Hi there…well as I had spoken about I had two parties here this week and phew am I wiped! I have decided to break this into two parts because I took a lot of pictures and frankly it would be too much for one post (even by my standards)! Before we get busy..I want to announce the lucky winner of Soiree, Danielle Rollins new book aka bible on entertaining, congratulations goes to……
Every picture had me oohing and aahing! I just love gazing at all of these settings. They really sent my imagination into overdrive. I have immensely enjoyed your posts and this one was like the cherry on top of the whipped cream, on top so much yumminess! Goodness Gracious… And thanks for another chance to win a book on my favorite subject! Entertaining!
Please email me with your shipping information so this can get on it’s way to you!
By the time you read this I will be off on a little trip for just 3 days but a much needed break:) I enjoyed all the prep (as I always do) getting ready for these little shindigs but as I put a lot of effort into the details….I must say two in one week is a lot. The first get together was a luncheon for one of my best friends for 14 girls. The weather was not cooperative so we had drinks and appetizers on the loggia which I must say was so cozy and fun…then we moved indoors for lunch.
Every time I entertain I always try to add a new dish, I love experimenting and you never know unless you try, right? I kept the menu light which is appropriate for summer. A few light appetizers, three different salads and Mediterranean pitas…..light, guilt free but no skimping no taste! Then it was topped off with a sinfully good Weight Watchers Carrot cake, no you are not reading this wrong…it’s Weight Watchers!! So a guilt free meal that tastes good? My kind of menu! Hope you enjoy this recap.
Here is a recap from before, during and after…………
My pretty glasses in their wicker holders awaiting the peach sangria….love these for summer!
Prepping for the Greek baby spinach salad…yum!
Dip for tex mex salad and peach sangria marinating…
The birthday girls’ gift….all wrapped and ready to wow her!
We gave this beautiful orchid as part of her gift…she loves orchids and this planter from my online shop
The yummy peach sangria..heavenly good, light and perfect for a summer luncheon (or dinner) I make a double portion in a big plastic bowl and then transfer to either a punch bowl or pretty pitchers
My Chinese chicken salad is a staple in my house……
This really really good spinach/basil Greek salad…..excellent!
Of course, flowers and blue and whites are always part of the deal for anything I do!
One set of the pillows!! Love them, will be doing a separate post on my two sets of pillows……added the hurricanes and the garden seat and I just love the way it came out……
Even though it was raining it was so cozy to sit here while we heard the rain falling……
Dining room table ready to serve as a buffet table…buffets are so much easier!
Meanwhile…more prep going on inside the kitchen:)
More salads at the ready…..
My Tex Mex salad getting all the fixings……..
Yum! Crostinis with brushetta and shredded fresh parmigiano…my fave! Served on my Vagabond gorgeous cheese/carving board
The table getting set up..I even wrote out what each item was and put them in small silver frames.
Beautiful flowers always make a table…..well that and good food:)
The mini Mediterranean pitas…filled with olive tapenade, hummus and feta cheese
I had a big bowl filled with wine and Pellegrino…………..
And of course carried over my blue and white theme to the napkins and plates…….
My friend always make this delicious Weight Watchers carrot cake for dessert, heavenly and sinfully good is understating it, it is so hard to believe its Weight Watchers!!Thankfully there was a bit left for leftovers..ice cold carrot cake and a big glass of milk the next morning is awfully hard to beat:)
So that’s my recap of the birthday lunch. When its a labor of love for someone you care about…it doesn’t feel like work at all. I always get a lot of requests for recipes (totally flattered) if you click on keywords recipes, you will see all posts that featured them, only recipe not on there is the Greek salad which is new to my repertoire but I will be sure to include it in my next random musings post…promise! I enjoyed putting it together and tapping into my inner Martha Stewart and Carolyne Roehm!
Hope you enjoyed the recap…thanks as always for stopping in, stay tuned for party central part 2- I think you are going to loooove it, it’s one party I really have to say where my vision came alive and even surpassed my own expectations and that was a total thrill! Here is a sneak peek-
Until Thursday, hope you have a wonderful next few days…..will be back soon! Thanks for stopping in, am always happy that you do:)
Oh Tina, thank you for inviting us into you party….outstanding food (that spinach salad is calling my name; I have an addiction to spinach!) and all the other hors d’oeuvres are FABULOUSLY displayed on all of your serving plates. Tina, has your home been in a magazine yet? I am aiming to submit photos and articles to a few magazines for my little cottage…..you MUST get your home into a magazine like VERANDA or another elegant home mag! Your loggia looks stunning and the pillow really worked out nicely.
WOW. Do work on getting an article out with some photos. Your dream has come true and thank you for all the beauty my dear. Anita
If you decided to improve your lifestyle applying for pilates exercise, you also need a change in your wardrobe, adding a Womens pilates clothes section to your closet. Abia and Joseph comes in handy, giving you a wide selection of womens pilates clothes and making sure you have a nice appearance at your new workout place. We assure quality as well as style by presenting you the best choices in womens pilates clothes.
So fun, Tina! Love the little frames telling you what you’re eating. I’m going to have to borrow that cute idea! Also, I MUST have that carrot cake recipe!!! Would your friend be willing to share it?! M.
You are such an inspiration. I love reading your blog. I have been following since the beginning and it has been wonderful to see your beautiful home being built. Today’s post made me very hungry. What a lucky lady to have a friend like you to host a fantastic birthday luncheon!! Jan
We are one of the best Brisbane orthodontist when it comes to your smile. We as one of Brisbane orthodontist are really thinking about you, your teeth health and appearance. As one of high skilled Brisbane orthodontist, we are searching the best method and we succeed in helping you have the perfect smile. Nothing is impossible for the Brisbane orthodontist when he has the skills and thetechnology.
When deciding for a new car but worried about future credit troubles, our Best car loan rates can guarantee that your finances will be balanced throughout the year. Any Fin specialists can find the option that best fits your needs, giving you the best car loan rates. We personalize our offer according to your request, assuring each and every client of the best car loan rates.
Aussie Boat Loans offers a wide range of products and one of them is boat insurance that provide a loan protection insurance or extended warranty. Boat insurance guaranties you the protection in case of accidental loss, damages, properties , death or injuries. Aussie Boat Loans has the enthusiastic customer service to listen to your needs in order toimprove our boat insurance service.
Aussie Car Loans are the experts in getting you the best deal in car finance when it comes to the purchase of a new or a used vehicle. To help the customers, Aussie Car Loans has offered for more than ten years the finance options that match to the wishes of the clients including personal car finance and business finance. Car finance option provides you a deal which will fit better to you situation
If you choose to get caravan insurance you should come to Aussie Leisure Loans. The caravan insurance was conceived thinking about you. Caravan insurance option will make you and your family feel safe. Even if you are careful on the roads, the accidents happen and the caravan insurance that we offer comes with protection and reliability.
Our school is considered the best girls school Brisbane. We offer a proper education and help to the girls to become the future ladies of the society. The students have access to the information that the best girls school Brisbane assures. Our students will have the opportunity to develop their skills in one of our clubs and this is characteristic which make us the best girls school Brisbane. One of the benefits that best girls school Brisbane provides is the growth of students in academic and personal life.
Our high qualified personnel take care about you and your business when it comes to web development Brisbane market. We are providing to our clients web development services in order to attract viewers, to help them promoting their products or services. To succeed in offering web development to the customers in Brisbane, we use all our resources and all our skills.
Working with skilled house builders from Brisbane we took our projects to a high level of performance. Our clients have the benefit of enjoying their new home with doing anything. The house builders brisbane are recognized by excellent work that they have done creating exclusive and unique places to live in. You have to tell us your dreams, and with the help of our house builders from Brisbane will make it become true.
Considering that clients are our most valuable assets, we are putting our best effort in offering them the services of our specialized franchise lawyer. The Franchise lawyers that Redchip has are experienced and well trained to take good care of your business. The franchise lawyer will act in your best interest even if it is just an advice or an entire process.
Thinking about your needs and desires we developed special services when it comes to accommodation Brisbane CBD. We offer you accommodation Brisbane CBD special packages that conceived just for you, our customers in order to choose the best. The accommodation Brisbane CBD has trained stuff that will make you journey easier and relaxing.
If what you need is a change in your life to feel confident, prettier and healthy, our cosmetic clinic will provide you high quality services to make you feel all that. In order to achieve that our qualified team from cosmetic clinic will take care of you and indirectly rebuilding the self – confidence. Our cosmetic clinic Brisbane stuff will handle it with maximum discretion.
Te-ai saturat de aceleasi usi de interior vechi? Fac zgomot atunci cand sunt inchise sau deschise? Noi avem alternativa. Executam usi de interior utilizand materiale calitative, in diferite culori si marimi, gandindu-ne la confortul si preferintele si necesitatile
Pentru cã o afacere profitabilã are nevoie de un site pe mãsurã, vã invitãm sã alegeþi procesul de creare magazin online de la Dehalo. Serviciile noastre pentru creare magazin online sunt orientate în directia succesului iar experienta de peste 4 ani îsi face simtitã prezenta în fiecare proiect realizat. Indiferent de profilul dorit pentru creare magazin online, Dehalo iti oferã solutia idealã.
If you’re looking for the best option in truck finance, the Aussie Truck loans are the way to go. Our team in charge of Truck finance is here to help you obtain the truck you need for your bussiness. Aussie truck loans guarantees you the right loan, at the right price and makes sure that you choose the truck finance option that suits your trucking needs.
Tina what a beautiful party! Every detail is incredible, great pictures to pin and be inspired by! You must write a book- you are so talented! That loggia with your pillows is a “10”!! Thank you for continuing to awe and inspire me.
Whoa… this is a dream, Tina! Everything looked incredibly delicious and impeccable! You’re a wonderful person for preparing everything to your friend… she probably felt very special!
Tina!!!! You really hit it out of the ballpark sweetie pie! O MY GOSH! Could a little birthday brunch be any better than what you created? NO! You are an amazing friend and I’m sure you friends just adore you! Such a nice gesture and I love all of the recipes you made. The Chinese salad is a big favorite of mine and my aunt makes it all the time. The problem is… I can eat the whole bowl because it’s that good! Great pictures and I am going to try to wait patiently for the next party pics! The sneak peek looks amazing! Have fun on your getaway trip! XO
Tina you truly deserve a getaway! I do believe you could be a specialty caterer and home staging expert! (not that you need to of course!). We could also nominate you as Hostess of the Year! Everything is perfect and I must have the carrot cake recipe!
Wow, it all looks so wonderful and fun. Your are a loving and very giving friend to do this… Can’t help but wish you were my friend as I love this look and all of your fabulous entertaining accents! Your outdoor area is so spectacular! Love your blog…. Thanks for sharing all the lovely photos with us! Ree
Everything looks perfect Tina! I like the way you labeled the foods with the silver frames.. great idea! Spinach salads are so good in the summer time. I like the Greek twist with the cheese and a little Penne. Well.. you cake was definitely healthier than mine Lol! I think I saw that recipe a while back and I might try it for my next birthday party coming up in two weeks. Good for you for trying something new every time you entertain. They say you should entertain every few weeks to stay stay savvy .. I think you’re on it! Enjoy your getaway:)
Okay Tina, now I am sooooo hungry! I wish I had a piece of that cold carrot cake to go with my coffee right now! Everything looks beautiful and delicious – your friend must have been delighted with every detail. What a lucky birthday girl. Hope you enjoy your mini break. Looking forward to round two of party central. XOXO
Oh Tina, you are Martha but better. This is truly amazing. And I LOVE your pillows – they are perfect! I hope you are having a great mini vacation… Stacy
Tina, WOW!!! You have such a generous spirit, and a flair and panache for entertaining. What a God given talent. You have mastered the art of living well, my dearest. Cannot wait to receive my Staffordshire dogs!
WOnderful Tina!!! Your pillows look fantastic, I love what you chose. You must share your Chinese Chicken salad recipe!!! Please!!! And your friends’ carrot cake recipe too. Table looked beautiful, I adore the peonies in the ginger jars. Can’t wait to see the next soiree! Hugs
Awesome party and can’t wait to see the patio / porch party! Tina, do you have help with all the guest cooking and preparation? Our daughter, daughter-in-law and I put together all the food for my husband’s 70th birthday outdoor party last Sunday with 84 people there in all. It was good for me to have the two ladies helping me!
How blessed your friend is to have you in her life! The luncheon was picture prefect! The porch is divine, Tina! For some reason this is the first time I have seen it with the furniture! Another perfect fit!!!! Your jars with the pink flowers… peonies and cherry blossoms make my heart flutter!
I have been enjoying family for a few days nd I have missed your beautiful log. Your party looks spectacular. What a wonderful fiend you are and a very lucky friend you have. Salads are the perfect summer luncheon looking forward to tryin your recipes.
The preview of your second party looks amazing! I cannot wait to see it.
What a beautiful party, Tina, and a lucky friend indeed. The food looks amazing and I am loving the different arrangements. Of course I love all of your blue and white with the amazing flowers and your fabulous new pillows in the sneak peek…can’t wait for more!!
You need to publish your own book on entertaining! Your party could not have been more fabulous…the flowers were beautiful, recipes look delicious, and your home is gorgeous! Looking forward to trying the Greek salad recipe when you post it!
I’m on eye candy overload!!! that was a lot of fun Tina. You are such a great friend. Love the outdoor setting,furniture,food,flowers etc. I love everything you do. I cannot wait to see more. xoxo
Tina this is INCREDIBLE. She must be one special friend to have gotten such a gorgeous luncheon that looks like its part of a magazine spread! I love every detail and its so nice to see someone who really enjoys using all her pretty things. I think I may need to take mine out of my china closet and use them a lot more often!
I like others would love the recipes if you care to share them. Your patio looks so beautiful and that sneak peek of part 2 has me needing to see more! Thank you for sharing all this beauty.
Oh my goodness Tina, my jaw has dropped and as my kids say it takes a lot to wow me. But this is incredible. I love how you think of everything down the silver framed names of the foods! What a good idea. Would love the recipes it all looks so darn good. That porch is a dream. I would sleep, eat and live out there. Love the pillows/lanterns addition, are you able to share your sources? Thanks for helping me to take a renewed interest in my new home, to love blue and white more than I ever have and to really care about the small and elegant details that make even every day meals special. Love your taste and style. Fondly, Anne
Such a gorgeous presentation. I love that you prepared the food yourself! But I have to know, where did you find that stunning gold crown wrapping paper for the gift??? I have to have some! Susan at Romancing the Home
Everything is truly spectacular! And the food…way too pretty to eat! It looks divine! I am still dying for your recipes!! They all look so delicious! I”m sure the birthday girl was more than thrilled with everything! I would give anything to you throw a party for moi! LOL! It would be the highlight of my year! Hope you are enjoying your get away! Can’t wait to see the next lovely party! By the way…the pillows are fabulous!
I KNEW a party was happening over here. Well, it looks fabulous as always, Tina. I know how much work and planning goes into this and I’m sure your efforts were very much appreciated. Love how you took it outside on your new ‘patio’ (west coast-speak). Can’t wait to see the next partay!
What lucky friends you had and especially the birthday girl. We should all be so lucky to have a friend like you. Your decor and food all looked fabulous! You have such an eye for detail right down to that beautiful gold crown gift wrap. I too would love to know where you purchased it. You have a fun getaway! You deserve it!!
lovely tina, i can see that you do fuss and the results are fab! peach sangria, mini pita’s, WW cake?! the loggia is gorgeous and yes, cozy indeed, great space for entertaining.
I absolutely love the way your entertain. I am so inspired! I also love the way your display your salads on platters. I must try this for my next party! xo Sharon
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gorgeous looking tablescape and delish menu! I especially love the mini pita’s–will be borrowing that for my next little fete! Happy summer!! xo Barbara
Everything looks beautiful AND delicious! I’m so glad your recipes are here because I was going to have to ask for the peach sangria & Chinese chicken salad recipes. Sounds amazing!
How beautiful Tina, as always, and your stunning patio, or rather terrace with arches and columns is perfection, love your choice of table and wicker with it…you are right, in the rain, covered patios are the best….ours is also covered, not as gard as yours (: but it works in a warm summer rainy day perfectly…loving the rain right now…everyting is greeeeeeener (:
Can I be your friend…..PULEEEEASE???!!! The luncheon is picture perfect as is everything you do. The food sounds PERFECT for a luncheon, my kind of food. The carrott cake sounds wonderful too, will have to serch for that recipe. Thanks for sharing your wonderful party. XO, Pinky
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Hi there…well as I had spoken about I had two parties here this week and phew am I wiped! I have decided to break this into two parts because I took a lot of pictures and frankly it would be too much for one post (even by my standards)! Before we get busy..I want to announce the lucky winner of Soiree, Danielle Rollins new book aka bible on entertaining, congratulations goes to……
Result: 57
And thanks for another chance to win a book on my favorite subject! Entertaining!
By the time you read this I will be off on a little trip for just 3 days but a much needed break:) I enjoyed all the prep (as I always do) getting ready for these little shindigs but as I put a lot of effort into the details….I must say two in one week is a lot. The first get together was a luncheon for one of my best friends for 14 girls. The weather was not cooperative so we had drinks and appetizers on the loggia which I must say was so cozy and fun…then we moved indoors for lunch.
Every time I entertain I always try to add a new dish, I love experimenting and you never know unless you try, right? I kept the menu light which is appropriate for summer. A few light appetizers, three different salads and Mediterranean pitas…..light, guilt free but no skimping no taste! Then it was topped off with a sinfully good Weight Watchers Carrot cake, no you are not reading this wrong…it’s Weight Watchers!! So a guilt free meal that tastes good? My kind of menu! Hope you enjoy this recap.
Here is a recap from before, during and after…………
We gave this beautiful orchid as part of her gift…she loves orchids and this planter from my online shop
The yummy peach sangria..heavenly good, light and perfect for a summer luncheon (or dinner) I make a double portion in a big plastic bowl and then transfer to either a punch bowl or pretty pitchers
Of course, flowers and blue and whites are always part of the deal for anything I do!
One set of the pillows!! Love them, will be doing a separate post on my two sets of pillows……added the hurricanes and the garden seat and I just love the way it came out……
Yum! Crostinis with brushetta and shredded fresh parmigiano…my fave! Served on my Vagabond gorgeous cheese/carving board
The table getting set up..I even wrote out what each item was and put them in small silver frames.
My friend always make this delicious Weight Watchers carrot cake for dessert, heavenly and sinfully good is understating it, it is so hard to believe its Weight Watchers!!Thankfully there was a bit left for leftovers..ice cold carrot cake and a big glass of milk the next morning is awfully hard to beat:)
Gorgeous and it looks delicious. You’re a hosting genius! Thanks for sharing, can’t wait for the next one.
Wow! your party looks nothing short of “Oscar-worthy!” Your food has be salivating as I read. Enjoy your much deserved rest now x
Oh Tina, thank you for inviting us into you party….outstanding food (that spinach salad is calling my name; I have an addiction to spinach!) and all the other hors d’oeuvres are FABULOUSLY displayed on all of your serving plates. Tina, has your home been in a magazine yet? I am aiming to submit photos and articles to a few magazines for my little cottage…..you MUST get your home into a magazine like VERANDA or another elegant home mag! Your loggia looks stunning and the pillow really worked out nicely.
WOW. Do work on getting an article out with some photos. Your dream has come true and thank you for all the beauty my dear. Anita
If you decided to improve your lifestyle applying for pilates exercise, you also need a change in your wardrobe, adding a Womens pilates clothes section to your closet. Abia and Joseph comes in handy, giving you a wide selection of womens pilates clothes and making sure you have a nice appearance at your new workout place. We assure quality as well as style by presenting you the best choices in womens pilates clothes.
So fun, Tina! Love the little frames telling you what you’re eating. I’m going to have to borrow that cute idea! Also, I MUST have that carrot cake recipe!!! Would your friend be willing to share it?! M.
You are such an inspiration. I love reading your blog. I have been following since the beginning and it has been wonderful to see your beautiful home being built. Today’s post made me very hungry. What a lucky lady to have a friend like you to host a fantastic birthday luncheon!! Jan
We are one of the best Brisbane orthodontist when it comes to your smile. We as one of Brisbane orthodontist are really thinking about you, your teeth health and appearance. As one of high skilled Brisbane orthodontist, we are searching the best method and we succeed in helping you have the perfect smile. Nothing is impossible for the Brisbane orthodontist when he has the skills and thetechnology.
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Aussie Boat Loans offers a wide range of products and one of them is boat insurance that provide a loan protection insurance or extended warranty. Boat insurance guaranties you the protection in case of accidental loss, damages, properties , death or injuries. Aussie Boat Loans has the enthusiastic customer service to listen to your needs in order toimprove our boat insurance service.
Aussie Car Loans are the experts in getting you the best deal in car finance when it comes to the purchase of a new or a used vehicle. To help the customers, Aussie Car Loans has offered for more than ten years the finance options that match to the wishes of the clients including personal car finance and business finance. Car finance option provides you a deal which will fit better to you situation
If you choose to get caravan insurance you should come to Aussie Leisure Loans. The caravan insurance was conceived thinking about you. Caravan insurance option will make you and your family feel safe. Even if you are careful on the roads, the accidents happen and the caravan insurance that we offer comes with protection and reliability.
Our school is considered the best girls school Brisbane. We offer a proper education and help to the girls to become the future ladies of the society. The students have access to the information that the best girls school Brisbane assures. Our students will have the opportunity to develop their skills in one of our clubs and this is characteristic which make us the best girls school Brisbane. One of the benefits that best girls school Brisbane provides is the growth of students in academic and personal life.
Our high qualified personnel take care about you and your business when it comes to web development Brisbane market. We are providing to our clients web development services in order to attract viewers, to help them promoting their products or services. To succeed in offering web development to the customers in Brisbane, we use all our resources and all our skills.
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Working with skilled house builders from Brisbane we took our projects to a high level of performance. Our clients have the benefit of enjoying their new home with doing anything. The house builders brisbane are recognized by excellent work that they have done creating exclusive and unique places to live in. You have to tell us your dreams, and with the help of our house builders from Brisbane will make it become true.
Considering that clients are our most valuable assets, we are putting our best effort in offering them the services of our specialized franchise lawyer. The Franchise lawyers that Redchip has are experienced and well trained to take good care of your business. The franchise lawyer will act in your best interest even if it is just an advice or an entire process.
Thinking about your needs and desires we developed special services when it comes to accommodation Brisbane CBD. We offer you accommodation Brisbane CBD special packages that conceived just for you, our customers in order to choose the best. The accommodation Brisbane CBD has trained stuff that will make you journey easier and relaxing.
If what you need is a change in your life to feel confident, prettier and healthy, our cosmetic clinic will provide you high quality services to make you feel all that. In order to achieve that our qualified team from cosmetic clinic will take care of you and indirectly rebuilding the self – confidence. Our cosmetic clinic Brisbane stuff will handle it with maximum discretion.
Te-ai saturat de aceleasi usi de interior vechi? Fac zgomot atunci cand sunt inchise sau deschise? Noi avem alternativa. Executam usi de interior utilizand materiale calitative, in diferite culori si marimi, gandindu-ne la confortul si preferintele si necesitatile
Pentru cã o afacere profitabilã are nevoie de un site pe mãsurã, vã invitãm sã alegeþi procesul de creare magazin online de la Dehalo. Serviciile noastre pentru creare magazin online sunt orientate în directia succesului iar experienta de peste 4 ani îsi face simtitã prezenta în fiecare proiect realizat. Indiferent de profilul dorit pentru creare magazin online, Dehalo iti oferã solutia idealã.
If you’re looking for the best option in truck finance, the Aussie Truck loans are the way to go. Our team in charge of Truck finance is here to help you obtain the truck you need for your bussiness. Aussie truck loans guarantees you the right loan, at the right price and makes sure that you choose the truck finance option that suits your trucking needs.
Tina what a beautiful party! Every detail is incredible, great pictures to pin and be inspired by! You must write a book- you are so talented!
That loggia with your pillows is a “10”!!
Thank you for continuing to awe and inspire me.
Love!!! Everything looks wonderful. Delicious!!! I’m sure it was a perfect event!
Hello sweetie,
Whoa… this is a dream, Tina! Everything looked incredibly delicious and impeccable! You’re a wonderful person for preparing everything to your friend… she probably felt very special!
Thank you for all the inspiration today! 🙂
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
Have a great trip, Tina!!
As always, your table looks gorgeous and the food is perfect! Lucky birthday girl!
Happy Tuesday.
Tina!!!! You really hit it out of the ballpark sweetie pie! O MY GOSH! Could a little birthday brunch be any better than what you created? NO! You are an amazing friend and I’m sure you friends just adore you! Such a nice gesture and I love all of the recipes you made. The Chinese salad is a big favorite of mine and my aunt makes it all the time. The problem is… I can eat the whole bowl because it’s that good! Great pictures and I am going to try to wait patiently for the next party pics! The sneak peek looks amazing! Have fun on your getaway trip! XO
Tina you truly deserve a getaway! I do believe you could be a specialty caterer and home staging expert! (not that you need to of course!). We could also nominate you as Hostess of the Year! Everything is perfect and I must have the carrot cake recipe!
Art by Karena
Wow, it all looks so wonderful and fun.
Your are a loving and very giving friend to do this…
Can’t help but wish you were my friend as I love this look and all of your fabulous entertaining accents!
Your outdoor area is so spectacular!
Love your blog….
Thanks for sharing all the lovely photos with us!
Everything looks perfect Tina! I like the way you labeled the foods with the silver frames.. great idea! Spinach salads are so good in the summer time. I like the Greek twist with the cheese and a little Penne. Well.. you cake was definitely healthier than mine Lol! I think I saw that recipe a while back and I might try it for my next birthday party coming up in two weeks. Good for you for trying something new every time you entertain. They say you should entertain every few weeks to stay stay savvy .. I think you’re on it! Enjoy your getaway:)
Okay Tina, now I am sooooo hungry! I wish I had a piece of that cold carrot cake to go with my coffee right now! Everything looks beautiful and delicious – your friend must have been delighted with every detail. What a lucky birthday girl. Hope you enjoy your mini break. Looking forward to round two of party central. XOXO
Looks so good!!
You make it all look so effortless! (Which I know it isn’t) Everything looks so pretty and elegant, not to mention delicious! x Sharon
Gorgeous! Loved the individual, unique personal touches.
Tina you blow me away!! I love and ate up every gorgeous detail-you are a master entertainer.
Oh Tina, you are Martha but better. This is truly amazing. And I LOVE your pillows – they are perfect! I hope you are having a great mini vacation…
Tina, WOW!!! You have such a generous spirit, and a flair and panache for entertaining. What a God given talent. You have mastered the art of living well, my dearest. Cannot wait to receive my Staffordshire dogs!
WOnderful Tina!!! Your pillows look fantastic, I love what you chose. You must share your Chinese Chicken salad recipe!!! Please!!!
And your friends’ carrot cake recipe too.
Table looked beautiful, I adore the peonies in the ginger jars. Can’t wait to see the next soiree!
Awesome party and can’t wait to see the patio / porch party! Tina, do you have help with all the guest cooking and preparation? Our daughter, daughter-in-law and I put together all the food for my husband’s 70th birthday outdoor party last Sunday with 84 people there in all. It was good for me to have the two ladies helping me!
You have such lucky friends…the luncheon was gorgeous and delicious-looking! I can’t wait to see Part 2! xoxo
How blessed your friend is to have you in her life! The luncheon was picture prefect! The porch is divine, Tina! For some reason this is the first time I have seen it with the furniture! Another perfect fit!!!! Your jars with the pink flowers… peonies and cherry blossoms make my heart flutter!
Love your classic sassy style!!!
I have been enjoying family for a few days nd I have missed your beautiful log. Your party looks spectacular. What a wonderful fiend you are and a very lucky friend you have. Salads are the perfect summer luncheon looking forward to tryin your recipes.
The preview of your second party looks amazing! I cannot wait to see it.
Have. Great night, Elizabeth
What a beautiful party, Tina, and a lucky friend indeed. The food looks amazing and I am loving the different arrangements. Of course I love all of your blue and white with the amazing flowers and your fabulous new pillows in the sneak peek…can’t wait for more!!
A party at your place would be an unforgettable experience. You do it all so well! Can’t wait for my invite!
You need to publish your own book on entertaining! Your party could not have been more fabulous…the flowers were beautiful, recipes look delicious, and your home is gorgeous! Looking forward to trying the Greek salad recipe when you post it!
I’m on eye candy overload!!! that was a lot of fun Tina. You are such a great friend. Love the outdoor setting,furniture,food,flowers etc. I love everything you do. I cannot wait to see more. xoxo
WOW. The flowers, the food, EVERYTHING is absolutely perfect!
Loved the party pics in your beautiful home!! Couldn’t get recipes to come up. Was I doing something wrong? Jenny Blanc
Tina this is INCREDIBLE. She must be one special friend to have gotten such a gorgeous luncheon that looks like its part of a magazine spread! I love every detail and its so nice to see someone who really enjoys using all her pretty things. I think I may need to take mine out of my china closet and use them a lot more often!
I like others would love the recipes if you care to share them. Your patio looks so beautiful and that sneak peek of part 2 has me needing to see more! Thank you for sharing all this beauty.
Oh my goodness Tina, my jaw has dropped and as my kids say it takes a lot to wow me. But this is incredible. I love how you think of everything down the silver framed names of the foods! What a good idea.
Would love the recipes it all looks so darn good. That porch is a dream. I would sleep, eat and live out there. Love the pillows/lanterns addition, are you able to share your sources? Thanks for helping me to take a renewed interest in my new home, to love blue and white more than I ever have and to really care about the small and elegant details that make even every day meals special. Love your taste and style.
Fondly, Anne
Such a gorgeous presentation. I love that you prepared the food yourself! But I have to know, where did you find that stunning gold crown wrapping paper for the gift??? I have to have some! Susan at Romancing the Home
Fabulous party Tina… I am sure it was a triumph… xv
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Everything is truly spectacular! And the food…way too pretty to eat! It looks divine! I am still dying for your recipes!! They all look so delicious! I”m sure the birthday girl was more than thrilled with everything! I would give anything to you throw a party for moi! LOL! It would be the highlight of my year! Hope you are enjoying your get away! Can’t wait to see the next lovely party! By the way…the pillows are fabulous!
Everything is beautiful! I would live out on the porch all summer! <3
I KNEW a party was happening over here. Well, it looks fabulous as always, Tina. I know how much work and planning goes into this and I’m sure your efforts were very much appreciated. Love how you took it outside on your new ‘patio’ (west coast-speak). Can’t wait to see the next partay!
What lucky friends you had and especially the birthday girl. We should all be so lucky to have a friend like you. Your decor and food all looked fabulous! You have such an eye for detail right down to that beautiful gold crown gift wrap. I too would love to know where you
purchased it. You have a fun getaway! You deserve it!!
lovely tina, i can see that you do fuss and the results are fab!
peach sangria, mini pita’s, WW cake?! the loggia is gorgeous and yes, cozy indeed, great space for entertaining.
enjoy you mini vacation!
I absolutely love the way your entertain. I am so inspired! I also love the way your display your salads on platters. I must try this for my next party!
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YUMMMMM! All looks delightfully delectable and gorgeous ‘simple’ styling! I would love to just be ‘clean-up’ crew on one of your soiree’s!
gorgeous looking tablescape and delish menu! I especially love the mini pita’s–will be borrowing that for my next little fete! Happy summer!!
xo Barbara
Everything looks beautiful AND delicious! I’m so glad your recipes are here because I was going to have to ask for the peach sangria & Chinese chicken salad recipes. Sounds amazing!
Tina…it looks like you out did your self…food looks yummy and presentation is perfect!
How beautiful Tina, as always, and your stunning patio, or rather terrace with arches and columns is perfection, love your choice of table and wicker with it…you are right, in the rain, covered patios are the best….ours is also covered, not as gard as yours (: but it works in a warm summer rainy day perfectly…loving the rain right now…everyting is greeeeeeener (:
hugs Z
Can I be your friend…..PULEEEEASE???!!! The luncheon is picture perfect as is everything you do. The food sounds PERFECT for a luncheon, my kind of food. The carrott cake sounds wonderful too, will have to serch for that recipe. Thanks for sharing your wonderful party. XO, Pinky