, obviously you are doing somethig very right, in the short time I have been coming here your blog has grown by leaps and bounds and in my humble opinion might be the best blog out there, you put 100% into every post you put out and I think IF that was a real blogger up there, it is one who is extremely intimidated by your success. Keep smiling and keep up the great work you do.
Tina I am a long established “blogger” (2 and a half years) but for what I am going to say I am chosing to say this anonymously as I do not want to offend anyone, and I hope you will respect and understand that.
I have blogged for almost two and a half years, have a healthy readership and have formed a “virtual friendship” if you want to call it that with several women who are just great. I have never met them in person. Two of them live close enough to where we could meet if I wanted to but I have zero interest in cultivating friendships at this point outside of blogging.One of them has asked twice to meet and I was finally honest with her about my feelings. She fully respected that. I raise 3 kids, teach part time, have a full life and am content with the way things are. Blogging is just that, my “online world”. It is whatever you want it to be. For some, they have met others outside of blogging and have formed special friendships and that is great but to insinuate and “challenge” you because you haven’t conformed to their ideal of what a blogger should do, is just absurd and indicates someone who is more than a little off kilter. You keep doing what you are doing, obviously you are doing somethig very right, in the short time I have been coming here your blog has grown by leaps and bounds and in my humble opinion might be the best blog out there, you put 100% into every post you put out and I think IF that was a real blogger up there, it is one who is extremely intimidated by your success. Also her comment “we are watching you” was a little strange and threatening. I woudl report this to blogger admin. if I were you. They have incredible resources for tracking such things, (save any information you have) as I found out last year. Keep smiling and keep up the great work you do.
I know it might not feel so great, but they say when you start getting the negative attention, you know you have gotten to the top, that basically applies to almost all fields. My daughter is an aspiring actress, when she wasn’t getting very far, everyone constantly commented on her talent, her looks,etc…now that she has been signed and got her first real job on a soap opera, suddenly her detractors are coming out of the woodwork,it is amazing to see. Thankfully she has thick skin, as do I, hang in there, take it as weird compliment. And just take great pleasure in hitting the delete button every time they appear. Just not worth giving them the satisfaction.
Totally speechless. Seriously. I would never in a blazillion years even consider doing this to another blogger. This is what I love about blogging so much and why it consumes so much of my time. I love, love, love the people! To find out there is such a person here is unfathomable and sad. I’ve “met” some of the most incredible women and consider them to be close friends without ever having actually “met” them in person. This person has elephant balls! Your responses were perfect. So glad you were able to get that off of your chest. I would LOVE for you to find out who it is and post it! LOL!! I “challenge” you to do it! Ha! You have a friend in me. xoxo, Kim
There is a reason they are called trolls. Ignore and delete is all you can do. Don’t let “it” get to you. They are not worth it. Personally, I love your blog!
One day this week I got a teasing but nasty email from a reader of my blog. It amazes me what people feel free to say in comments and in email. I say block the comments of the person making these ridiculous comments and move on…she is not worth your time. Helen
I’ve been following the progress of your “soon-to-be-completed” MAGNIFICENT HOME, and enjoying all the articles you write, along w/ the superb pictures you find n’ share with all of us!
I seldom leave a comment, & NOW I feel guilty about it… You have sooo many commenters, that I assumed mine would make it “one too many” for you to read most of the time… I think I need to change my thinkin’ & “thank ye!” more than I have so far!!!
I know you realize you have LOTS of followers/virtual friends out in blogland who like you, even tho you may not have literally “met” in person… And heaven knows all who come here ENJOY THE VISIT IMMENSELY… As the saying goes, tho, SHE needs to just “go away”…
It seems that you have a gal w/ a huuuuge case of “green-eyed-monster” following you, & getting more jealous by the minute… and people like that are obviously NOT the kind of people you want following your wonderful blog! I’m no shrink, but from what I read, she’s just soooo jealous/envious of anything & everything you have or are getting, etc., that she’s just driving HERSELF crazy w/ envy, while driving YOU nuts with her awful letters!!!
I glanced at some of the comments from others, and I TRULY think they’re right about copying n’ saving her “comments”, “just in case”. I don’t know much about computers, but a few gals here said there’s a way to track who wrote something. Maybe it’s none of my business, but I think following their suggestions would be quite prudent “just in case”…
PLEEEEASE don’t let him/her (altho I would THINK it’s a girl) get THRU to you, or AT you, nerves-wise… Maybe that filter “thingie” could help you for a time til she gives up?!?!?!?
Soooo sorry she’s doing or causing all this garbage, but you CAN’T let her continue… And all your followers LOVE your blog & sure would miss it. SOOOO, let’s “GIT her OUTA there!”…
Tina, first time commenter, but have been subscribed to you for about three months now, don’t miss a day! I was REPULSED reading this trash of a comment. I see it very clearly. I believe this is a frustrated blogger who has a blog that isn’t going anywhere, she hates the fact that not only are you bulding an amazing home, but you are so nice too, and therefore have a blog that has hit a home run with people all over the planet. Yes the green eyed monster is here and persent amongst us. I think addressing her as you did was fantastic, she must be a shrinking violet today, but she might give it one more shot and come back to lash out one more time, my suggestion if she does is to simply erase the comment, do not talk about it, don’t acknoweledge it and move on. Do that enough times, she will move on, seeing she is getting no where anymore. It is sad that you, someone who has been so kind has had to deal with this. The Enchanted Home is a special place, and it is because of YOU that that is so. Please do not let this take away an ounce of the energy and enthusiasm that you put into EH. You have so many who just adore you, myself being one of them!
Tina, I am so sorry this kind of person has been hassling you. There are so many of us here that love your blog and adore what you’re doing with YOUR house, so please don’t let this arrogant person weigh on your mind. There is no reason for this person to be visiting your blog at all, it seems that they are more than a little jealous at all you are capable of doing. I choose to admire women like you and I suggest these people do the same or keep away! xo K
Tina, don’t let the nuts out there get you down. I agree that you should report this particular nut to blogger. For what it’s worth, I used to frequent a kitchen forum (where I learned of your fabulous blog), and there were entire threads there about your blog and whether you are “real.” Seriously? I was floored that anyone would think that, but apparently there are some nuts who do. Honestly, nothing you say will convince them otherwise, and I wouldn’t even waste your breath.
Tina because you are such a caring, giving person I know this had to effect you greatly. As I was reading this all I could say is Whoa!!! I say it is time to take your power back and push the delete button!! End of anonymous, end of story. Continue blogging about what you love, because we, your readers love it!! Sending a cyber hug your way, (((((((Tina)))))) xo Kathysue
Sad that is what they choose to do with their life! We all love you, your beautiful blog and following along on your exciting journey of creating the home of your dreams!
What a wretched thing to do. I think this person may be unstable…”we are watching you”??? That is frightening and disturbing. Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy. It’s an ugly and destructive emotion and I am so sorry to learn you are the target of someone’s insecure, toxic, and pathetic issues. Please don’t let this change a single thing about your blog. I love it and think you are a genuine and caring and interesting woman. I, for one, am thrilled you are building your dream home and enjoy hearing all about it.
Most people in the blog world are wonderful, but some, like this individual, can be utterly despicable.
Good evening dearest!!! It is always so fabulous to see you come visit me!!!! Oh, we hold you so tightly my friend! AND YOU LIKE MY DINING ROOM? I try to make it a palace, and it is. I will be making a PUERTO-RICAN style turkey! OH YEAH!!!!! It is so wonderful but most of all, the people I cook it for are my beloved and cherished family. LOVE AND NOTHING BUT LOVE to you Tina!!!! Anita
Your blog is great! Don’t waste your time absorbing some random person and their issues they are trying to project onto you. It’s amazing they care enough to spend their time stalking you. Hope she can find a different target/hobby. Keep posting away
Tina so sorry you have to have someone put you down – blogging is supposed to be a place to escape into a world of loveliness & positive feedback. I for one have had enormous joy from your blog & your cheery comments! Keep up the enthusiasm. x Melissah
I love reading design blogs, but I have noticed that there is a sick, jealous minority out there that loves the chance to play mean girl. They delight in making rude personal comments. But your commenter seems to have gone beyond that phase. I agree, block her/him. These comments go beyond rude and mean. And as for me, I enjoy reading about the process of building your dream house. I could never, never make so many decisions. Love your blog, Madeline
I just discovered your delightful blog and agree with what’s been said…the person who wrote that to you is unbalanced. Absolutely track IP addresses, and if I were you I’d keep an eye out around my personal space. This person sounds like someone who would invade your personal space and that would be tragic.
Your blog is beautiful, and I look forward to each of your posts.
Please be careful and safe! And ignore the idiots. I think you might want to consider stopping the anonymous posting idea.
OMG! I am BEYOND HORRIFIED at this assault on you, your character and your blog. “We are watching you”! PULEAZE!!!!! This is threatening and MUST be reported to Blogger at once. Tina, I wouldn’t miss your daily posts and have loved tagging along on this amazing journey while you build this great house! Just block these anonymous comments and put an end to such harassment. We don’t want to see you treated this way…you do not deserve such ugliness directed at you. Thank you for soldiering on and for all the time you devote to providing us little glimpses into your daily life. God bless you!
I know it seems so trite to say but people who feel badly behave badly. Obviously, this person is jealous of your successful blog. I used to get comments like this now and then too. When it appears on your blog (as on mine) that you have a really comfortable life, people are jealous. I have even had one reader admit it was her, apologize profusely and go on to be a real genuine, kind reader and commenter (using her name now). I know it hurts. I have been there too but honestly I usually end up feeling sorry that someone is that miserable in their own life and I pray for them. It really helps me. Because really, anyone who is happy in their own life would never write something so mean spirited as that. You really ought to feel sorry for them.
Tina, even though so any of these nice comments are anonymous, I can’t for the life of me figure out why anonymous comments are necessary. I would disallow them…life’s too short and you’re too good a person to have to deal with this kind of garbage. IF you are in fact a REAL person! Sorry…couldn’t help myself π You are on the top of the blog world – I hope you see that and take comfort from your many, many fans. Xo Stacy
It seems like this person is either unstable, insecure or envious. Or maybe all three. Who counts how many light fixtures they have. And this person obviously does not know quality…or they would know that all of your selections and materials are of the highest quality. That is obvious!! Anyone who knew quality would not have made that comment.
Hi Tina, I am one of the thousands of readers who love you. Your geniune delight, enthusiasm and humanity that comes comes across in your blog makes you one of only 3 blogs I check every day. Don’t let this CREEP give you a migraine.
I’d like to write a note to anon:
Dear Anon, Your comments have exposed you as a fraud. We know who you are — you’re a social climber wanna be who asks how much something costs before you buy, because you want to impress people.
Trying to challenge Tina to meet a potential nut job like you is really over the top. Knock it off, nobody likes the hatred you’re spewing, that’s not what blogging is about. Go away, and leave us all alone.
Sincerely, Anonymous (because I don’t want a freaking stalker on my blog)
Tina… Your home is the stuff that dreams are made of and the mean letter writer is a real nightmare. You haven’t asked our advice, but I agree with those who said your comments were on target – now simply ignore her — she’s a phony.
Hi Tina, This “person” who leaves comments annoymously is a “stalker” in my opinon. Wanting to get to know more about you by “baiting” you. And they are a “Chicken S–t” acting like there all high and mighty! Please block her/him from your posts with blogger. I have felt so privliged to see your home being built and had no idea that people built things like this anymore, your home is to die for! I love everything you have designed down to the cabinet pulls π I have you on my sidebar because I want to share it with my friends. We all enjoy this wonderful tour! To post this on blogger is to share your excitemnet and joy. You are so down to earth thats why I love your blog! There’s nothing worse then someone with some money that brags about it like “anyoumous” and of course you don’t show many pictures of your family and such because its a dangerous world, and you are smart enough to know that. Your “Stalker” needs to be deleted permanately. And thanks again for sharing your lovely site. Hugs, Pearl
Let me get this straight, if I am reading this right. This LOSER comes to YOUR blog DEMANDS that you PROVE to her that you are LEGIT, by INVITING a stranger into your HOME better yet inviting a group of strangers to a SLEEPOVER? Wait, it gets better folks….you are also being chastised for heavens forbid having CANNED LIGHTS in your garage and closets, shame shame. You didn’t put 84 LIGHTS IN YOUR HOUSE YET TINA? Oh boy, you blew it. You don’t have TWO KITCHENS Tina? Big mistaken. And you had the nerve to talk about charity work, SHAME such a crime especially since you did it all on YOUR BLOG. Then, let see what else this LOSER who likens themself as the blog police (coward in disguise if you ask me hiding behind anonymous) come come out wherever you are out you pathetic low life of a human being. Show us who you are. They had the NERVE to say they are wathinc YOU, how about if we watch THEM. Lets turn this around shall we. Tina, I will email you separatey, I would be happy via my husband (who is a detective and does this kind of work all the time) to happily track down this LOSER for you if you would like. And this way we can let all of the bloggers know who this horrible misfit of a person did this. Now go count your 84 lights lights and make SURE you didnt’ miss one you pathetic liar. My guess? You cannot afford a light bulb. Tina- so sorry you had to be dealt such a mean blow. Blogs are supposed to be fun and like little mini vacations. You must simply rise above it. You have lots of love here and tons who adore you, sending you a great big hug. J
Tina I am so sorry to hear this. I have received a few hateful comments over these years. I try to just consider (the always anonymous) source. This is pretty extreme though.
Thank you so much for your well wishes,as I am doing my rehab and getting better and better.
OMG! I am in shock! Why would somebody comment on your blog like this? Tina, you don’t deserve this at all, and certainly dont have to waste time answering anonymous and ridiculous comments. I love your blog, respect your right to post what you want to and think it’s a shame that a bully could exist in this forum. Hugs to you….and delete any of that ignorant persons comments without reading them. xo KL
Tina, I think you are giving this too much credence. Something as public as a blog will always attract positive and negative reactions. You must focus on the fact that your blog gives lots of people, and yourself, much pleasure. There are unpleasant people in all strata s of life but we don t have to let them into ours. Just question why they have to be as they are, and pity them. ZoeB
Tina, I know how upsetting this must be. But, try to KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON. I believe my comment is about the 70th one addressing this anonymous person’s foolishness. This of course is just what he/she wants (besides to hate on you) is the attention. Of course the choice is yours, but I’d like to see you just delete this person’s comments. Or, why don’t all of us commenters who love Tina’s blog just not even acknowledge the hateful comments. What do you want to bet that they’ll soon go away? Life’s too short to keep coming to a blog you don’t like. Let’s all get back to why we do come here…to go on this glorious ride with Tina building and decorating her dream home!
Tina, This put a knot in my stomach because I know you were hurt by someone’s thoughtlessness. I enjoyed reading your dear reader’s comments that were left for you. All valentines. Such positive thoughts, love and admiration for your talent and genuineness. They far out number the one. xoxo
So sad that people feel the need to spill their ugly guts in blogland. I admire the way you address this anonymous person’s ridiculousness. Surely she is reading all of the comments, and hopefully feels sick that she was so stupidly bold and feels chastened. If not, you’ve got a real weirdo stalking your blog.
What this anonymous person may have wanted is right here -reaction. I am so sorry you had to endure such bullying. Many of us here love your work and vicariously enjoy your descriptions of your build.
Now, let go of the topic – you are only baiting this person and giving them more of what they want – your attention.
Give us more of what WE want -your lovely blog- and if you ever have posts like that one with no merit, delete them fast. That is your prerogative and serves not only your readership, but yourself, as well.
Have to chime in… this LOSER with a big L over their head has time to read, judge, discuss with so called “others” about your blog, write a letter to you anonymously & they hurt your feelings? Please do not give this idiot any power! Put on your ruby red shoes = go buy some if you don’t have any, click your heels & repeat after me- there is no place like home, there is no place like home. Yours is beautiful!!! Because it wasn’t me the insults were directed I found the whole thing to be so hysterically funny & can only imagine if this person is a women they are probably who the movie “Mean Girls” was written about. I am sure the many negative comments have caught up with you but please step back & find the humor in this!!! Please! Your comments were spot on & hope the exercise was cathartic!
Dear Tina, OMG, what an ugly person. I believe she is a fraud. Who brags about not having a single recessed light…not even in the garage??? So pretentious!
I hope it helped you to tell her off, point by point, but this person is not worth a minute of your time. Goodness knows there is enough negativity in this world we cannot ignore, but you can — and should — ignore this one.
Now that you have said your piece, go back to what you love to do: finish you beautiful home for your family and friends, have the best holiday season ever, and keep writing this post. I am not alone in loving to read it each day. It is something I look forward to, and how many people can say they provide that much entertainment and pleasure to so many people? I would bet the “fraud” cannot.
I’ve never left a comment before but, wow! how mean-spirited and venomous some people can be! I had to tell you that I visit your blog often because I LOVE your style! I think you are amazing to accomplish all you do. Keep up the good work!
Don’t let them get to you, there seems to be a lot of cowardly keyboard warriors out there so you should rejoice in how many genuine and supportive followers you have.
Tina I know you felt compelled to speak out and speak out you did, loved how you said what you did, you told her! (assuming its a her which I am nearly certain it is) but now wipe your hands clean of that sad woman and move on and carry on with your beautiful blog that is always filled with such happiness, light, postiive energy and beauty, that is why SO MANY come here, you make so many people happy! Don’t change a thing because your recipe is just perfect.
My advice (which I realize you didn’t ask for) would be to not respond to comments of that nature. It only validates the writers wishes. Read it, delete it and move on. My life style is very different than yours. I am into downsizing and simplifying but I enjoy following your blog and gleaning inspiration that I might use in my own small cabin. While I know that it is disheartening when people criticize or attack you, just try to enjoy what you do and let the rest take care of itself. Have an awesome Sunday!
Tina, Some people are just MEAN! She was probably just jealous and used this as a bad excuse to criticize your blog,which I love and check out everyday. I really appreciate the amount of time you spend sharing the house updates and your sense of style. Don’t let one person ruin your day and question the motives of the majority of us that support and delight in your blog.
I am also dumbfounded and don’t understand why anyone would feel it necessary to leave such a negative, strange comment. But, unfortunately, we all know there are strange people out there who have created their own blogs, simply to make fun of other very successful blogs. I find it very sad, and I totally understand why you answered this person, but don’t give them a second thought again ! Hit that DELETE button as fast as you can !! Your blog is beautiful, a delight to look at and read, and I look forward to every single post……
Perhaps the IDIOT/RUDE person who left the insulting comment doesn’t even deserve a mention. Thank goodness for the DELete button! I wouldn’t even give him (probably) the satisfaction of reading past the first line written by him or her! I totally enjoy your BLOG….keep being who you are….Love hearing from you!
I don’t really understand someone who feels the need to attack another and then not own the comment either. It really doesn’t matter what that person thinks of you it’s what the others think and enjoy from your blog. You’ve shown your new home almost from the very beginning so a lot of what this person says doesn’t make sense. I’ve only met two other bloggers locally and have never posted on them because honestly it’s nobody’s business. Blogs are for having fun, sharing to a point because nobody shares their whole life here and making new friends. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you Tina and love your blog. I count you as a friend even if we haven’t met face to face. Keep up the amazing work!
Honestly, while I can see that receiving letters like that would be frustrating, I find it kind of offputting that you’d devote an entire post to this. Unfortunately, when you open up your home in a blog, you are going to get negative comments. My advice would be to ignore them and not subject us to rants.
Tina this is the first time I have ever commented here. I read three or four and that is about it. I just want to tell you beyond enjoying watching the process of seeing your amazing building adventure unfold, it is your incredibly warm peronsality that keeps me coming back. You are so funny, witty, kind and generous. It always leaves me feeling warm and like I just visited a friend. I take away nothing but sheer jealousy from this comment. I get that you needed to address it, I can see you were shaken by it, I think from here on in you need to be able to resist the urge to call her out again and just delete every single comment and treat them for what they are worth….worhtless, penniless. This person is a nobody to do something like this. I do not think she is someone who built the home she claims to have built, I think she is a fellow blogger intimidated by you and who wants to be like you but can’t and lashed out to hurt you. Keep the IP address, it is very easy to track someone down this way, but its probably not worth the negative energy required to do so. Just keep smiling and put your efforts and energy into finishing your beautiful home and your blog that everyone loves and enjoys so very much. Sending you Thanksgiving blessings and a big hug!
ah, hon. Why do these people have to spend their time spreading such garbage? You have a lovely blog that showcases your style, your new home, and so often promotes your suppliers and fellow bloggers. Just keep doing what you are doing, and let them spin their wheels. x
Tina, It makes me sick when I see this kind of jealousy. Someone has nothing better to do than find a successful beautiful person going about their own business and sharing their beautiful life and want to spoil it. Keep your delete key handy and use it. We all know there is no truth to the spiteful lies this person is telling. I love your bog and I’ve followed it since the first day I found it and will continue to do so. You may not know it but it gives such inspiration and a wealth of design information. I look forward to each post. Waste not your time or thoughts on the lies, we know the facts.
This horrible person derives her happiness from being cruel to others. Although it is hard to understand, unfortunately there are people out there like that. Thank goodness they are few and far between. We are all lucky to be able to share in the amazing process of you home being built! Don’t let that mean-spirited creature get to you!!!
Hello, I am not in the design world but I love reading blogs and getting ideas and sources. I will admit to succumbing to the green monster sometimes when I read your blog and not just your blog but others. But you are you and I am me and our lives are very different and instead of hating you or any of the other bloggers, I am cheering you on that you are able to make your dreams reality. Last year I was amazed at the blog fund raising for the Visual Vamp and I thought how incredible it was that strangers all over the world were uniting to help someone. But I am just as amazed at how nasty people can be and how obsessive. I was taught if you can’t say something nice, just keep your mouth shut. I love the comment “cowardly keyboard warriors” there are a lot of insecure people who need to get their own business so they can quit minding yours. Quite honestly in this day and age it is stupid to post pictures of your self, family and your location on the internet where any kook can use that information. Thank you for your lovely blog and please post the mix for de-yellowing linen white!
I agreed with a “Twist of Lime”. Ignore her! She is obviously a very unhappy person. If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything. I love your blog and always look forward to reading it!!! Faith
LOL-Tina- I came back today to see if good old Anonymous had followed up! Looks like she finally got the message! I’ll bet she never in a million years has had this comments on a single blog SHE/HE wrote AND I’m betting she never in the world thought you had so many wonderful “friends”! xo Diana
It is a shame that some people have nothing else to do but slander others. I can understand your frustration with this person but answering her, you are giving her the attention that she wants. You have a lovely blog and obviously a lot of followers. If she thinks it is fake, then so be it! If she doesn’t like ti, then she doesn’t have to visit and needs to get a life! I feel for you.
I for one am glad you posted this comment. I bet for people who are regulars who prowl lots of blogs, they will recognize something about the writing style or something that this person wrote. I dont’ think this person is “for real” at all. SHE is the sham. I am sure this shook you up, there are always going to be a few nut jobs every where you go, and you just need to learn how to pretend they simply do not exist. Jealously is a very ugly trait. She doenst’ deserve your attention or energy. Delete her from your life and this blog.
There are so many of us who love your blog! I can’t believe how wicked that anonymous troll is. Keep posting your wonderful blog and ignore that horrible person who is obviously jealous of you.
What a sad, sad person. I could only wish she had the privilege of having my mother raise her that ingrained in me…..”kindness, gentleness, believe the best, gossip is a killer, love others as yourself, throwing stones is unacceptable, words of affirmation will always return to you” etc. etc. Even during the bratty teenage years she brought quick correction that has developed her children into “breathing life into others”, not sucking out their soul. 99.9% of us love your blog and read it daily. You are an inspiration and a lovely, lovely person to be so transparent. We, without my 92 year old mothers help could move toward jealousy for your talent and abilities but why not admire and celebrate you. I am…a “HOORAY Tina, way to go girl”!
I am sorry that you are wasting your life away with anger and jealousy. There are so many productive ways to spend your time. Don’t let nastiness consume you. If you have children, do you really want to set this kind of example for them? In all seriousness, please find a way to find peace in your life. A class in meditation may help. (May sound crazy to you, but I have seen a positive change in people who have done this.) I hope you find a way to be content in your own life.
Tina, love your blog. It is a bright spot in my day.
Some people get pleasure in getting the knives out. Don’t stoop to their level. Just recognize their style and DELETE. We don’t want to hear them either. Don’t feel you even have to read it.
Now, let us enjoy your house and your pleasure in it vicariously.
Is there an option to not allow anonymous postings? Then you could ban Ms Nasty.
If you are ever in Victoria, I have two stately homes I’d love to show you. One has some similar things to yours but was built a century ago. Classic and traditional, it gives many people pleasure to tour through it.
Tina, your blog is a delight and I enjoy every post you have of your beautiful home, I am thrilled for you! Though not at all surprised by the comments of the obviously jealous person, (certainly not a lady), people these days, well I won’t get into that. Happy thoughts, happy days
It’s certainly understandable how this upset you. I was a victim of a rude, anonymous commenter on another blog that I used to write and actually did find out who it was and confronted her. If a person feels the need to make comments such as the ones here then he/she should have the integrity to sign their name. Wait-if they had any integrity they wouldn’t leave that type of comment at all.
I’m so sorry that this person has tried to stomp on your joy.
I wouldn’t normally have bothered to “pick apart” anything that the rude commenter had to say, but if their house were indeed 12,000 square feet and had only 84 light fixtures, and no cans, I suspect it must have been rather dark and dreary. Our house has cans, but even if I substituted one “chosen” fixture for every three cans, we have 60-some fixtures in 4,000 square feet. Just a thought. I won’t give them another, and hope you won’t either!
I would love to say that I am shocked at the cruelity of that person but I am not. I am realizing as I go through life and as I try to raise my children that there is just alot of hatred, anger and sadness in the world and that you must work hard to not let yourself fall into that. It is hard to walk away and not lash back with the same cruelity that was given to you but as I always tell my children try to feel sorry for them instead of angery. It takes time and effort to be that mean and it has to come from lacking love and support. Be thankful for all the love and support that you have in you life and continue to surround your life around people and things that make you feel good and then you will be able to make others feel good. That is what you are doing with this blog. I love your posts and obviously others do to. Congratulations on touching so many peoples lives in a positive way. Take Care, Stacy
Well Tina, there are 102 comments before mine and they are all positive! So there. Just goes to show you it’s all worth it.
Funny, I get the feeling that the comment this person left are actually a very good self-description. I feel she’s looking in a mirror when she’s spewing all that venom. A lot of self-hatred there! If she really did have such a fantastic house, she wouldn’t need to pick on other people.
And Tina, never ever give up chocolate for anybody, lol!
How sad that in a time of great joy you have to put up with such negativity. Your home is gorgeous. You must be a very special person to get it all done with so many exquisite touches and elegant finishes. I look forward to the updates and pictures. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Ann
I am so sorry for the hurtful message anon left for you – just know that I appreciate and enjoy your blog daily. It is one of my first reads each morning. Your home is beautiful and I appreciate that you share it with us. Try not to let hurtful people get to you.
Hi Tina, I’ve had the lucky or unlucky experience of building several houses, not as grand as yours, because we’ve moved over the years. Some processes were great and some were a disaster. I guess hers was a disaster and she’s throwing her pain at you. I still want to build again, we’re moving next year, it’s the only way to get what I want, I hope my last move, but I love your blog and your taste. Happy Thanksgiving, you are doing a great job and inspiring many.
Dear Tina, When people are able to post comments anonymously, they have the freedom to say pretty much whatever they want. It allows people such as the woman whose comments appear in todays post of yours to unload. I am a therapist and there is a time and place for people to unload, but it is not anonymously on a blog. I would suggest that the woman’s behavior is a clear case of transference. Her real target and anger is someone in her life and her personal circumstances which she feels unable to communicate her issues and conflicts with directly. You became her surrogate and she transfered her anger and feelings onto you, your home and your work. She made her words feel personal, but in reality, they have nothing to do with you. You were conveniant and because she could write and vent anonymously, and, she had a broad audience, she took advantage of the circumstances. Your energy and time are better served being directed entirely towards your family, friends, those you seek to help and support who are in need, your work, home and fun interests. Having to sign ones name when posting comments is a form of accountability. In a civil society, we should all be required to be held accountable for our actions. Please consider requiring people to sign their names so that their behavior goes public and is directly connected with the individual. People are much less likely to reveal their shortcomings when their name is known. It is a form of setting boundaries which is healthy for everyone. Take care and please stay safe, Kathleen
Tina! Wow! Look at the support you have! Clearly something isn’t right with this individual. Spending time helping a family in-need, rather than a mean spirited letter would be a much better use of time!
oh Tina, what we bloggers put up with..most readers are wonderful and we so appreciate them..but then there is that one or two people that can just ruin it for us…I just discovered my blog posts are being copied and reposted by another blogger,as a reblog..I’m now at a crossroads as to whether I will continue blogging..I seriously don’t know, since reblogging is going to become the new norm like pinterest is… you blog is beautiful as is your home…you have a very fine aesthetic and I really feel for you and this unfortunate situation with this anonymous commenter… but there are no easy answers but luckily you are a strong person and are obviously dealing with it well…. wishing you the best, maureen
btw, I really like Kathleen, the therapists comments (just a few above my comment)…I think she hit the nail on the head…was looking for the “like” button to like her comment.. π make people have to sign their name in order to comment… I do that for safety reasons and accountability…. maureen
Don’t let this tacky woman bother you for one second! It’s really pretty sad that someone can have enough hate in their heart and enough time on their hands to write such a thing to you, especially when she doesn’t even have to read your blog if she doesn’t approve!
Your home is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, and I know that I am always excited to see the progress that is being made on it. It sounds to me like someone is probably jealous because she knows that your home is prettier than hers π
My first thought was that this person is mentally ill. I am so sorry that you have had to go through this! You have so many strong, supportive, loving friends, readers, bloggers around you..oh please do focus on that! Perhaps it is a good idea not to accept Anonymous comments. Again, so sorry about this.. Many hugs and loving wishes your way, – Irina
Thank you for posting the rants of the ‘Closet Bolshevik.’ This so-called ‘anonymous writer’ should be banned from posting on your blog – As should any others who choose to make threatening and unacceptable written comments. It would be just fine with those of us who appreciate your talents and gifts if you established some very strict ground rules for comments and/or emails and keep the vermin out of The Enchanted Home. I would report the writer’s information to the blog site administrators and use any legal remedies at your disposal to make sure this person has been properly advised on what written comments are acceptable. I vote to kick the “nut jobs” off the island! Life is too short to suffer fools! Thank you Tina for sharing your talents and the progress made toward building your beautiful home – You inspire me everyday!
WOW!! Who says s**t like that to people?! Your blog is great and your house is looking wonderful! Good luck finishing all the details (it can be so tedious,yet so much fun) Clearly, someone is obsessed with you and your blog
I love your blog, so keep at it! And don’t let the haters get to ya!
Tina, Wow, I can see why you were shaken, I would be too!! It is unbelievable that someone can be that cynical and critical about a blog that has nothing to do with them. Your blog is an inspiration to all of us that follow your blog (and you are too)! All of us are different, but those that follow you are of like minds and taste. We love your blog!!! We love that you are willing to share what is happening with building a large new home – few of us will actually ever have that opportunity!! (My husband and I keep working on old ones!!) But I love understand and watching all the details and decisions that have to happen and, again, you are wonderful to share these with us!!
Sometimes people do things that are just hard to understand. You should just delete those comments and leave only the positive ones. Negative energy is not needed here where so many of us come to at the end of the day!!
Stay authentic to yourself and keep trusting your intuitions and please keep blogging!!
Tina, I apologize for the late comment – I’ve been getting your posts 24 hours after they’re sent – so I’m just reading this and it is rattling.
To ‘Anonymous’ I say, It’s better to be a sycophant than a psychopath.
To me they’re exhibiting some pretty classic forms of antisocial behaviour. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely they’ll get the help they need, as one of the components of the illness is denial. Their first sentence was ironically reavealing – “not a word you say here is true” – it’s ironic because that’s probably the issue they find themselves dealing with the most – No one believes them! It’s a complicated illness, so just edit and ignore. I say, If someone wants to play with your head, give them no mind.
I would rather find this blog a bit boring if you came with personal pictures, such as your family or of your trips. I am basically interested in home decor..and that’s what this blog gives. I was amazed to see some of the pictures of your house, thought people stopped building houses like that.
Anyways I want more detailed pictures of your house.. fixtures, furniture.. whatever you come across. It’s so interesting to see how people decorate. Either one likes it and gets inspired or know what one wouldn’t do in the same situation.
Whether it’s your house or not, I don’t think you need to prove anything to anyone. And always remember that jealousy is a compliment. π
Tina, all I can say is: good for you for being you – a lot of us love coming here and reading about you and your home & stuff:) And to all the haters out there: GO AWAY – who needs you and your jealousy!!.
I was going to tell you last time you answered one of the anon commenters, but I guess now I should say something. Don’t waste your time answering these internet trolls what you are doing is “feeding” them and the more you feed them then the more they come. I would even go as far as to suggest you turn off anon comments. If people don’t like it then they should just not come here.
Oh Tina, I’m so sorry you have to deal with this negativity. Good for you for standing up for yourself. You are so generous to share your beautiful home with us. That is what your blog is about so you don’t owe us any details about your personal life or how you spend your money. And honestly, the logistics of trying to fake that this is your home would be more difficult than is probably worth while, but I wouldn’t even care! I’m just glad I get to see an inside look at a beautiful home that will be here for centuries to come. Your blog is fun and beautiful and not everything has to be serious. Just ignore the haters. No one is thinking those things. Just one or two insecure commenters who have nothing better to do than bully a very sweet person.
It is inevitable that someone will let loose on a blog. The reader in question needs to find blogs he or she enjoys. How we trigger something inside of someone else we are not in control of but we can click the delete button and not hold onto those unkind thoughts.
Good grief! Hard to imagine someone is so threatened by your good fortune that they would take the time to leave you such a comment. I agree w/the others, it sounds like you have a very jealous admirer. I am very sick of those in blogland who think there is a standard to blogging that should apply to everyone. I’ve heard a few voice attitudes about this before in very generalized statements. I think they’re are way to many bloggers out there who are making way too much of themselves in the blog world in general. I think it is especially apparent when one starts to expect other bloggers to have the same standards and expectations about blogging as they do that perhaps they are moving into unhealthy blogging territory. I enjoy popping by your blog to see your progress when I can. It’s been fun to see your beautiful home coming about. I rarely comment on anyone’s blog much these days due to time restraints and my own personal limitations I’ve set for myself but thought this was worth cheering you on about. So glad you are not going to let the naysayers get you down or tell you how to run your blog and I respect that you set the record straight. Blog on!
Good for you, for standing up to “anonymous”. Every blog has it’s own niche, it’s own audience. I can understand why you were shaken, and hope that you remember that the other 99% of readers enjoy what you post. And you should continue writing from the heart. That’s what really matters.
Tina, I’m very sorry that someone would leave an anonymous nasty comment like this on your blog. As baseless as it is, I know exactly how you feel. We had a very rude anonymous comment last year questioning our credibility as designers…It’s the one comment out of thousands that we have received that I remember every word. I think it’s extremely interesting that people who leave such comments never have the courage to sign their name. Try to put this out of your head and rehearse all the lovely, positive comments you receive every day. XO, Mona
This lunatic is asking YOU why you don’t meet a blogger in person? Is it a rule or law that you MUST meet fellow bloggers in person? What am I missing here? Please fill in the blanks…WTF.
She is questioning your use of “canned lights”? Is this nimwit paying your BILLS FOR LIGHTING? She questions how you have time for your kids and such, is she following you around with a camera? OMG, she sounds like a total deranged psycho maniac.
She is trying to keep the blog world authentic yet she acts like a bleeping coward and signs anonymous. Tina,I REALLY hope you will find out who this TOTAL SCUM is pronto and let everyone know. She deserves to be called out on such horrible behavior.
You are A W E S O M E!!! And so is your blog! I sign anonymous because I rarely comment on blogs, don’t have an account, am not a blogger but am a huge huge fan of your blog and am appalled at this!
Tina, I love your blog and eagerly await each new post. Don’t let the ugly, anonymous troll get to you. You obviously have tons of fans and loads of goodwill. Karma will take care of her for you! Erin
Dear Tina, I feel I must comment so you see the landslide of support.
I love your blog–I love decorating, and the fact that you are willing to share your experiences and add tidbits of style to the rest of our lives with recipes and favorite finds are great!
Your personal life is exactly that–yours and personal. We normal bloggers all respect that and understand those boundaries as we have them for ourselves.
PS. I’m still giggling over the 84 fixtures in 12,000 sf. Talk about living in the dark! I’m with Brandon– I have a 4400 sf house and quit counting lights at 60….
Dear Tina, You have done the right thing in exposing this very sad person. It is clear he/she is out to stir and frankly it is a little creepy. I think that given there were indirect threats you should report this to Blogger.
We love your blog, your amazing house building journey and all the other things you share. Please keep it up and keep your head high. You are doing brilliantly and we love you!
Having been on the receiving end of a troll’s “displeasure” myself, I know it can be a very unsettling sensation. The things people will say when hidden behind the ‘anonymous’ guise never cease to amaze me. I am sorry you were selected as a target, but must tell you that your wit and wisdom cam through perfectly in your responses!
Tina i have enjoyed reading the detailed posts of your enchanted home journey. Dont let such awful mean spirited people detract you from your passion. Best to delete such hurtful posts. You have delighted many of us with your beautiful blog – all the best!
“scathing comment that rattled me” of course it did. How could not. Being no psychologist, having read many books. IMO this person is a stalker of mind (may be in jail to own ability to read & comment in such depth)Most def. competitive=jealousy (IMO most dangerous emotion there is) and I will risk bet Narcissistic Personality Disorder (“Symptoms- A person with narcissistic personality disorder may: ~React to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation ~Take advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals ~Have excessive feelings of self-importance ~Exaggerate achievements and talents ~Be preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love ~Have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment ~Need constant attention and admiration ~Disregard the feelings of others, and have little ability to feel empathy Have obsessive self-interest Pursue mainly selfish goals) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tena, Carlin here. You know I have a shop blog. You have taken the time to read & make comments that mean so very much to me, thank you. As you’ve noticed my blog is a blog of my life(no fiction, like yours), not only one of my bizes. Your blog is one of not only your home, your life as well. We are both allowing people who chose, into a piece of our life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey stalker, I kindly suggest you get a fulfilled life or a cracker jack shrink. Now please scoot, shoo, bye-bye ~~~~~~~~~~ HOWDY ~*Tena*~ have a lovely evening & thank you so very much for sharing with us! kisses & hugs from VA:)
Hi am a regular poster/blog friend but since my comments might hit a nerve with someone, going the anonymous route. My guess and this is only an educated guess, this is A. Someone who is another blogger B. Who resents your immense success as a blogger C. Is also a wealthy, well to do person D. Is threatened when you said you do some charity work, she probably does too and on top of having a successful blog, building a gorgeous home, now you are doing charity work which she probably does and now she feels you are stealing her thunder E. I bet she is someone who visits your blog and pretends to be “your friend” and probably is someone who you visit as well and no doubt are friendly to F. And I am surmising that somehow she has felt slighted by you or rebuffed, not sure how/why but I get that feeling just by her comment about you not meeting up with other bloggers which is silly because the little I know about blogging, it doesn’t’ seem like every blogger is necessarily meeting up in “real life” with other bloggers! But I get the feeling she needs or wants your attention, just her wording struck me that way. There was a slight trace of desperation in her letter though I am sure in person she comes off as a polished professional holier than thou woman about town, but deep down this sounds like a troubled, very type A, extremely jealous and competitive sour grapes kind of woman. Sad for her, but lucky for you, you can just delete and move on, she is stuck being her forever and ever…poor thing.
Happy Sunday! I don’t think I need say how much I appreciate how much you do for the “spirit” of others…the benefits are huge. Let this be your continuous guide in doing what you do that you love…we share in this with you.
The yoga term “Nameste” means ‘The God in me greets the God in you or The Spirit in me meets the same Spirit in you’.
Some people, in my people experiences, are not comfortable relating to others unless they “bully” the connection…we all know people like this and they keep us cautious…to say the least. It’s to elevate themselves as superior while tagging everyone else as amateurs.
Whatever attention they get from this kind of connection, to them, is a way to form a bond…to brag about. It all goes back to how they were raised or what was missing in their upbringing. Hurting people hurt others…they know nothing else.
In light of this great holiday we just have to pray for this “truly creative fiction writer” and we can look at it this way because we choose to.
It is always “Your Choice” of how to interpret anothers presence, remarks, or attitudes. The truth surfaces and now adays it’s easy to find out about anyone even if they comment as anonymous. On the internet there is no way to hide…this anonymous commenter is “waiting to be discovered”.
I just found your blog recently and had to join up so I could come back and see everything after I get home from a prolonged road trip.
I was sorry to see that people feel a need to judge others. Like you said…if it’s not your thing, just move on! I for one LOVE your future house and will be anxiously awaiting more of it’s progress.
Only advice I have for you is ignore any future critics: Never complain, never explain!
I am saddened that you received such a “mean-girl/man” spirited response! You wonder when these types of bullies will ever grow up. Wondering why they can’t put there name BIG enough if they have something to say…agreeing to disagree…but hiding…bully on them!
I love your blog, I love your designs, I love your enthusiastic writings and musings! Hold your head high…be the awesome woman you are! Share with those that receive well….and let those that HIDE dwell in there misery! Life is too short!
Enjoy your HOLIDAYS….and know you are a very special person for putting yourself out there!
I will continue reading…..as long as you continue to write! π
Tina I am so sorry that an individual is unchristian, uncharitable and envious and 1990 built cape cod. I am a nurse and both myself, my husband, and three children would never have the means to build much less live in the home your family is designing, building and planning to live in. Does that make me envious or jealous? No quite the contrary I look forward to coming home from a stressful day at work and seeing what goodies you have posted and how much farther you have accomplished on your to do list choices, progress and move in. To mean it is HGTV, decorating magazines and fantasy come to life. I feel if we got to meet we would be friends. I can’t wait to see your rooms complete, your family moved in and enjoying a true labor of love.
The Mister and I have always taught our children that you never build yourself up by tearing someone else down–too bad the jealous, envious, and competitive anonymous didn’t get the same lesson. Although s/he may have temporarily snatched a bit of your joy, you may be certain that it was only added to his/her growing misery. I would be lying if I said I never felt jealous after seeing some of your updates, but that temporary feeling is far more often replaced with inspiration. Keep writing, Tina!
Tina I am so sorry that an individual is unchristian, uncharitable and envious. My family lives in a 1990 built cape cod I am a nurse and both myself, my husband, and three children would never have the means to build much less live in the home your family is designing, building and planning to live in. Does that make me envious or jealous? No quite the contrary I look forward to coming home from a stressful day at work and seeing what goodies you have posted and how much farther you have accomplished on your to do list choices, progress and move in. To me it is HGTV, decorating magazines and fantasy come to life. I feel if we got to meet we would be friends. I can’t wait to see your rooms complete, your family moved in and enjoying a true labor of love. I am re-posting as my son hit the send button before I could finish and edit the errors. He is 13 and adds Tell Tina that such a low life is not worth a minute of her breath. He also enjoys your blog and states your sons bathrooms ROCK.
I enjoy your blog and seeing your journey as you build your beautiful home. I love seeing your choices and look forward to your updates. Don’t let some mean spirited person take your joy away. I sure hope it is not someone in your circle of “Friends” attacking you. This mean girl needs to get a life. You can see by all the comments today that the good out weights the bad so screw her and don’t give this person another moment of your time. Enjoy Life! Can’t wait to see you and your family living a joyful life in your new home Donna California
Keep your head up! Your beautiful home is “My Dream Home”, literally. I have been following you for sometime now, the energy and commitment is awe inspiring!
Seems someone is a tad bit jealous and is not mature enough to be happy for someone that has worked hard for what they have. There will always be the “haters” in life, but thankfully there are more positive, inspiring people like you in the world. Love your blog and thanks for inspiring me daily.
Tina, I am so sorry you somehow became the target of this sicko. IMHO, I agree with some of the others and think this deranged person will continue with the hateful comments as long as she/he is getting attention and responses. Please reconsider blocking anonymous comments. We love you and your blog and need to get rid of this thing once and for all. Sending you lots of hugs and positive energy…xoxo
Tina, your blog is a fabulous dream home in the making and I for one enjoy checking out the latest posts. I am so excited for the day you’ll begin to pull in the furniture, accessories, etc. and get to see it all come together. π It is going to be so great when finished and so worth all the effort.
Many of us feel so lucky that we get this brief glimpse into your amazing home (as demonstrated by the huge amount of supportive comments posted here). You have the right to share as much or as little as you like from your life. You don’t owe anyone an explanation or have to justify anything to bitchy anonymous people. Surround yourself with those that love and support you, and forget the rest. They are not worth it! Keep those posts coming. π
Wow!…Very sad,that someone is so jealous. I find your blog well written and get enjoyment from viewing your pictures, what you’ve chosen, and watching it all come together. I find that you should never covet what someone else has…there will always be people with more than you and many with less…the lesson is to be thankful for what you have,how we are been blessed and to help those people in need whenever we can. Keep up the good work.
Omg!!! What the heck happened? I tuned in yesterday morning and read a great post then apparently missed some big news. I simply cannot believe that this anonymous person had interrogated you and insulted you and demanded that you answer to them, the part about inviting bloggers to your slumber party is unbelievable. Yu have got to be kidding me…
I will not even address the rest but know this, as with everyone else here I love visiting here, watching the progress of your beautiful dream home and all your great finds. I am excited to see what you are up to and happy for you and your family. I hope that your post tonight exposing these people will get them to stop. Seriously, if they do not stop do not hesitate to expose them for what they are, mean and petty. If these people are business owners I am sure that people would want to know the caliber of people they are dealing with.
I hope you have a fabulous week, take care of yourself! Do not let these people get to you, although I am sure it is hard.
Looking forward to more of your wonderful home. Thank you for sharing!
Tina, I didn’t log on yesterday because of family time and I was so sorry to read this when I logged on this morning. HOWEVER, I think the fact that 152 people have already commented before me (and I’m sure there will be more) that proves everything that needs to be proven. I don’t think I can say anything new here that hasn’t already been said above, other than to say that I count you as one of my REAL friends and I am so sorry this has happened to you!!! BIG hugs go out to you today from halfway around the world!!!!
Tina you owe NOTHING to anyone. You give such joy and fun entertainment to so many and that my friend is gift enough. You don’t have to answer to ANYONE about your lighting, the brand of toilet paper you use, what charity you give to, if you are going on a trip around the world tomorrow or anything else! That is your business not ours. If you choose to share it, great and if not, that is fine too and surely your decision I respect your privacy and don’t blame you one bit for not posting pictures of yourself and your family. Smart girl. You surely do not need to start inviting perfect stranges over either, that was a very odd “challenge” for this person to make. I was floored when I read it. Who does that? It is so absurd, its just not worth hammering on about. This person has mental issues obviously and all we can do is hope she gets some help. Best to you, and sending hugs.
Oh my TIna! I am sorry to hear baout all this. The little (huge)green monster is quite ugly when it rears its head! Your answers are classic. Some peole are best ignored.
Don’t worry another second over this – some people are so full of hate and strife you almost feel sorry for them…almost!
Take care Tina and enjoy your beautiful new home, and most of all your family, who loves you.
I love your blog – the ideas, photos, and insight into the blog world. Please don’t give that horrid person one more second of “air time”. Report him/her if they reach out again, but don’t allow their crabbiness to launch from your positive blog page! – Take care, Laura
I hate that you even bothered to read such a comment. I hate to say that I am not surprised to hear you have received such a comment. There are some mean, crappy people in the world. That person shows that a house cannot make a miserable unhappy person into a happy and content one. Her poor husband!! I read a wonderful article once on “How to deal with crappy people”–it says you have to make a continual, conscious decision not to think about them, not to email them, not to respond to them, not even to talk about them. Wipe them from your mind because its not about you, its about them. Don’t take it personally! Thank you for generously sharing your home! I love it when bloggers do so, and I recognize it is “putting yourself out there.” Thank you for risking it every day for all of us who love to get ideas for our own homes or work, and for those who love to dream!!!
Tina, you are so far above this wicked individual, next time DELETE IMMEDIATELY any comment like this and forget about it. I’m certain I would have been stunned anyone had time to write all this venom, but we all know there is madness in our world. Blow them off, blow them out of your beautiful head. We all know you’re real. We also know the other person is completely worthless. It’s time for the holidays, let’s SHINE like we always do. I love you !!
Tina, I have only just seen this and couldn’t believe what I was reading. Unbelievable. Put it down to a nasty, insidious aspect of human nature – jealousy – nothing more, and move on. I understand why you would be hurt by this – I would be too – but people like this, together with their gang of ‘watchers’- really are not worth the time to even respond but I fully see why you’d feel the need to reply. Carry on writing your wonderful blog and don’t let the turkeys get you down! Human beings really can be the nastiest creatures on occasions.
Hi Tina..all I can say after reading all 159 comments is … “what a doorknob”!!! goodness me… I do not think that this anon jealous doorknob has ever built a house because if they did… they would know how many last minutes choices and decisions have to be madE!!!
Love your blog and please keep your blogging chin up!! By the way..”knowing” you through your posts and your personality that shine through (um how is it possible to fake that and keep it the same grand Tina?) you would have us all over to your housewarming if you could!!
DEAR ANON, becuase we all know you are back reading this….
I have a challenge for YOU. YOU come forward and claim responsibility and apologize for your personal assault on Tina someone who everyone obviously adores. OR you personally apologize to her privately in an email. If you don’t you are slimey and low as they get, a complete coward who hides behind her keyboard striking away with her grimey fingers and evil eyes. Come clean and clear your conscience. YOU know what YOU have done and its WRONG. Annie
Wow! I thought reading/writing a blog was for fun and a freedom of choice!? I have a blog that I BARELY post in! Will “anonymous” comment nastily because I don’t post!? You do not have to answer to anyone! While your decor taste is a bit “grander” than mine(;), I still LOVE your blog and watching the house unfold(grant it, I am fairly new to following you ;).
I am with everyone else, don’t even let the comment make it to the comment section… DELETE their poison before you let it sink in and destroy your day! Blog on, Tina, Blog on! π
Terri PS: How can you even joke about giving up chocolate! lol
I had to find out what was going on with you, my friend, so I took a look at “older posts” and found this. I’m in shock! All I really have to say is that some people will never learn how to live this life and that’s a big shame.
You really do NOT deserver this and I feel sad you had to go through this.
I wish I could give you a big hug from all of us. You’re a inspiration and an amazing person. You know how I feel about you.
God bless you and your family always. Only God to protect us from all these kind of jealousy.
I am disgusted, appalled and in shock. This anonymous person is all over the place with his/her accusations and insults. I think there is partial envy and a ton of bitterness -so unnecessary, so uncalled for, if you ask me. I am glad you had the courage to speak out. That was quite a lengthy comment and somebody certainly has a lot of time to “vent”. Sadly, that is the internet for you; the down side to blogging.
You have handled this whole saga with great integrity and class. It is very upsetting to hear that you have been subjected to these awful comments and attacks, for no reason other than your blog is hugely popular and fabulous. I think you have shown great restraint and if it were me I would not have been able to stop myself telling this pathetic person to simply “Get the f— off my blog!”
Tina I dont think my comment went through have been losing some in blogland. I just wanted to say much I love your blog and am horrified by the comments of that person. I only follow a couple and it is such a pleasure to relax and read what you are up to with the house. There are unfortunately some sad people out there that are best ignored.Having said that it is easier said than done and good on you for putting them in their place.Just try and forget and look forward to the move. We are all dying to see the finished result.xxTrish
Oh my god, i just read this… and i can’t believe what an awful, and mean spirited and terrible horrible stupid head jealous creep jerk this lady is. And that’s leaving off the bad words it makes me want to say. What an A__hole! Bad energy… I guarantee this is a jealous and insecure sick person, who probably makes everyone around her miserable… You are one of the nicest most genuine people i’ve talked to in blogland. I was thinking about you the other day and your amazing home, and thinking how it would be so easy to be jealous of you, but your sweetness shines through in every way, so all i feel is kinda jealous, but in a nice way, Mostly i’m delighted that such a really cool, genuine lady has such wonderful things in her life. You deserve it, and i like that!
Tina I come to your blog often, and never really comment – shameful, I know, but I zip right through, grab my inspiration and check up on your progress, and then off to something else.
I am sorry to hear about your recent negative emails/comments. It is difficult to understand why someone would come and lay that down on your personal blog. It’s almost like delivering a message to the front door of someones home.
I do have to say though, that I think some of the comments you have here from others, who clearly love you, are a little offensive to me. I mean this is the best way possible, but throwing sticks and stones isn’t a good way to play. You’re a great inspiration!! Keep up the great work, and we’ll keep on cheering you to the finish line!
OMG I read this with my mouth agape. I simply cannot believe a sane person, much less an actual blogger would write this, that is rather scary to think this person is amongst us, and likely someone we visit and who might be visiting us. Who is she to quetion what you do with and in YOUR home? Which off the record we all know is THE most beautiful home and she obviously cannot handle it. But that is besides the point. Who is she to question what you should and should not have time for? And more importantly who is she to judge your credibility if you do not choose to meet bloggers outside of the blog world? Many do not. I have met a few but only after doing it for a few years, it didn’t even cross my mind the first year, but to each his own. You strike me as a private person and I can understand and respect that. Her challenge was the stupidest thing I have ever heard, shows you she does not have all her marbles in the bag. This was really mean and low, whoever it is. I do hope you find out if there is a way, normally you can track IP’s and such and you should let EVERYONE know who this person is so we can all ostracize her for good. There is NO place in the blogworld for someone with this kind fo venom oozing out of them, how chilling. I am sorry Tina, you are such a kind and warm person, your posts and your blog are just amazing and all these messages supports that. You have so many who love you, and with good reason. I hope that in itself is enough to not discourage or get you down. I am truly sorry you had to deal with this, obviously someone who is very very jealous and threatened by you and/or your blog. Hugs!
PS I think punishment however has been served becasue you KNOW this person has been coming back to read this, and my goodness she must be sinking through the floor of her 12,000 sq foot 82 chandelier home in embarrasment and shame when she sees how she has been ripped apart in the eyes of fellow bloggers. Shame on her, we can only hope she has learned a very very good and important lesson.
Tina- this got to me so much. I think partly because I am a blogger and it relly bothered me that a fellow blogger would go to your blog and berate you as they did. It was so insulting and obviuosly stemmed as everyones says from a place of jealously and intimidation. Very sad. It also hurt me because though I don’t know you, in terms of meeting you in person I feel like I know you and can see you are a very genuine and very secure, grounded person. I really respect that and its obvious that is why your blog has grown as it has. I kept going back to this comment, because you and I have many of the same “blog friends” and there is one person who stood out to me personally that I really believe fits the bill of who may have done this. I would never share that in a comment, but am going to email you. I hope you will consider it, and do with it what you wish. There was a reason I kept thinking about this over and over, and now I know why. Someone who feels she is your “equal” but you are stealing her thunder. I will email you. Have a great Thanksgiving Tina
Tina!! I was just stopping by to catch up and wish you a happy thanksgiving. oh my! what jealousy will do to people. so sorry you have to put up with this. i still don’t understand how they think you are a fraud. it doesn’t make any sense. hope this post put an end to it and that you enjoy a lovely holiday with your family! xo, Tessa
Good Lord Tina!!! AYFKM??? How the heck can people be so petty and mean? Seriously. Why do they care what you write or post about on YOUR BLOG? All I say is you are a genuine person….I can tell. There is always one bad apple out there who is dying for attention. Be yourself girl. Hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving with your family. Sherry
Tina, I am just FLOORED that someone wrote this letter!!!! I mean who does that, who does this person think she/he is to come to your blog and interrogate you like that? It seems really out of line and borderline NUTJOB! I am sorry they got to you like they did, though I can sympathize. I am really sorry for you because you just seem like such a dollface of a girl, with a big big giving heart and that is why you have been so blessed. Someone is VERY jealous and feeling VERY inferior next to you, in some WACKO way take it as a very bizarre compliment, but it does not make it right no not one IOTA. Hope this mess has subsided by now. Hope you also had a delightful Thanksgiving with all those you love.
PS To question YOUR judgement and taste which by anyones standards is IMPECCABLE was really quite funny. They were trying to tear you down to build themselves up, looks like it backfired in a BIG WAY.
Jealousy!! PURE jealousy!! Your blog is AMAZING! and your dream house?? Words can’t even describe how beautiful it is. You are blessed and this so called ‘anonymous” meanie is just cold and obviously not happy in her own life. Good for you for standing your ground…with intregrity and maturity I might add.
I just recently stumbled upon your blog. I so enjoy seeing the progress. I was shocked to see that some people find the need to “rain” on your parade! The nasty and rude comments were so unbelievable and seemed to stem from jealousy. Those type of comments seem to dampen the spirit! Thought you may need a positive one instead! Love your blog and your taste is exquisite.
Tina read this in shock that someone would have the gall to come to your blog and make the accustaions that they did and then on top of that, actually challenge you to invited people to your home? This is very strange indeed! I am so preplexed as to why and what would make someone do this. It is so mean spirited, for someone who wants to profess that she doesn’t care, she sure spent a lot of time crafting this message to you. I think this is not only someone who cares very much but someone who also probably idolizes you and your taste but is too insecure to come out with a compliment like normal people! She sounds intimidated perhaps by your blogging success, and maybe she wishes the same for her own blog. By certain things she said its pretty clear she is a blogger too. I am sad for her because this shows a deeply unhappy person to last out as she did. Nastiness and pettiness and jealousy should have no place in the world of blogging, its a place to dream and aspire AND inspire, nothing less. I hope she will stay away for good. I am so thrilled to see that so very many supporters came out in unison. YOU DON’T MESS WITH BLOGGERS!
Tina, I’m catching up and came across this post. I am so sorry about your nasty commenter. It is unsettling, I know. I have a “hater” as I call him/her/it who leaves me nasty comments which have actually gotten to the point they are so bizarre that they are funny. Yours was just mean. I have struggled with being forthcoming and posting them, but decided there was so much meaness in the world that I didn’t want to give that person a voice. I delete them and try to laugh… but it is sometimes hurtful. Good for you for standing your ground, but don’t let them get you down.
I visit this blog every now and then. I am a interior designer so I enjoy it…for the most part.
The person who wrote you this comment is obviously weird.
Your dream home is over the top and it sounds like her’s (weird person) is too. Do either of you really need such a huge house?
I saw a photo of a small child (Sudan) crawling – starving to death. A vulture was sitting in wait. It really got to me and I cried. Why do some people have so much they don’t really need while children starve to death every day.
I am an eighteen year old college student, professional photographer, & a JP Morgan Chase employee. The only reason I began my post with such background is because I am proudly living proof that nothing is impossible. I have been around and about several blogging websites, though I do not have one myself, but yours is by far the most inspiring blog I have had such honor to come accross. It’s amazing to me how much of a sweetheart you come off as & why someone with such jealousy felt the need to tear you & your success down is beside me. Whomever wrote this obviously has not stepped out into the real world before because there are thousands of miracle workers and dream chasers out there just like you & I. Your house is gorgeous! I adore every aspect of it from the floors to the ceiling fixtures. I’ve always dreamt of doing something soo daring as to building my very own dream home & to be entirely honest, reading your blog has shown me that it’s possible. Don’t let this person get to you because, as you made rather clear, you have nothing to prove to them. Don’t ever let someone get under your skin because it’s not even worth sweating over. You just keep perservering & watch how angry they get when you don’t give them the reaction their looking for. π This person obviously has NOO idea what he/she is talking about. You’re an amazing person! ( & I’ve only been reading your blog for one day)
Sincerely, Kylie
P.s. If ever you decide to have this “slumber party” in your new castle, I would happily volunteer myself to attend. π
Hi, I’ve just found your amazing blog and have been reading through all your house updates. I’m so sorry this person has been so cruel about your home. I actually don’t think it is a woman writing the comment and I don’t believer they have a similar sized house either (only through working on criminal Profiling in my past career). Please don’t give out any personal details on your posts because this person is likely to be searching for these. I don’t think you are unsafe, but it pays to be careful. Unfortunately not everyone is well balanced, and it must hurt to receive such abuse. Sending you hugs- Also I think blogger should not permit anonymous comments ever! SALLY xxx
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“prove” that to you), for the record in Feb. I posted on my trip to France and ugh..those were MY pictures. Since buidling we haven’t been away nearly as often as I would liked, so shoot me! I am also private when it comes to certain aspects of my life and will not share family trips or weekend getaways with my husband on this blog. I do not post pictures of my family and other personal aspects of my life by choice. So here is the challenge: invite at least one REAL blogger that we all know to be legitimate to your new home to hang out with you for the day. You don’t know me but I would as soon take “your challenge” as I would dye my hair purple and get a mohawk and give up chocolate. I will meet a blogging friend if and when I want to. And when I do I will NOT be talking about it. I have NOTHING to prove to you. Better yet, how about inviting several real bloggers to your slumber party. No thanks.I would be relieved to learn that you are actually a great REAL person and that the enchanted home is not a virtual fantasy of yours or of whomever you work for. Why don’t you instead keep believing I am not a real person and that I am living in a makeblelieve world and this house is all a virtual dream and I just go in the middle of the night in camo and warpaint and take pictures and pretend its all mine. and then go back to the little bridge I live under. I think we are both better off that way, “friends” like you…I DO NOT WANT OR NEED!..We all know a sham blog is possible–I and several others I know have been contacted to create blogs for some rather large entities under assumed names and personas to promote their concerns–so it can happen. Well they sure asked the right person didn’t they? This is my opinion and I would be very happy and relied to learn that is unsound. Just trying to keep some authenticity here in the blog world. Really? If you are trying to keep some authenticity in the blog world, try being authentic and OWN YOUR COMMENT and put a name to it, instead of wimping out and signing as an anonymous commenter. If you have a problem then address it to me in an email and we will discuss it like adults but I will not have you come to MY blog and basically imply that I am a sham. NO THANK YOU.
I LOVE THIS!!!!! You tell them, Tina. You were brilliant. How dare someone go to your blog and say those things. Horrible. So proud of you, love that fighting spriit:-)
Signed a nice anonymous blogger.
I am sorry you have had to undergo this type of scathing nonsense. Even though you don’t choose to go to the trouble of checking up, I think that each person has a unique style of writing, and I’ll bet that your anonymous poster will eventually be recognized by some of your readers. I would guess that this isn’t the first time she/he has tried to boost their ego by tearing into someone else’s joy.
Meanwhile, please continue your lovely posting…I always look forward to seeing your beautiful home.
I am concerned that this stalker could be dangerous. It is obvious that your blog is not the motive behind this sick person. They truly need help.
I get comments like this and just don’t post them. I save the IP address too, so if you need the last one, let me know. It was anonymous, so I have disallowed these comments.
It is a shame that there are people out there like this, but it is just a part of blogging. It is obvious that this person is in pain and needs help, but don’t you let this person bother you. What you have been doing is creating a beautiful log of building our dream home, not to mention your sharing of fabulous retail sites for us to visit. This is just a few of the wonderful things about your blog.
Report this to blogger, and if I had had 1 individual doing this I may take further action.
Sweet Jesus you would think someone wealthy enough to build a big home with two kitchens would have the sophistication to know better than to launch a personal attack as she did – wow! I can understand your need and desire to ” set her straight” and you sure did.
I fail to understand some people and how they think.
Sorry for you, remember you make a lot of people very happy with what you do here.
So sad that some people have to be so nasty. If this person doesn’t like you or your blog, why in the world waste so much of their time telling you so. Such a very sad person. I think they need a friend, but they sure need to change their attitude first. Just delete their comment, don’t even read it. Hugs, Marty
I never comment but felt compelled today to let you know how much I look forward to your blog. Please try not to let this person get to you (why someone would intentially try to hurt someone is just beyond me…if they don’t like this blog don’t come here geesh!). How sad for them that this is what they choose to do with their time/life. Wishing you a blessed day!
Mary M.
I am a new reader to your blog. I think you are such a wonderful and generous person by sharing your design details with us here. Please don’t let that sour person robs your happiness. We love what you do.
I have been reading your blog for some time now. It is fabulous. It’s like reading a magazine only better. I agree with Teresa above. This situation has taken a nasty turn. This is not about the blog is is something else. I would do my due diligance and not allow these posts any longer. I believe that giving this person the attention and publicity they are craving is making this worse. It has become very uncomfortable – just as a reader. I can’t begin to imagine how this has effected you. Take care. Love every little thing about the blog.
OK I’m totally amazed, do people really do that – leave comments like that? I feel for you, it must be very upsetting. I enjoy looking at your blog. Your home is beautiful – it is certainly not something I would ever have within my means, but that’s one of the reason I love to read your blog, so I can dream – I certainly wouldn’t hold it against you. Please keep on doing what you do – I love it!
I can’t believe *anyone* would spend so much wasted time and energy on berating anyone’s personal blog, home, or lifestyle…how arrogantly selfish!!!
Tina, you don’t pay no mind to those that are so narrow & thoughtless…please, you are a bright light in the blog world and if I had known about blogging when building my house (I had only discovered it just at the tale end) then I could only hope that I would have done half as beautiful a job posting about it as you have…I’m always in awe of your ability to so, and admire greatly the time you’ve given to sharing your entire experience…you are officially thanked!!
I can’t even tell you how many of our decisions were last minute, and how many times we were flying by the seat of our pants when building….how dare someone compare their process to anyone else’s…again, very arrogant!
There…now I think it’s all off of my chest.
Have a happy weekend!!!
xo J~
Your blog is lovely. I really do not understand people who are so mean spirited. Wishing you the best in the future and hopefully a stop to such nonsense.
OhTina I read thus dumbfounded how could someone be so mean and vindictive? They must be very jealous or very sad ior both. I feel likeI know you- like how your personality cones through your postings, you make an average day great!
If this person is a real fellow blogger all I can guess us he/she us very threatened by your immense popularity. I do however feel badly for you,keep up the great work, are you able to remove the ability for people to post anonymously? Hang in there,a big fan!
OMG Tina! I am laughing out loud at the audacity of the ANONYMOUS idiot that wrote this. My husband came from a VERY wealthy family. If I mentioned the name you would recognize it instantly…but I, like you, think that I don’t need to TELL the world all about myself-nor do I need to broadcast anything except that which I choose to do.
I CAN believe everything you have done and you CAN do it in a year (give or take a little)…if you are a good planner you can have everything worked out and then make some last minute changes and choices.
I will tell you this- I think that everything Anonymous said about THEMSELVES is a lie. I don’t see any proof at all. Anonymous is a jealous troll sitting in a poor, homely little house wishing she (OR HE) could live the life that you are living!
Bravo, girl, for your response. Now…from here on out don’t give Anonymous (her OR HIM) a moment’s second thought. Delete whatever they write because this is just what they are hoping for- a response and recognition. Laughable, isn’t it?
BTW- Would you like me to list the charities I support?;>) Or, barring that, how about how much I have in my bank account…don’t you think that would be a good place to start? AND…I would be GLAD to meet you for coffee cuz you just can’t get much more real than ME! XO
Tina, “Anonymous” needs to get a life! Maybe a hobby? I had to laugh at the insinuation that this is NOT your house. I can just picture you dressed all in black as a cat burglar and breaking into this house just to take photos! I am really sorry you have been subjected to this rubbish. Take care.
{{{hugs}}} Tina; I’m sorry there are people in the world with nothing better to do than be a troll…
Tina, even if I do not know you, I really do feel sorry for you.
I don’t care to know if you are true or not – and I definitely believe that you are a true person – and I am enjoying your posts and pictures very much.
I too am restoring my (much smaller) house in these days and I too am using a blog to keep track of my ideas.
I feel that you shouldn’t allow anonymous comments on this fabulous blog of yours (at least for a few weeks or months) and, maybe, report any direct emails to the police. It is probably only someone jealous of your “enchanted home” but you never know, and it could be something worse.
Take care,
Just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and look forward to all your design decisions. Sorry to hear you had to deal with this!
I too love your blog and believe every word in it. I look forward to all your posts. It sounds to me like someone is JEALOUS. I think anonymous comments are a cowardly device and agree that you should not let them on your blog.
Please don’t let this person get to you.
Dear Tina,
It has been a few months since I have really read a lot in Blogland, but this post is beyond anything I have ever read. My first thought was this…. Are we in high school again?
And then I though of the kindness you have extended to me as I was taking care of Kenny. Always going out of your way to encourage me… this is the kindness of a lovely woman. I know that.
I am sorry you were subjected to this. You deserve much better.
Please know that so many of us look forward to the thrill of the progress of your home. Enjoy when you ask us our opinion, and are grateful that you have generously invited us into part of your world.
Thank you,
Tina this is only the second time I have posted here, but I am here all the time, I cannot tell you how many great ideas I have gotten from your blog as we are renovating our home here in Boston.
You have shown me so many great resources especially the marble (got both my girls bathrooms from that source and it came out beautiful)
Now I feel compelled to address this letter you received. I would guess this person is really either another blogger who cannot stand that your blog is so well liked and wants to tear you down likely out of jealousy or is not who they say they are but are portraying themselves as a blogger to upset you but in fact is just a random person who is jealous or intimidated by who or what you represent and likely you make them feel inferior.
Either way it is quite sad. I always wonder why people put so much energy into being mean and negative when it takes the same energy to be nice and polite. If they don’t like you or what you do, why do they even bother? Just makes me scratch my head in wonder. I know that even though many say ignore it or don’t let it get to you, it has to bother you, it would anyone, but maybe consider not allowing anonymous commenters.
That I would think would keep them at bay or as you said they would have to come forward and start “owning their comments”. Lets hope this letter put them in their place and they stay away from this point forward since they now know they are not welcome to your blog anymore.
Hope you get to relax this weekend, on a side note the house looks fantastic and I loved your letter especially the purple mohawk chocolate part:-)
I haven’t been following your blog for very long but please don’t let people like this get to you. It feels like high school all over again. To think someone went to this much trouble to hurt another person is beyone me. Hang in there and keep blogging!
Great response Tina. Perfect comeback with a healthy dose of humor, love your humor. This person sounds wretched as my mother would say. You can only feel pity for someone who has to bring someone down for them to feel good.
Your blog is “the bomb’ as my kids would say, my absolute favorite one, and I cannot and will not miss a single post. I think Miss anonymous is in fact a jealous hater who wants to rain on your parade. Don’t give her the power. Move on, smile and keep on with your wonderful spirit. Starting my day with a cup of tea and your blog is a little slice of heaven.
Wow wow and wow, I can’t believe that someone would take the time to be so nasty. And would we want someone like this doing”vounteer” work, I don’t think so. Ignore the jealous comments and keep showing us your wonderful home. If it really upsets you turn your coments off. Don’t let one person who you don’t even know get under your skin. Life is too short for such trivial nonsense. Maybe one of her 84 lights may fall on her(gloating 12,000ft sq home) head and knock some sense into her. (assuming its a her).And what exactly does one do with 11 bathrooms????
I don’t for one lickity split minute believe this person built a 12,000 sq foot home with not 1 but 2 kitchens and 84 light fixtures. Who counts how many light fixtures they have? That right there tells you she is bonkers. Every one of her insinuations were so off the mark, it indicates she is a WACKO.
Best thing from this point forward is either take off ability to have anonymous posters or delete all her comments or just ignore them as though they simply do not exist. Eventually she will move on to try and torture someone else that she feels inferior next to.
Anyone capable of living the lifestyle she claims she does, would A. have the grace and common sense to not leave such a rude comment and B. would be sympathetic to the building process and all the ups, downs and uncertainties. SHE is the fraud.
Tina, you are a bright light in the world of blogs, I visit many, rarely comment only when I am really compelled to and consider yours to be one of my top two. AWESOME JOB you are doing here, please do not change a thing sweetheart! XO
I don’t get how people can be so difficult…I mean really? If I were you I would turn off anonymous comments. I was sent a rude comment the other day by an anonymous person and I read it to my husband and he said don’t give that person the satisfaction of having that comment appear on my blog. So I deleted it. The person was trying to give my blog a compliment while slamming other blogs. I’ve said this before and you know how I feel….LOVE YOUR BLOG SWEETIE!!! XOXO
DO NOT BOTHER. There are so many crazies out there, you cannot and shouldnt fight them. Some people need to elevate their own self-worth by putting others down. As you said, the ones that like your blog come back and read it. The others ought to stay away.
I have to admit, I was very envious of the house you get to have and the bathrooms your boys have – wish my master bath was anywhere near that gorgeous. Your reality is most of ours inspiration picture and, for some, that’s hard to swallow. I love your blog though. So here’s to thicker skin. xx
This person who wrote this horrible post, is, as my 7 year old daughter would say, a meaner. I am shocked to see anything so horrible left as a comment, and sorry you had to have that happen to you. I probably would have been in tears had that comment been on my blog! Just remember all us other people who very much enjoy your blog, are happy for your successes, and can’t wait to see you in your dream home!
Dearest one,
I can see that by the number of comments that you have gotten in just the few hours this post has been up that you have a FOLLOWING OF GREAT FRIENDS, ME INCLUDED! After reading this person’s comments, I just think, “WHY does this person even care to attack you in such a way?” My goodness, even if there are sham blogs out there…..don’t go there, then! What does this person care…obviously this blogger has nothing else to focus on. I am so sorry that this has creeped into your life, but dearest, we believe in your, your actions, as distant as ALL OF OUR ACTIONS ARE towards each other, are always and always have been of the utmost kindness! I HUG YOU FROM MINNEAPOLIS MY DEAR ONE…this is harassment! LOVE TO YOU MY PRECIOUS TINA! Anita
I love your blog and your willingness to share your journey as you build what is a truly spectacular and beautiful home. I love seeing your choices and look forward to your updates. I’m horrified that someone could leave you such petty and ill-spirited comments. I hope it doesn’t impact how you feel about blogging because there are a lot of us out here who love your posts and the inspiration you provide. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Oh my goodness, I found this anonymous person HILARIOUSLY ridiculous!! Does she not have anything better to do? (cuz c’mon with those sharp claws we all know its a woman) Even if your blog was a fake, which I know its not, she should be appreciative that you are putting such great care and effort into it! What a douche. Yeah I just said that. Your blog is one of my favorites and you are such a dearheart. Also I would LOOOOOVE to check your house for real… just throwing that out there! I am available anytime! lol.
All of the above, and listen good friends of mine quit rate my space because of these mean spirited people, you are such a kind hearted person and they don’t see that, they are jealous to the core so…IGNORE..and delete period..don’t allow anyone to make you feel anything other than how you want to feel…you my friend have all that power. I feel so blessed to be able to follow your project and enjoy every moment of your posts because of your beautiful home but mostly because your sweet soul comes through.
So sorry that someone was so cruel. I happen to love your blog, and appreciate you sharing so much with us. Shake it off! This person is not worthy of another thought. Happy Thanksgiving
Hey Tina-
You know what my dad used to say to my brother and I? Something about winners always attracts losers with opinions. I think thats whats going on here. You, are a winner through and through. Your kind and giving nature is obvious.
Who made this person the blog world police? Who are they to question if you dont’ want to share your vacation pictures or talk about your friends? I was shocked to read that, were they for real? Then the “challenge” part, I was like “OK this kook is really off her meds today”. Serioulsy if you are reading this, GO TAKE YOUR MEDS!
I guess if you have a blog, you put yourself out there but you are always nothing less than gracious, funny, kind, and warm and always keep it real. I just love visiting your blog. It really stuns me that someone could be so ill willed towards another, out of spite (and obviously out of jealousy). I am sorry TIna you had to be on the receiving end of this. Best thing is to rise above it, march on, as the winner that you are.
Hi Tina, I just hate that this person got under your skin. Now that you have had your say with the idiot and hear from all of us who love coming to your blog, I hope you have found relief and resolve to ignore such ridiculous commentary. This person is a very jealous person. She is an ugly green eyed monster who has reduced her own value to creating moments when she feels she can be more and have more than anyone else by trying to tear other people apart. Especially nice supportive and well liked ones, like you. She is a sick person. I just am hear to say all she would get from me is a quick press of the delete button, then I would order my butler to bring in my champagne bottle and give me a refill while I straighten out my tiara. Remember Snow White? Well this lady reminds me of the Wicked Step mother who gazes into the mirror…she is just evil and jealous and truly ugly. You, my dear, are Snow White!
So sorry to hear about your troll!
I love Annie H. (19.11.2011 5.15pm) comment “winners always attracts losers with opinions”
it is so true. Your blog is lovely and I love how you voice comes through in your writing.
Tina, loved your response. Especially the mohawk and chocolate part. Didn’t know you lived under a bridge? lol. You claerly have loads of fans as you should. You my dear are a doll. I can tell you are the real deal.
The only fraud is this horror of a woman (and I know this is a woman, as no man would be capable of writing such a catty mean petty post..lol) PATHETIC LOSER is how I would have to sum her up.
Sad in one respect and disgusting in another. Shame on her.
Vent today but wipe your hands clean tomorrow morning of this person and their venom and get used to pressing delete as Amy above said, love the tiara and champagne part too…she has the right idea. This person will go away soon enough as soon as they realize their comments aren’t getting the “air time” they are craving.
What you focus on, grows….don’t focus on that! remember the phrase, “Your candle will never burn brighter by blowing mine out!”
Tina I am a long established “blogger” (2 and a half years) but for what I am going to say I am chosing to say this anonymously as I do not want to offend anyone, and I hope you will respect and understand that.
I have blogged for almost two years, have a healthy readership and have formed a “virtual friendship” if you want to call it that with several women who are just great. I have never met them in person. Two of them live close enough to where we could meet if I wanted to but I have zero interest in cultivating friendships at this point outside of blogging.One of them has asked twice to meet and I was finally honest with her about my feelings. She fully respected that. I raise 3 kids, teach part time, have a full life and am content with the way things are. Blogging is just that, my “online world”. It is whatever you want it to be.
For some, they have met others outside of blogging and have formed special friendships and that is great but to insinuate and “challenge” you because you haven’t conformed to their ideal of what a blogger should do, is just absurd and indicates someone who is more than a little off kilter.
You keep doing what you are doing, obviously you are doing somethig very right, in the short time I have been coming here your blog has grown by leaps and bounds and in my humble opinion might be the best blog out there, you put 100% into every post you put out and I think IF that was a real blogger up there, it is one who is extremely intimidated by your success.
Keep smiling and keep up the great work you do.
Tina I am a long established “blogger” (2 and a half years) but for what I am going to say I am chosing to say this anonymously as I do not want to offend anyone, and I hope you will respect and understand that.
I have blogged for almost two and a half years, have a healthy readership and have formed a “virtual friendship” if you want to call it that with several women who are just great. I have never met them in person. Two of them live close enough to where we could meet if I wanted to but I have zero interest in cultivating friendships at this point outside of blogging.One of them has asked twice to meet and I was finally honest with her about my feelings. She fully respected that. I raise 3 kids, teach part time, have a full life and am content with the way things are. Blogging is just that, my “online world”. It is whatever you want it to be.
For some, they have met others outside of blogging and have formed special friendships and that is great but to insinuate and “challenge” you because you haven’t conformed to their ideal of what a blogger should do, is just absurd and indicates someone who is more than a little off kilter.
You keep doing what you are doing, obviously you are doing somethig very right, in the short time I have been coming here your blog has grown by leaps and bounds and in my humble opinion might be the best blog out there, you put 100% into every post you put out and I think IF that was a real blogger up there, it is one who is extremely intimidated by your success. Also her comment “we are watching you” was a little strange and threatening. I woudl report this to blogger admin. if I were you. They have incredible resources for tracking such things, (save any information you have) as I found out last year.
Keep smiling and keep up the great work you do.
I know it might not feel so great, but they say when you start getting the negative attention, you know you have gotten to the top, that basically applies to almost all fields.
My daughter is an aspiring actress, when she wasn’t getting very far, everyone constantly commented on her talent, her looks,etc…now that she has been signed and got her first real job on a soap opera, suddenly her detractors are coming out of the woodwork,it is amazing to see. Thankfully she has thick skin, as do I, hang in there, take it as weird compliment. And just take great pleasure in hitting the delete button every time they appear. Just not worth giving them the satisfaction.
Totally speechless. Seriously. I would never in a blazillion years even consider doing this to another blogger. This is what I love about blogging so much and why it consumes so much of my time. I love, love, love the people! To find out there is such a person here is unfathomable and sad. I’ve “met” some of the most incredible women and consider them to be close friends without ever having actually “met” them in person. This person has elephant balls! Your responses were perfect. So glad you were able to get that off of your chest. I would LOVE for you to find out who it is and post it! LOL!! I “challenge” you to do it! Ha! You have a friend in me.
There is a reason they are called trolls. Ignore and delete is all you can do. Don’t let “it” get to you. They are not worth it. Personally, I love your blog!
One day this week I got a teasing but nasty email from a reader of my blog. It amazes me what people feel free to say in comments and in email. I say block the comments of the person making these ridiculous comments and move on…she is not worth your time.
*** Dear Tina~
I’ve been following the progress of your “soon-to-be-completed” MAGNIFICENT HOME, and enjoying all the articles you write, along w/ the superb pictures you find n’ share with all of us!
I seldom leave a comment, & NOW I feel guilty about it… You have sooo many commenters, that I assumed mine would make it “one too many” for you to read most of the time… I think I need to change my thinkin’ & “thank ye!” more than I have so far!!!
I know you realize you have LOTS of followers/virtual friends out in blogland who like you, even tho you may not have literally “met” in person… And heaven knows all who come here ENJOY THE VISIT IMMENSELY… As the saying goes, tho, SHE needs to just “go away”…
It seems that you have a gal w/ a huuuuge case of “green-eyed-monster” following you, & getting more jealous by the minute… and people like that are obviously NOT the kind of people you want following your wonderful blog! I’m no shrink, but from what I read, she’s just soooo jealous/envious of anything & everything you have or are getting, etc., that she’s just driving HERSELF crazy w/ envy, while driving YOU nuts with her awful letters!!!
I glanced at some of the comments from others, and I TRULY think they’re right about copying n’ saving her “comments”, “just in case”. I don’t know much about computers, but a few gals here said there’s a way to track who wrote something. Maybe it’s none of my business, but I think following their suggestions would be quite prudent “just in case”…
PLEEEEASE don’t let him/her (altho I would THINK it’s a girl) get THRU to you, or AT you, nerves-wise… Maybe that filter “thingie” could help you for a time til she gives up?!?!?!?
Soooo sorry she’s doing or causing all this garbage, but you CAN’T let her continue… And all your followers LOVE your blog & sure would miss it. SOOOO, let’s “GIT her OUTA there!”…
Warmest, most cheery thoughts to you, sweet gal!
Linda in AZ *
Tina, first time commenter, but have been subscribed to you for about three months now, don’t miss a day! I was REPULSED reading this trash of a comment. I see it very clearly. I believe this is a frustrated blogger who has a blog that isn’t going anywhere, she hates the fact that not only are you bulding an amazing home, but you are so nice too, and therefore have a blog that has hit a home run with people all over the planet. Yes the green eyed monster is here and persent amongst us.
I think addressing her as you did was fantastic, she must be a shrinking violet today, but she might give it one more shot and come back to lash out one more time, my suggestion if she does is to simply erase the comment, do not talk about it, don’t acknoweledge it and move on. Do that enough times, she will move on, seeing she is getting no where anymore. It is sad that you, someone who has been so kind has had to deal with this.
The Enchanted Home is a special place, and it is because of YOU that that is so. Please do not let this take away an ounce of the energy and enthusiasm that you put into EH. You have so many who just adore you, myself being one of them!
I feel for you Tina. I truly look forward to your posts.
Tina, I am so sorry this kind of person has been hassling you. There are so many of us here that love your blog and adore what you’re doing with YOUR house, so please don’t let this arrogant person weigh on your mind. There is no reason for this person to be visiting your blog at all, it seems that they are more than a little jealous at all you are capable of doing. I choose to admire women like you and I suggest these people do the same or keep away! xo K
Tina, don’t let the nuts out there get you down. I agree that you should report this particular nut to blogger. For what it’s worth, I used to frequent a kitchen forum (where I learned of your fabulous blog), and there were entire threads there about your blog and whether you are “real.” Seriously? I was floored that anyone would think that, but apparently there are some nuts who do. Honestly, nothing you say will convince them otherwise, and I wouldn’t even waste your breath.
Tina because you are such a caring, giving person I know this had to effect you greatly. As I was reading this all I could say is Whoa!!! I say it is time to take your power back and push the delete button!! End of anonymous, end of story. Continue blogging about what you love, because we, your readers love it!! Sending a cyber hug your way, (((((((Tina))))))
xo Kathysue
Sad that is what they choose to do with their life!
We all love you, your beautiful blog and following along on your exciting journey of creating the home of your dreams!
What a wretched thing to do. I think this person may be unstable…”we are watching you”??? That is frightening and disturbing. Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy. It’s an ugly and destructive emotion and I am so sorry to learn you are the target of someone’s insecure, toxic, and pathetic issues.
Please don’t let this change a single thing about your blog. I love it and think you are a genuine and caring and interesting woman. I, for one, am thrilled you are building your dream home and enjoy hearing all about it.
Most people in the blog world are wonderful, but some, like this individual, can be utterly despicable.
Thinking of you. Big hugs…Adrienne
Good evening dearest!!! It is always so fabulous to see you come visit me!!!! Oh, we hold you so tightly my friend! AND YOU LIKE MY DINING ROOM? I try to make it a palace, and it is. I will be making a PUERTO-RICAN style turkey! OH YEAH!!!!! It is so wonderful but most of all, the people I cook it for are my beloved and cherished family. LOVE AND NOTHING BUT LOVE to you Tina!!!! Anita
Your blog is great! Don’t waste your time absorbing some random person and their issues they are trying to project onto you. It’s amazing they care enough to spend their time stalking you. Hope she can find a different target/hobby. Keep posting away
Tina so sorry you have to have someone put you down – blogging is supposed to be a place to escape into a world of loveliness & positive feedback. I for one have had enormous joy from your blog & your cheery comments! Keep up the enthusiasm.
I love reading design blogs, but I have noticed that there is a sick, jealous minority out there that loves the chance to play mean girl. They delight in making rude personal comments. But your commenter seems to have gone beyond that phase. I agree, block her/him. These comments go beyond rude and mean. And as for me, I enjoy reading about the process of building your dream house. I could never, never make so many decisions. Love your blog, Madeline
Ignore rude comments…so sad people have to be so jealous. You are doing a great job on your dream home. so exciting to watch.
I just discovered your delightful blog and agree with what’s been said…the person who wrote that to you is unbalanced. Absolutely track IP addresses, and if I were you I’d keep an eye out around my personal space. This person sounds like someone who would invade your personal space and that would be tragic.
Your blog is beautiful, and I look forward to each of your posts.
Please be careful and safe! And ignore the idiots. I think you might want to consider stopping the anonymous posting idea.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Mean people suck!
OMG! I am BEYOND HORRIFIED at this assault on you, your character and your blog. “We are watching you”! PULEAZE!!!!! This is threatening and MUST be reported to Blogger at once. Tina, I wouldn’t miss your daily posts and have loved tagging along on this amazing journey while you build this great house! Just block these anonymous comments and put an end to such harassment. We don’t want to see you treated this way…you do not deserve such ugliness directed at you. Thank you for soldiering on and for all the time you devote to providing us little glimpses into your daily life. God bless you!
I know it seems so trite to say but people who feel badly behave badly. Obviously, this person is jealous of your successful blog. I used to get comments like this now and then too. When it appears on your blog (as on mine) that you have a really comfortable life, people are jealous. I have even had one reader admit it was her, apologize profusely and go on to be a real genuine, kind reader and commenter (using her name now). I know it hurts. I have been there too but honestly I usually end up feeling sorry that someone is that miserable in their own life and I pray for them. It really helps me. Because really, anyone who is happy in their own life would never write something so mean spirited as that. You really ought to feel sorry for them.
Keep up your beautiful blog. I enjoy it.
Tina, even though so any of these nice comments are anonymous, I can’t for the life of me figure out why anonymous comments are necessary. I would disallow them…life’s too short and you’re too good a person to have to deal with this kind of garbage. IF you are in fact a REAL person! Sorry…couldn’t help myself π You are on the top of the blog world – I hope you see that and take comfort from your many, many fans. Xo
Hello Tina
I love your blog and, like your readers, look forward to new posts.
I also value and thank you for your comments to my blog.
Wishing you the joys of Thanksgiving and I await your next post
Helen Tilstonxx
It seems like this person is either unstable, insecure or envious. Or maybe all three. Who counts how many light fixtures they have. And this person obviously does not know quality…or they would know that all of your selections and materials are of the highest quality. That is obvious!! Anyone who knew quality would not have made that comment.
Hi Tina,
I am one of the thousands of readers who love you. Your geniune delight, enthusiasm and humanity that comes comes across in your blog makes you one of only 3 blogs I check every day. Don’t let this CREEP give you a migraine.
I’d like to write a note to anon:
Dear Anon,
Your comments have exposed you as a fraud. We know who you are — you’re a social climber wanna be who asks how much something costs before you buy, because you want to impress people.
Trying to challenge Tina to meet a potential nut job like you is really over the top. Knock it off, nobody likes the hatred you’re spewing, that’s not what blogging is about. Go away, and leave us all alone.
Anonymous (because I don’t want a freaking stalker on my blog)
Tina… Your home is the stuff that dreams are made of and the mean letter writer is a real nightmare. You haven’t asked our advice, but I agree with those who said your comments were on target – now simply ignore her — she’s a phony.
Hi Tina, This “person” who leaves comments annoymously is a “stalker” in my opinon. Wanting to get to know more about you by “baiting” you. And they are a “Chicken S–t” acting like there all high and mighty! Please block her/him from your posts with blogger. I have felt so privliged to see your home being built and had no idea that people built things like this anymore, your home is to die for! I love everything you have designed down to the cabinet pulls π I have you on my sidebar because I want to share it with my friends. We all enjoy this wonderful tour! To post this on blogger is to share your excitemnet and joy. You are so down to earth thats why I love your blog! There’s nothing worse then someone with some money that brags about it like “anyoumous” and of course you don’t show many pictures of your family and such because its a dangerous world, and you are smart enough to know that. Your “Stalker” needs to be deleted permanately. And thanks again for sharing your lovely site. Hugs, Pearl
Let me get this straight, if I am reading this right. This LOSER comes to YOUR blog DEMANDS that you PROVE to her that you are LEGIT, by INVITING a stranger into your HOME better yet inviting a group of strangers to a SLEEPOVER? Wait, it gets better folks….you are also being chastised for heavens forbid having CANNED LIGHTS in your garage and closets, shame shame. You didn’t put 84 LIGHTS IN YOUR HOUSE YET TINA? Oh boy, you blew it. You don’t have TWO KITCHENS Tina? Big mistaken.
And you had the nerve to talk about charity work, SHAME such a crime especially since you did it all on YOUR BLOG.
Then, let see what else this LOSER who likens themself as the blog police (coward in disguise if you ask me hiding behind anonymous) come come out wherever you are out you pathetic low life of a human being. Show us who you are. They had the NERVE to say they are wathinc YOU, how about if we watch THEM. Lets turn this around shall we. Tina, I will email you separatey, I would be happy via my husband (who is a detective and does this kind of work all the time) to happily track down this LOSER for you if you would like. And this way we can let all of the bloggers know who this horrible misfit of a person did this. Now go count your 84 lights lights and make SURE you didnt’ miss one you pathetic liar. My guess? You cannot afford a light bulb.
Tina- so sorry you had to be dealt such a mean blow. Blogs are supposed to be fun and like little mini vacations. You must simply rise above it. You have lots of love here and tons who adore you, sending you a great big hug.
Tina I am so sorry to hear this. I have received a few hateful comments over these years. I try to just consider (the always anonymous) source. This is pretty extreme though.
Thank you so much for your well wishes,as I am doing my rehab and getting better and better.
Love and Hugs,
Art by Karena
OMG! I am in shock! Why would somebody comment on your blog like this? Tina, you don’t deserve this at all, and certainly dont have to waste time answering anonymous and ridiculous comments. I love your blog, respect your right to post what you want to and think it’s a shame that a bully could exist in this forum. Hugs to you….and delete any of that ignorant persons comments without reading them.
xo KL
Tina, I think you are giving this too much credence. Something as public as a blog will always attract positive and negative reactions. You must focus on the fact that your blog gives lots of people, and yourself, much pleasure. There are unpleasant people in all strata s of life but we don t have to let them into ours. Just question why they have to be as they are, and pity them.
Tina, I know how upsetting this must be. But, try to KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON. I believe my comment is about the 70th one addressing this anonymous person’s foolishness. This of course is just what he/she wants (besides to hate on you) is the attention. Of course the choice is yours, but I’d like to see you just delete this person’s comments. Or, why don’t all of us commenters who love Tina’s blog just not even acknowledge the hateful comments. What do you want to bet that they’ll soon go away? Life’s too short to keep coming to a blog you don’t like. Let’s all get back to why we do come here…to go on this glorious ride with Tina building and decorating her dream home!
Tina, This put a knot in my stomach because I know you were hurt by someone’s thoughtlessness. I enjoyed reading your dear reader’s comments that were left for you. All valentines. Such positive thoughts, love and admiration for your talent and genuineness. They far out number the one. xoxo
So sad that people feel the need to spill their ugly guts in blogland. I admire the way you address this anonymous person’s ridiculousness. Surely she is reading all of the comments, and hopefully feels sick that she was so stupidly bold and feels chastened. If not, you’ve got a real weirdo stalking your blog.
What this anonymous person may have wanted is right here -reaction. I am so sorry you had to endure such bullying. Many of us here love your work and vicariously enjoy your descriptions of your build.
Now, let go of the topic – you are only baiting this person and giving them more of what they want – your attention.
Give us more of what WE want -your lovely blog- and if you ever have posts like that one with no merit, delete them fast. That is your prerogative and serves not only your readership, but yourself, as well.
All the best to you,
Robin Reid
Have to chime in… this LOSER with a big L over their head has time to read, judge, discuss with so called “others” about your blog, write a letter to you anonymously & they hurt your feelings? Please do not give this idiot any power! Put on your ruby red shoes = go buy some if you don’t have any, click your heels & repeat after me- there is no place like home, there is no place like home. Yours is beautiful!!! Because it wasn’t me the insults were directed I found the whole thing to be so hysterically funny & can only imagine if this person is a women they are probably who the movie “Mean Girls” was written about. I am sure the many negative comments have caught up with you but please step back & find the humor in this!!! Please! Your comments were spot on & hope the exercise was cathartic!
Write on, write on!!!
Dear Tina, OMG, what an ugly person. I believe she is a fraud. Who brags about not having a single recessed light…not even in the garage??? So pretentious!
I hope it helped you to tell her off, point by point, but this person is not worth a minute of your time. Goodness knows there is enough negativity in this world we cannot ignore, but you can — and should — ignore this one.
Now that you have said your piece, go back to what you love to do: finish you beautiful home for your family and friends, have the best holiday season ever, and keep writing this post. I am not alone in loving to read it each day. It is something I look forward to, and how many people can say they provide that much entertainment and pleasure to so many people? I would bet the “fraud” cannot.
Love to you…Victoria
I’ve never left a comment before but, wow! how mean-spirited and venomous some people can be! I had to tell you that I visit your blog often because I LOVE your style! I think you are amazing to accomplish all you do. Keep up the good work!
Don’t let them get to you, there seems to be a lot of cowardly keyboard warriors out there so you should rejoice in how many genuine and supportive followers you have.
Tina I know you felt compelled to speak out and speak out you did, loved how you said what you did, you told her! (assuming its a her which I am nearly certain it is) but now wipe your hands clean of that sad woman and move on and carry on with your beautiful blog that is always filled with such happiness, light, postiive energy and beauty, that is why SO MANY come here, you make so many people happy! Don’t change a thing because your recipe is just perfect.
My advice (which I realize you didn’t ask for) would be to not respond to comments of that nature. It only validates the writers wishes. Read it, delete it and move on. My life style is very different than yours. I am into downsizing and simplifying but I enjoy following your blog and gleaning inspiration that I might use in my own small cabin. While I know that it is disheartening when people criticize or attack you, just try to enjoy what you do and let the rest take care of itself. Have an awesome Sunday!
Tina, Some people are just MEAN! She was probably just jealous and used this as a bad excuse to criticize your blog,which I love and check out everyday. I really appreciate the amount of time you spend sharing the house updates and your sense of style. Don’t let one person ruin your day and question the motives of the majority of us that support and delight in your blog.
I am also dumbfounded and don’t understand why anyone would feel it necessary to leave such a negative, strange comment. But, unfortunately, we all know there are strange people out there who have created their own blogs, simply to make fun of other very successful blogs. I find it very sad, and I totally understand why you answered this person, but don’t give them a second thought again ! Hit that DELETE button as fast as you can !! Your blog is beautiful, a delight to look at and read, and I look forward to every single post……
You rock, sister! This person is clearly loopy. Ignore and move on with your fabulouness! xoxo, Wendy
Perhaps the IDIOT/RUDE person who left the insulting comment doesn’t even deserve a mention. Thank goodness for the DELete button! I wouldn’t even give him (probably) the satisfaction of reading past the first line written by him or her! I totally enjoy your BLOG….keep being who you are….Love hearing from you!
I don’t really understand someone who feels the need to attack another and then not own the comment either. It really doesn’t matter what that person thinks of you it’s what the others think and enjoy from your blog. You’ve shown your new home almost from the very beginning so a lot of what this person says doesn’t make sense. I’ve only met two other bloggers locally and have never posted on them because honestly it’s nobody’s business. Blogs are for having fun, sharing to a point because nobody shares their whole life here and making new friends. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you Tina and love your blog. I count you as a friend even if we haven’t met face to face. Keep up the amazing work!
Enjoy your Sunday!
Honestly, while I can see that receiving letters like that would be frustrating, I find it kind of offputting that you’d devote an entire post to this. Unfortunately, when you open up your home in a blog, you are going to get negative comments. My advice would be to ignore them and not subject us to rants.
Tina this is the first time I have ever commented here. I read three or four and that is about it. I just want to tell you beyond enjoying watching the process of seeing your amazing building adventure unfold, it is your incredibly warm peronsality that keeps me coming back. You are so funny, witty, kind and generous. It always leaves me feeling warm and like I just visited a friend.
I take away nothing but sheer jealousy from this comment. I get that you needed to address it, I can see you were shaken by it, I think from here on in you need to be able to resist the urge to call her out again and just delete every single comment and treat them for what they are worth….worhtless, penniless. This person is a nobody to do something like this. I do not think she is someone who built the home she claims to have built, I think she is a fellow blogger intimidated by you and who wants to be like you but can’t and lashed out to hurt you. Keep the IP address, it is very easy to track someone down this way, but its probably not worth the negative energy required to do so. Just keep smiling and put your efforts and energy into finishing your beautiful home and your blog that everyone loves and enjoys so very much.
Sending you Thanksgiving blessings and a big hug!
ah, hon. Why do these people have to spend their time spreading such garbage? You have a lovely blog that showcases your style, your new home, and so often promotes your suppliers and fellow bloggers. Just keep doing what you are doing, and let them spin their wheels. x
Tina, It makes me sick when I see this kind of jealousy. Someone has nothing better to do than find a successful beautiful person going about their own business and sharing their beautiful life and want to spoil it. Keep your delete key handy and use it. We all know there is no truth to the spiteful lies this person is telling. I love your bog and I’ve followed it since the first day I found it and will continue to do so. You may not know it but it gives such inspiration and a wealth of design information. I look forward to each post. Waste not your time or thoughts on the lies, we know the facts.
The French Hutch
This horrible person derives her happiness from being cruel to others. Although it is hard to understand, unfortunately there are people out there like that. Thank goodness they are few and far between. We are all lucky to be able to share in the amazing process of you home being built! Don’t let that mean-spirited creature get to you!!!
Hello, I am not in the design world but I love reading blogs and getting ideas and sources. I will admit to succumbing to the green monster sometimes when I read your blog and not just your blog but others. But you are you and I am me and our lives are very different and instead of hating you or any of the other bloggers, I am cheering you on that you are able to make your dreams reality. Last year I was amazed at the blog fund raising for the Visual Vamp and I thought how incredible it was that strangers all over the world were uniting to help someone. But I am just as amazed at how nasty people can be and how obsessive. I was taught if you can’t say something nice, just keep your mouth shut. I love the comment “cowardly keyboard warriors” there are a lot of insecure people who need to get their own business so they can quit minding yours. Quite honestly in this day and age it is stupid to post pictures of your self, family and your location on the internet where any kook can use that information. Thank you for your lovely blog and please post the mix for de-yellowing linen white!
I agreed with a “Twist of Lime”. Ignore her! She is obviously a very unhappy person. If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything. I love your blog and always look forward to reading it!!! Faith
LOL-Tina- I came back today to see if good old Anonymous had followed up! Looks like she finally got the message! I’ll bet she never in a million years has had this comments on a single blog SHE/HE wrote AND I’m betting she never in the world thought you had so many wonderful “friends”! xo Diana
It is a shame that some people have nothing else to do but slander others.
I can understand your frustration with this person but answering her, you are giving her the attention that she wants.
You have a lovely blog and obviously a lot of followers. If she thinks it is fake, then so be it! If she doesn’t like ti, then she doesn’t have to visit and needs to get a life! I feel for you.
Want to drive her crazy…ignore, ignore, ignore!
I for one am glad you posted this comment. I bet for people who are regulars who prowl lots of blogs, they will recognize something about the writing style or something that this person wrote. I dont’ think this person is “for real” at all. SHE is the sham. I am sure this shook you up, there are always going to be a few nut jobs every where you go, and you just need to learn how to pretend they simply do not exist. Jealously is a very ugly trait. She doenst’ deserve your attention or energy. Delete her from your life and this blog.
There are so many of us who love your blog! I can’t believe how wicked that anonymous troll is. Keep posting your wonderful blog and ignore that horrible person who is obviously jealous of you.
What a sad, sad person. I could only wish she had the privilege of having my mother raise her that ingrained in me…..”kindness, gentleness, believe the best, gossip is a killer, love others as yourself, throwing stones is unacceptable, words of affirmation will always return to you” etc. etc. Even during the bratty teenage years she brought quick correction that has developed her children into “breathing life into others”, not sucking out their soul. 99.9% of us love your blog and read it daily. You are an inspiration and a lovely, lovely person to be so transparent. We, without my 92 year old mothers help could move toward jealousy for your talent and abilities but why not admire and celebrate you. I am…a “HOORAY Tina, way to go girl”!
Dear Anonymous commenter,
I am sorry that you are wasting your life away with anger and jealousy. There are so many productive ways to spend your time. Don’t let nastiness consume you. If you have children, do you really want to set this kind of example for them? In all seriousness, please find a way to find peace in your life. A class in meditation may help. (May sound crazy to you, but I have seen a positive change in people who have done this.) I hope you find a way to be content in your own life.
Tina, love your blog. It is a bright spot in my day.
Some people get pleasure in getting the knives out. Don’t stoop to their level. Just recognize their style and DELETE. We don’t want to hear them either. Don’t feel you even have to read it.
Now, let us enjoy your house and your pleasure in it vicariously.
Is there an option to not allow anonymous postings? Then you could ban Ms Nasty.
If you are ever in Victoria, I have two stately homes I’d love to show you. One has some similar things to yours but was built a century ago. Classic and traditional, it gives many people pleasure to tour through it.
Tina, your blog is a delight and I enjoy every post you have of your beautiful home, I am thrilled for you! Though not at all surprised by the comments of the obviously jealous person, (certainly not a lady), people these days, well I won’t get into that. Happy thoughts, happy days
It’s certainly understandable how this upset you. I was a victim of a rude, anonymous commenter on another blog that I used to write and actually did find out who it was and confronted her. If a person feels the need to make comments such as the ones here then he/she should have the integrity to sign their name. Wait-if they had any integrity they wouldn’t leave that type of comment at all.
I’m so sorry that this person has tried to stomp on your joy.
I wouldn’t normally have bothered to “pick apart” anything that the rude commenter had to say, but if their house were indeed 12,000 square feet and had only 84 light fixtures, and no cans, I suspect it must have been rather dark and dreary. Our house has cans, but even if I substituted one “chosen” fixture for every three cans, we have 60-some fixtures in 4,000 square feet. Just a thought. I won’t give them another, and hope you won’t either!
I would love to say that I am shocked at the cruelity of that person but I am not. I am realizing as I go through life and as I try to raise my children that there is just alot of hatred, anger and sadness in the world and that you must work hard to not let yourself fall into that. It is hard to walk away and not lash back with the same cruelity that was given to you but as I always tell my children try to feel sorry for them instead of angery. It takes time and effort to be that mean and it has to come from lacking love and support. Be thankful for all the love and support that you have in you life and continue to surround your life around people and things that make you feel good and then you will be able to make others feel good. That is what you are doing with this blog. I love your posts and obviously others do to. Congratulations on touching so many peoples lives in a positive way. Take Care, Stacy
Well Tina, there are 102 comments before mine and they are all positive! So there. Just goes to show you it’s all worth it.
Funny, I get the feeling that the comment this person left are actually a very good self-description. I feel she’s looking in a mirror when she’s spewing all that venom. A lot of self-hatred there! If she really did have such a fantastic house, she wouldn’t need to pick on other people.
And Tina, never ever give up chocolate for anybody, lol!
How sad that in a time of great joy you have to put up with such negativity.
Your home is gorgeous. You must be a very special person to get it all done with so many exquisite touches and elegant finishes. I look forward to the updates and pictures. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
I am so sorry for the hurtful message anon left for you – just know that I appreciate and enjoy your blog daily. It is one of my first reads each morning. Your home is beautiful and I appreciate that you share it with us. Try not to let hurtful people get to you.
Hi Tina,
I’ve had the lucky or unlucky experience of building several houses, not as grand as yours, because we’ve moved over the years. Some processes were great and some were a disaster. I guess hers was a disaster and she’s throwing her pain at you. I still want to build again, we’re moving next year, it’s the only way to get what I want, I hope my last move, but I love your blog and your taste. Happy Thanksgiving, you are doing a great job and inspiring many.
Dear Tina,
When people are able to post comments anonymously, they have the freedom to say pretty much whatever they want. It allows people such as the woman whose comments appear in todays post of yours to unload. I am a therapist and there is a time and place for people to unload, but it is not anonymously on a blog. I would suggest that the woman’s behavior is a clear case of transference. Her real target and anger is someone in her life and her personal circumstances which she feels unable to communicate her issues and conflicts with directly. You became her surrogate and she transfered her anger and feelings onto you, your home and your work. She made her words feel personal, but in reality, they have nothing to do with you. You were conveniant and because she could write and vent anonymously, and, she had a broad audience, she took advantage of the circumstances.
Your energy and time are better served being directed entirely towards your family, friends, those you seek to help and support who are in need, your work, home and fun interests.
Having to sign ones name when posting comments is a form of accountability. In a civil society, we should all be required to be held accountable for our actions. Please consider requiring people to sign their names so that their behavior goes public and is directly connected with the individual. People are much less likely to reveal their shortcomings when their name is known. It is a form of setting boundaries which is healthy for everyone.
Take care and please stay safe,
Tina! Wow! Look at the support you have! Clearly something isn’t right with this individual. Spending time helping a family in-need, rather than a mean spirited letter would be a much better use of time!
oh Tina,
what we bloggers put up with..most readers are wonderful and we so appreciate them..but then there is that one or two people that can just ruin it for us…I just discovered my blog posts are being copied and reposted by another blogger,as a reblog..I’m now at a crossroads as to whether I will continue blogging..I seriously don’t know, since reblogging is going to become the new norm like pinterest is…
you blog is beautiful as is your home…you have a very fine aesthetic and I really feel for you and this unfortunate situation with this anonymous commenter…
but there are no easy answers but luckily you are a strong person and are obviously dealing with it well….
wishing you the best,
btw, I really like Kathleen, the therapists comments (just a few above my comment)…I think she hit the nail on the head…was looking for the “like” button to like her comment.. π
make people have to sign their name in order to comment…
I do that for safety reasons and accountability….
Don’t let this tacky woman bother you for one second! It’s really pretty sad that someone can have enough hate in their heart and enough time on their hands to write such a thing to you, especially when she doesn’t even have to read your blog if she doesn’t approve!
Your home is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, and I know that I am always excited to see the progress that is being made on it.
It sounds to me like someone is probably jealous because she knows that your home is prettier than hers π
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving,
Tina Dear,
My first thought was that this person is mentally ill. I am so sorry that you have had to go through this! You have so many strong, supportive, loving friends, readers, bloggers around you..oh please do focus on that!
Perhaps it is a good idea not to accept Anonymous comments. Again, so sorry about this..
Many hugs and loving wishes your way,
– Irina
Thank you for posting the rants of the ‘Closet Bolshevik.’ This so-called ‘anonymous writer’ should be banned from posting on your blog – As should any others who choose to make threatening and unacceptable written comments.
It would be just fine with those of us who appreciate your talents and gifts if you established some very strict ground rules for comments and/or emails and keep the vermin out of The Enchanted Home.
I would report the writer’s information to the blog site administrators and use any legal remedies at your disposal to make sure this person has been properly advised on what written comments are acceptable.
I vote to kick the “nut jobs” off the island! Life is too short to suffer fools!
Thank you Tina for sharing your talents and the progress made toward building your beautiful home – You inspire me everyday!
WOW!! Who says s**t like that to people?! Your blog is great and your house is looking wonderful! Good luck finishing all the details (it can be so tedious,yet so much fun) Clearly, someone is obsessed with you and your blog
I love your blog, so keep at it! And don’t let the haters get to ya!
What happened to the Quintessence blog? Hum..
Tina, Wow, I can see why you were shaken, I would be too!! It is unbelievable that someone can be that cynical and critical about a blog that has nothing to do with them. Your blog is an inspiration to all of us that follow your blog (and you are too)! All of us are different, but those that follow you are of like minds and taste. We love your blog!!! We love that you are willing to share what is happening with building a large new home – few of us will actually ever have that opportunity!! (My husband and I keep working on old ones!!) But I love understand and watching all the details and decisions that have to happen and, again, you are wonderful to share these with us!!
Sometimes people do things that are just hard to understand. You should just delete those comments and leave only the positive ones. Negative energy is not needed here where so many of us come to at the end of the day!!
Stay authentic to yourself and keep trusting your intuitions and please keep blogging!!
Tina, I apologize for the late comment – I’ve been getting your posts 24 hours after they’re sent – so I’m just reading this and it is rattling.
To ‘Anonymous’ I say, It’s better to be a sycophant than a psychopath.
To me they’re exhibiting some pretty classic forms of antisocial behaviour. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely they’ll get the help they need, as one of the components of the illness is denial. Their first sentence was ironically reavealing – “not a word you say here is true” – it’s ironic because that’s probably the issue they find themselves dealing with the most – No one believes them! It’s a complicated illness, so just edit and ignore. I say, If someone wants to play with your head, give them no mind.
I would rather find this blog a bit boring if you came with personal pictures, such as your family or of your trips. I am basically interested in home decor..and that’s what this blog gives. I was amazed to see some of the pictures of your house, thought people stopped building houses like that.
Anyways I want more detailed pictures of your house.. fixtures, furniture.. whatever you come across. It’s so interesting to see how people decorate. Either one likes it and gets inspired or know what one wouldn’t do in the same situation.
Whether it’s your house or not, I don’t think you need to prove anything to anyone. And always remember that jealousy is a compliment. π
Tina, all I can say is: good for you for being you – a lot of us love coming here and reading about you and your home & stuff:)
And to all the haters out there: GO AWAY – who needs you and your jealousy!!.
Sweet Tina,
You have answered this in a very good way!!! You are so right!!!
What a kind of person is this?!!!!
I am supporting you my dear!!
I was going to tell you last time you answered one of the anon commenters, but I guess now I should say something. Don’t waste your time answering these internet trolls what you are doing is “feeding” them and the more you feed them then the more they come. I would even go as far as to suggest you turn off anon comments. If people don’t like it then they should just not come here.
All the best!
Oh Tina, I’m so sorry you have to deal with this negativity. Good for you for standing up for yourself. You are so generous to share your beautiful home with us. That is what your blog is about so you don’t owe us any details about your personal life or how you spend your money. And honestly, the logistics of trying to fake that this is your home would be more difficult than is probably worth while, but I wouldn’t even care! I’m just glad I get to see an inside look at a beautiful home that will be here for centuries to come. Your blog is fun and beautiful and not everything has to be serious. Just ignore the haters. No one is thinking those things. Just one or two insecure commenters who have nothing better to do than bully a very sweet person.
It is inevitable that someone will let loose on a blog. The reader in question needs to find blogs he or she enjoys. How we trigger something inside of someone else we are not in control of but we can click the delete button and not hold onto those unkind thoughts.
Good grief! Hard to imagine someone is so threatened by your good fortune that they would take the time to leave you such a comment. I agree w/the others, it sounds like you have a very jealous admirer. I am very sick of those in blogland who think there is a standard to blogging that should apply to everyone. I’ve heard a few voice attitudes about this before in very generalized statements. I think they’re are way to many bloggers out there who are making way too much of themselves in the blog world in general. I think it is especially apparent when one starts to expect other bloggers to have the same standards and expectations about blogging as they do that perhaps they are moving into unhealthy blogging territory. I enjoy popping by your blog to see your progress when I can. It’s been fun to see your beautiful home coming about. I rarely comment on anyone’s blog much these days due to time restraints and my own personal limitations I’ve set for myself but thought this was worth cheering you on about. So glad you are not going to let the naysayers get you down or tell you how to run your blog and I respect that you set the record straight. Blog on!
Good for you, for standing up to “anonymous”. Every blog has it’s own niche, it’s own audience. I can understand why you were shaken, and hope that you remember that the other 99% of readers enjoy what you post. And you should continue writing from the heart. That’s what really matters.
Tina, I’m very sorry that someone would leave an anonymous nasty comment like this on your blog. As baseless as it is, I know exactly how you feel. We had a very rude anonymous comment last year questioning our credibility as designers…It’s the one comment out of thousands that we have received that I remember every word. I think it’s extremely interesting that people who leave such comments never have the courage to sign their name. Try to put this out of your head and rehearse all the lovely, positive comments you receive every day. XO, Mona
Why did Quintessence’s blog go off “the air” for almost the whole day? Just saying.
HELP! I need to wrap my brain around this-
This lunatic is asking YOU why you don’t meet a blogger in person? Is it a rule or law that you MUST meet fellow bloggers in person?
What am I missing here? Please fill in the blanks…WTF.
She is questioning your use of “canned lights”? Is this nimwit paying your BILLS FOR LIGHTING? She questions how you have time for your kids and such, is she following you around with a camera? OMG, she sounds like a total deranged psycho maniac.
She is trying to keep the blog world authentic yet she acts like a bleeping coward and signs anonymous. Tina,I REALLY hope you will find out who this TOTAL SCUM is pronto and let everyone know.
She deserves to be called out on such horrible behavior.
You are A W E S O M E!!! And so is your blog!
I sign anonymous because I rarely comment on blogs, don’t have an account, am not a blogger but am a huge huge fan of your blog and am appalled at this!
Tina, I love your blog and eagerly await each new post. Don’t let the ugly, anonymous troll get to you. You obviously have tons of fans and loads of goodwill. Karma will take care of her for you!
Dear Tina,
I feel I must comment so you see the landslide of support.
I love your blog–I love decorating, and the fact that you are willing to share your experiences and add tidbits of style to the rest of our lives with recipes and favorite finds are great!
Your personal life is exactly that–yours and personal. We normal bloggers all respect that and understand those boundaries as we have them for ourselves.
I’m still giggling over the 84 fixtures in 12,000 sf. Talk about living in the dark! I’m with Brandon– I have a 4400 sf house and quit counting lights at 60….
Dear Tina,
You have done the right thing in exposing this very sad person. It is clear he/she is out to stir and frankly it is a little creepy.
I think that given there were indirect threats you should report this to Blogger.
We love your blog, your amazing house building journey and all the other things you share. Please keep it up and keep your head high. You are doing brilliantly and we love you!
Lots of supporting hugs all the way from Sweden!
x Charlotta
Space for Inspiration
Having been on the receiving end of a troll’s “displeasure” myself, I know it can be a very unsettling sensation. The things people will say when hidden behind the ‘anonymous’ guise never cease to amaze me. I am sorry you were selected as a target, but must tell you that your wit and wisdom cam through perfectly in your responses!
Sending you a smile and a hug,
i have enjoyed reading the detailed posts of your enchanted home journey. Dont let such awful mean spirited people detract you from your passion. Best to delete such hurtful posts. You have delighted many of us with your beautiful blog – all the best!
“scathing comment that rattled me” of course it did. How could not.
Being no psychologist, having read many books. IMO this person is a stalker of mind (may be in jail to own ability to read & comment in such depth)Most def. competitive=jealousy (IMO most dangerous emotion there is)
and I will risk bet Narcissistic Personality Disorder (“Symptoms-
A person with narcissistic personality disorder may:
~React to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
~Take advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
~Have excessive feelings of self-importance
~Exaggerate achievements and talents
~Be preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
~Have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
~Need constant attention and admiration
~Disregard the feelings of others, and have little ability to feel empathy Have obsessive self-interest Pursue mainly selfish goals)
Tena, Carlin here. You know I have a shop blog. You have taken the time to read & make comments that mean so very much to me, thank you.
As you’ve noticed my blog is a blog of my life(no fiction, like yours), not only one of my bizes.
Your blog is one of not only your home, your life as well.
We are both allowing people who chose, into a piece of our life.
Hey stalker, I kindly suggest you get a fulfilled life or a cracker jack shrink. Now please scoot, shoo, bye-bye
HOWDY ~*Tena*~ have a lovely evening & thank you so very much for sharing with us! kisses & hugs from VA:)
Hi am a regular poster/blog friend but since my comments might hit a nerve with someone, going the anonymous route. My guess and this is only an educated guess, this is
A. Someone who is another blogger
B. Who resents your immense success as a blogger
C. Is also a wealthy, well to do person
D. Is threatened when you said you do some charity work, she probably does too and on top of having a successful blog, building a gorgeous home, now you are doing charity work which she probably does and now she feels you are stealing her thunder
E. I bet she is someone who visits your blog and pretends to be “your friend” and probably is someone who you visit as well and no doubt are friendly to
F. And I am surmising that somehow she has felt slighted by you or rebuffed, not sure how/why but I get that feeling just by her comment about you not meeting up with other bloggers which is silly because the little I know about blogging, it doesn’t’ seem like every blogger is necessarily meeting up in “real life” with other bloggers! But I get the feeling she needs or wants your attention, just her wording struck me that way.
There was a slight trace of desperation in her letter though I am sure in person she comes off as a polished professional holier than thou woman about town, but deep down this sounds like a troubled, very type A, extremely jealous and competitive sour grapes kind of woman. Sad for her, but lucky for you, you can just delete and move on, she is stuck being her forever and ever…poor thing.
Happy Sunday! I don’t think I need say how much I appreciate how much you do for the “spirit” of others…the benefits are huge. Let this be your continuous guide in doing what you do that you love…we share in this with you.
The yoga term “Nameste” means ‘The God in me greets the God in you or
The Spirit in me meets the same Spirit in you’.
Some people, in my people experiences, are not comfortable relating to others unless they “bully” the connection…we all know people like this and they keep us cautious…to say the least. It’s to elevate themselves as superior while tagging everyone else as amateurs.
Whatever attention they get from this kind of connection, to them, is a way to form a bond…to brag about. It all goes back to how they were raised or what was missing in their upbringing. Hurting people hurt others…they know nothing else.
In light of this great holiday we just have to pray for this “truly creative fiction writer” and we can look at it this way because we choose to.
It is always “Your Choice” of how to interpret anothers presence, remarks, or attitudes. The truth surfaces and now adays it’s easy to find out about anyone even if they comment as anonymous. On the internet there is no way to hide…this anonymous commenter is “waiting to be discovered”.
I just found your blog recently and had to join up so I could come back and see everything after I get home from a prolonged road trip.
I was sorry to see that people feel a need to judge others. Like you said…if it’s not your thing, just move on! I for one LOVE your future house and will be anxiously awaiting more of it’s progress.
Only advice I have for you is ignore any future critics: Never complain, never explain!
I am saddened that you received such a “mean-girl/man” spirited response! You wonder when these types of bullies will ever grow up. Wondering why they can’t put there name BIG enough if they have something to say…agreeing to disagree…but hiding…bully on them!
I love your blog, I love your designs, I love your enthusiastic writings and musings! Hold your head high…be the awesome woman you are! Share with those that receive well….and let those that HIDE dwell in there misery! Life is too short!
Enjoy your HOLIDAYS….and know you are a very special person for putting yourself out there!
I will continue reading…..as long as you continue to write! π
Warmest regards!
Tina I am so sorry that an individual is unchristian, uncharitable and envious and 1990 built cape cod. I am a nurse and both myself, my husband, and three children would never have the means to build much less live in the home your family is designing, building and planning to live in. Does that make me envious or jealous? No quite the contrary I look forward to coming home from a stressful day at work and seeing what goodies you have posted and how much farther you have accomplished on your to do list choices, progress and move in. To mean it is HGTV, decorating magazines and fantasy come to life. I feel if we got to meet we would be friends. I can’t wait to see your rooms complete, your family moved in and enjoying a true labor of love.
The Mister and I have always taught our children that you never build yourself up by tearing someone else down–too bad the jealous, envious, and competitive anonymous didn’t get the same lesson. Although s/he may have temporarily snatched a bit of your joy, you may be certain that it was only added to his/her growing misery. I would be lying if I said I never felt jealous after seeing some of your updates, but that temporary feeling is far more often replaced with inspiration. Keep writing, Tina!
Tina I am so sorry that an individual is unchristian, uncharitable and envious. My family lives in a 1990 built cape cod I am a nurse and both myself, my husband, and three children would never have the means to build much less live in the home your family is designing, building and planning to live in. Does that make me envious or jealous? No quite the contrary I look forward to coming home from a stressful day at work and seeing what goodies you have posted and how much farther you have accomplished on your to do list choices, progress and move in. To me it is HGTV, decorating magazines and fantasy come to life. I feel if we got to meet we would be friends. I can’t wait to see your rooms complete, your family moved in and enjoying a true labor of love. I am re-posting as my son hit the send button before I could finish and edit the errors. He is 13 and adds Tell Tina that such a low life is not worth a minute of her breath. He also enjoys your blog and states your sons bathrooms ROCK.
I enjoy your blog and seeing your journey as you build your beautiful home. I love seeing your choices and look forward to your updates. Don’t let some mean spirited person take your joy away. I sure hope it is not someone in your circle of “Friends” attacking you. This mean girl needs to get a life. You can see by all the comments today that the good out weights the bad so screw her and don’t give this person another moment of your time. Enjoy Life! Can’t wait to see you and your family living a joyful life in your new home
Donna California
Keep your head up! Your beautiful home is “My Dream Home”, literally. I have been following you for sometime now, the energy and commitment is awe inspiring!
Seems someone is a tad bit jealous and is not mature enough to be happy for someone that has worked hard for what they have. There will always be the “haters” in life, but thankfully there are more positive, inspiring people like you in the world. Love your blog and thanks for inspiring me daily.
Tina, I am so sorry you somehow became the target of this sicko. IMHO, I agree with some of the others and think this deranged person will continue with the hateful comments as long as she/he is getting attention and responses. Please reconsider blocking anonymous comments. We love you and your blog and need to get rid of this thing once and for all. Sending you lots of hugs and positive energy…xoxo
Tina, your blog is a fabulous dream home in the making and I for one enjoy checking out the latest posts. I am so excited for the day you’ll begin to pull in the furniture, accessories, etc. and get to see it all come together. π It is going to be so great when finished and so worth all the effort.
Many of us feel so lucky that we get this brief glimpse into your amazing home (as demonstrated by the huge amount of supportive comments posted here). You have the right to share as much or as little as you like from your life. You don’t owe anyone an explanation or have to justify anything to bitchy anonymous people. Surround yourself with those that love and support you, and forget the rest. They are not worth it! Keep those posts coming. π
Wow!…Very sad,that someone is so jealous. I find your blog well written and get enjoyment from viewing your pictures, what you’ve chosen, and watching it all come together. I find that you should never covet what someone else has…there will always be people with more than you and many with less…the lesson is to be thankful for what you have,how we are been blessed and to help those people in need whenever we can. Keep up the good work.
If you don’t care about this person, why are you spending SO much time addressing her?
I don’t understand. No one is forced to come to your blog. Why would someone go out of their way to ruin your day like this?
I love your “What Would You Choose?” posts the best. And I’m looking forward to watching you fill up all these rooms with furniture.
Is it possible to not allow anonymous comments?
Omg!!! What the heck happened? I tuned in yesterday morning and read a great post then apparently missed some big news. I simply cannot believe that this anonymous person had interrogated you and insulted you and demanded that you answer to them, the part about inviting bloggers to your slumber party is unbelievable. Yu have got to be kidding me…
I will not even address the rest but know this, as with everyone else here I love visiting here, watching the progress of your beautiful dream home and all your great finds. I am excited to see what you are up to and happy for you and your family. I hope that your post tonight exposing these people will get them to stop. Seriously, if they do not stop do not hesitate to expose them for what they are, mean and petty. If these people are business owners I am sure that people would want to know the caliber of people they are dealing with.
I hope you have a fabulous week, take care of yourself! Do not let these people get to you, although I am sure it is hard.
Looking forward to more of your wonderful home. Thank you for sharing!
I didn’t log on yesterday because of family time and I was so sorry to read this when I logged on this morning. HOWEVER, I think the fact that 152 people have already commented before me (and I’m sure there will be more) that proves everything that needs to be proven. I don’t think I can say anything new here that hasn’t already been said above, other than to say that I count you as one of my REAL friends and I am so sorry this has happened to you!!! BIG hugs go out to you today from halfway around the world!!!!
Tina you owe NOTHING to anyone. You give such joy and fun entertainment to so many and that my friend is gift enough. You don’t have to answer to ANYONE about your lighting, the brand of toilet paper you use, what charity you give to, if you are going on a trip around the world tomorrow or anything else! That is your business not ours. If you choose to share it, great and if not, that is fine too and surely your decision I respect your privacy and don’t blame you one bit for not posting pictures of yourself and your family. Smart girl.
You surely do not need to start inviting perfect stranges over either, that was a very odd “challenge” for this person to make. I was floored when I read it. Who does that? It is so absurd, its just not worth hammering on about. This person has mental issues obviously and all we can do is hope she gets some help.
Best to you, and sending hugs.
Oh my TIna! I am sorry to hear baout all this. The little (huge)green monster is quite ugly when it rears its head! Your answers are classic. Some peole are best ignored.
Don’t worry another second over this – some people are so full of hate and strife you almost feel sorry for them…almost!
Take care Tina and enjoy your beautiful new home, and most of all your family, who loves you.
Big hug,
I love your blog – the ideas, photos, and insight into the blog world. Please don’t give that horrid person one more second of “air time”. Report him/her if they reach out again, but don’t allow their crabbiness to launch from your positive blog page! – Take care, Laura
I hate that you even bothered to read such a comment. I hate to say that I am not surprised to hear you have received such a comment. There are some mean, crappy people in the world. That person shows that a house cannot make a miserable unhappy person into a happy and content one. Her poor husband!!
I read a wonderful article once on “How to deal with crappy people”–it says you have to make a continual, conscious decision not to think about them, not to email them, not to respond to them, not even to talk about them. Wipe them from your mind because its not about you, its about them. Don’t take it personally!
Thank you for generously sharing your home! I love it when bloggers do so, and I recognize it is “putting yourself out there.”
Thank you for risking it every day for all of us who love to get ideas for our own homes or work, and for those who love to dream!!!
Tina, you are so far above this wicked individual, next time DELETE IMMEDIATELY any comment like this and forget about it. I’m certain I would have been stunned anyone had time to write all this venom, but we all know there is madness in our world. Blow them off, blow them out of your beautiful head. We all know you’re real. We also know the other person is completely worthless. It’s time for the holidays, let’s SHINE like we always do. I love you !!
Tina, I have only just seen this and couldn’t believe what I was reading. Unbelievable. Put it down to a nasty, insidious aspect of human nature – jealousy – nothing more, and move on. I understand why you would be hurt by this – I would be too – but people like this, together with their gang of ‘watchers’- really are not worth the time to even respond but I fully see why you’d feel the need to reply. Carry on writing your wonderful blog and don’t let the turkeys get you down! Human beings really can be the nastiest creatures on occasions.
Hi Tina..all I can say after reading all 159 comments is … “what a doorknob”!!! goodness me… I do not think that this anon jealous doorknob has ever built a house because if they did… they would know how many last minutes choices and decisions have to be madE!!!
Love your blog and please keep your blogging chin up!! By the way..”knowing” you through your posts and your personality that shine through (um how is it possible to fake that and keep it the same grand Tina?) you would have us all over to your housewarming if you could!!
DEAR ANON, becuase we all know you are back reading this….
I have a challenge for YOU. YOU come forward and claim responsibility and apologize for your personal assault on Tina someone who everyone obviously adores. OR you personally apologize to her privately in an email. If you don’t you are slimey and low as they get, a complete coward who hides behind her keyboard striking away with her grimey fingers and evil eyes. Come clean and clear your conscience. YOU know what YOU have done and its WRONG.
Wow! I thought reading/writing a blog was for fun and a freedom of choice!? I have a blog that I BARELY post in! Will “anonymous” comment nastily because I don’t post!? You do not have to answer to anyone! While your decor taste is a bit “grander” than mine(;), I still LOVE your blog and watching the house unfold(grant it, I am fairly new to following you ;).
I am with everyone else, don’t even let the comment make it to the comment section… DELETE their poison before you let it sink in and destroy your day! Blog on, Tina, Blog on! π
PS: How can you even joke about giving up chocolate! lol
I had to find out what was going on with you, my friend, so I took a look at “older posts” and found this. I’m in shock! All I really have to say is that some people will never learn how to live this life and that’s a big shame.
You really do NOT deserver this and I feel sad you had to go through this.
I wish I could give you a big hug from all of us. You’re a inspiration and an amazing person. You know how I feel about you.
God bless you and your family always. Only God to protect us from all these kind of jealousy.
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
I am disgusted, appalled and in shock. This anonymous person is all over the place with his/her accusations and insults. I think there is partial envy and a ton of bitterness -so unnecessary, so uncalled for, if you ask me. I am glad you had the courage to speak out. That was quite a lengthy comment and somebody certainly has a lot of time to “vent”. Sadly, that is the internet for you; the down side to blogging.
You have handled this whole saga with great integrity and class. It is very upsetting to hear that you have been subjected to these awful comments and attacks, for no reason other than your blog is hugely popular and fabulous. I think you have shown great restraint and if it were me I would not have been able to stop myself telling this pathetic person to simply “Get the f— off my blog!”
Tina I dont think my comment went through have been losing some in blogland. I just wanted to say much I love your blog and am horrified by the comments of that person.
I only follow a couple and it is such a pleasure to relax and read what you are up to with the house. There are unfortunately
some sad people out there that are best ignored.Having said that it is easier said than done and good on you for putting them in their place.Just try and forget and look forward to the move. We are all dying to see the finished result.xxTrish
The nasty ANNON. blogger is obviously well-to-do…but sadly, money doesn’t buy grace or good manners. He/she has neither.
Oh my god, i just read this… and i can’t believe what an awful, and mean spirited and terrible horrible stupid head jealous creep jerk this lady is. And that’s leaving off the bad words it makes me want to say. What an A__hole! Bad energy… I guarantee this is a jealous and insecure sick person, who probably makes everyone around her miserable…
You are one of the nicest most genuine people i’ve talked to in blogland. I was thinking about you the other day and your amazing home, and thinking how it would be so easy to be jealous of you, but your sweetness shines through in every way, so all i feel is kinda jealous, but in a nice way, Mostly i’m delighted that such a really cool, genuine lady has such wonderful things in her life. You deserve it, and i like that!
Tina I come to your blog often, and never really comment – shameful, I know, but I zip right through, grab my inspiration and check up on your progress, and then off to something else.
I am sorry to hear about your recent negative emails/comments. It is difficult to understand why someone would come and lay that down on your personal blog. It’s almost like delivering a message to the front door of someones home.
I do have to say though, that I think some of the comments you have here from others, who clearly love you, are a little offensive to me. I mean this is the best way possible, but throwing sticks and stones isn’t a good way to play. You’re a great inspiration!! Keep up the great work, and we’ll keep on cheering you to the finish line!
OMG I read this with my mouth agape. I simply cannot believe a sane person, much less an actual blogger would write this, that is rather scary to think this person is amongst us, and likely someone we visit and who might be visiting us.
Who is she to quetion what you do with and in YOUR home? Which off the record we all know is THE most beautiful home and she obviously cannot handle it. But that is besides the point.
Who is she to question what you should and should not have time for?
And more importantly who is she to judge your credibility if you do not choose to meet bloggers outside of the blog world? Many do not. I have met a few but only after doing it for a few years, it didn’t even cross my mind the first year, but to each his own. You strike me as a private person and I can understand and respect that. Her challenge was the stupidest thing I have ever heard, shows you she does not have all her marbles in the bag.
This was really mean and low, whoever it is. I do hope you find out if there is a way, normally you can track IP’s and such and you should let EVERYONE know who this person is so we can all ostracize her for good. There is NO place in the blogworld for someone with this kind fo venom oozing out of them, how chilling.
I am sorry Tina, you are such a kind and warm person, your posts and your blog are just amazing and all these messages supports that. You have so many who love you, and with good reason. I hope that in itself is enough to not discourage or get you down. I am truly sorry you had to deal with this, obviously someone who is very very jealous and threatened by you and/or your blog.
PS I think punishment however has been served becasue you KNOW this person has been coming back to read this, and my goodness she must be sinking through the floor of her 12,000 sq foot 82 chandelier home in embarrasment and shame when she sees how she has been ripped apart in the eyes of fellow bloggers. Shame on her, we can only hope she has learned a very very good and important lesson.
Tina- this got to me so much. I think partly because I am a blogger and it relly bothered me that a fellow blogger would go to your blog and berate you as they did. It was so insulting and obviuosly stemmed as everyones says from a place of jealously and intimidation. Very sad. It also hurt me because though I don’t know you, in terms of meeting you in person I feel like I know you and can see you are a very genuine and very secure, grounded person. I really respect that and its obvious that is why your blog has grown as it has.
I kept going back to this comment, because you and I have many of the same “blog friends” and there is one person who stood out to me personally that I really believe fits the bill of who may have done this. I would never share that in a comment, but am going to email you. I hope you will consider it, and do with it what you wish. There was a reason I kept thinking about this over and over, and now I know why. Someone who feels she is your “equal” but you are stealing her thunder. I will email you.
Have a great Thanksgiving Tina
Tina!! I was just stopping by to catch up and wish you a happy thanksgiving. oh my! what jealousy will do to people. so sorry you have to put up with this. i still don’t understand how they think you are a fraud. it doesn’t make any sense. hope this post put an end to it and that you enjoy a lovely holiday with your family! xo, Tessa
You go Tina!! I am so glad you defended yourself and faced this person– so many of us love you, so don’t let one jerk get you down!
Good Lord Tina!!! AYFKM??? How the heck can people be so petty and mean? Seriously. Why do they care what you write or post about on YOUR BLOG? All I say is you are a genuine person….I can tell. There is always one bad apple out there who is dying for attention. Be yourself girl. Hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving with your family. Sherry
Tina, I am just FLOORED that someone wrote this letter!!!! I mean who does that, who does this person think she/he is to come to your blog and interrogate you like that? It seems really out of line and borderline NUTJOB!
I am sorry they got to you like they did, though I can sympathize. I am really sorry for you because you just seem like such a dollface of a girl, with a big big giving heart and that is why you have been so blessed. Someone is VERY jealous and feeling VERY inferior next to you, in some WACKO way take it as a very bizarre compliment, but it does not make it right no not one IOTA.
Hope this mess has subsided by now. Hope you also had a delightful Thanksgiving with all those you love.
PS To question YOUR judgement and taste which by anyones standards is IMPECCABLE was really quite funny. They were trying to tear you down to build themselves up, looks like it backfired in a BIG WAY.
Jealousy!! PURE jealousy!!
Your blog is AMAZING! and your dream house?? Words can’t even describe how beautiful it is. You are blessed and this so called ‘anonymous” meanie is just cold and obviously not happy in her own life.
Good for you for standing your ground…with intregrity and maturity I might add.
I just recently stumbled upon your blog. I so enjoy seeing the progress. I was shocked to see that some people find the need to “rain” on your parade! The nasty and rude comments were so unbelievable and seemed to stem from jealousy. Those type of comments seem to dampen the spirit! Thought you may need a positive one instead! Love your blog and your taste is exquisite.
Tina read this in shock that someone would have the gall to come to your blog and make the accustaions that they did and then on top of that, actually challenge you to invited people to your home? This is very strange indeed!
I am so preplexed as to why and what would make someone do this. It is so mean spirited, for someone who wants to profess that she doesn’t care, she sure spent a lot of time crafting this message to you. I think this is not only someone who cares very much but someone who also probably idolizes you and your taste but is too insecure to come out with a compliment like normal people! She sounds intimidated perhaps by your blogging success, and maybe she wishes the same for her own blog. By certain things she said its pretty clear she is a blogger too. I am sad for her because this shows a deeply unhappy person to last out as she did.
Nastiness and pettiness and jealousy should have no place in the world of blogging, its a place to dream and aspire AND inspire, nothing less. I hope she will stay away for good. I am so thrilled to see that so very many supporters came out in unison.
Tina, I’m catching up and came across this post. I am so sorry about your nasty commenter. It is unsettling, I know. I have a “hater” as I call him/her/it who leaves me nasty comments which have actually gotten to the point they are so bizarre that they are funny. Yours was just mean. I have struggled with being forthcoming and posting them, but decided there was so much meaness in the world that I didn’t want to give that person a voice. I delete them and try to laugh… but it is sometimes hurtful. Good for you for standing your ground, but don’t let them get you down.
all my best,
I visit this blog every now and then. I am a interior designer so I enjoy it…for the most part.
The person who wrote you this comment is obviously weird.
Your dream home is over the top and it sounds like her’s (weird person) is too. Do either of you really need such a huge house?
I saw a photo of a small child (Sudan) crawling – starving to death. A vulture was sitting in wait. It really got to me and I cried. Why do some people have so much they don’t really need while children starve to death every day.
I am an eighteen year old college student, professional photographer, & a JP Morgan Chase employee. The only reason I began my post with such background is because I am proudly living proof that nothing is impossible. I have been around and about several blogging websites, though I do not have one myself, but yours is by far the most inspiring blog I have had such honor to come accross. It’s amazing to me how much of a sweetheart you come off as & why someone with such jealousy felt the need to tear you & your success down is beside me. Whomever wrote this obviously has not stepped out into the real world before because there are thousands of miracle workers and dream chasers out there just like you & I. Your house is gorgeous! I adore every aspect of it from the floors to the ceiling fixtures. I’ve always dreamt of doing something soo daring as to building my very own dream home & to be entirely honest, reading your blog has shown me that it’s possible. Don’t let this person get to you because, as you made rather clear, you have nothing to prove to them. Don’t ever let someone get under your skin because it’s not even worth sweating over. You just keep perservering & watch how angry they get when you don’t give them the reaction their looking for. π This person obviously has NOO idea what he/she is talking about. You’re an amazing person! ( & I’ve only been reading your blog for one day)
P.s. If ever you decide to have this “slumber party” in your new castle, I would happily volunteer myself to attend. π
Hi, I’ve just found your amazing blog and have been reading through all your house updates. I’m so sorry this person has been so cruel about your home. I actually don’t think it is a woman writing the comment and I don’t believer they have a similar sized house either (only through working on criminal Profiling in my past career). Please don’t give out any personal details on your posts because this person is likely to be searching for these. I don’t think you are unsafe, but it pays to be careful. Unfortunately not everyone is well balanced, and it must hurt to receive such abuse. Sending you hugs- Also I think blogger should not permit anonymous comments ever! SALLY xxx