Comments : 76

Hi and happy Sunday to all my dear friends and readers. I have scheduled this to post ahead of time so really hope it shows up when it is suppose to!? NEVER did I think I would actually be shouting from the rooftops that today is my 50th birthday……..even typing it makes my heart race. My friends know me as the one (youngest of my friends)? who loves to jokingly boast how I am”still in my 40’s” (said totally tongue in cheek of course). Can’t say it anymore as of today though, that ship has sailed.



So looks like I? have crossed “that” threshold and here I am at 50 big ones! Instead of dwelling on reaching a new decade I am doing my very best to? look at this in the most positive way possible. Realizing how much I have to be grateful for. That though I have lots more I want to do, I have achieved some things on my bucket list and have the good health to keep on going. When I really stop and think about it…..I feel beyond blessed, and one of my biggest blessings is the gift of your friendship.


I also feel strangely empowered to make this year really count. Realizing I am not getting younger but still have plenty of good years ahead of me, the time is now to make things happen. There are so many dreams I still have, things to achieve or at least attempt, might as well make the most of now being in the “50 year old club”. Do you agree?


If any of you have any words of wisdom or tidbits to share about what 50 means or meant to you….then by all means, please comment and tell me about it! I am incredibly grateful for the friendships I have made through blogging, both to my fellow bloggers and all my readers, you are an amazing and inspiring bunch.? How lucky I am to have over 8500 friends from all around? the world:)


Today I will be celebrating with my family but will be back tomorrow. Best gift of all is my son is coming home from college tonight (with a friend in tow) and I cannot wait to have my “little man” (that is what I call him but he is hardly little) home! I had a beautiful birthday luncheon thrown in my honor and will share the gorgeous highlights in the next few days. Hoping you are having a wonderful weekend…..thanks as always for stopping in.

If you missed the post on my holiday decor, please be sure to visit The Ribbon in my journal to see all my holiday decor if you haven’t already, click here.

Also a? reminder,? I announced my HOLIDAY LOVE contest yesterday, already got in over 35 pictures…keep em coming. Here are the rules-

  • Please send to and in subject line put HOLIDAY LOVE (this way I can identify the entrants)
  • No more than 2 pictures per person
  • Please do not send pictures from the internet, Pinterest, Tumblir, etc?..
  • Winner will win choice of any tole item of her choice
  • There will be a cap of 70 pictures accepted (first 70 to be sent in)
  • Can be from past holidays does not have to be this year
  • Contest deadline Dec. 29th (contest will run on or around Jan 5th)

Until Monday……..


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Happy birthday Tina! Welcome to the beginning decades of empowered women who know how to get things done and make no excuses about it.

Happy Birthday Tina
You have given us all a gift
each morning with your blogs. When I wake each day, your positive words make me smile.
Enjoy your special day and
Thankyou for your hard work. It has been a while for me, but 50 is great!

Happy Birthday Tina. Enjoy your special day. I remember my 50th birthday celebrating it at my daughter’s college. Now, three grandchildren later, at the age of 67 I will just say that life get’s better!! The years seem to slip by faster, but if you enjoy everyday you will look back and be so thankful.

Enjoyed reading your thoughts on turning 50, which is really the new 30. At 51, I will say I am more confident and feel more empowered than ever before. You have done so much in your 50 short years, I can only imagine what you will achieve in the next 50! Wishing you the best of everything, thank you for your blog!

I have to agree with everything Kathy said. I will be 68 on the 22nd of this month and it seems like only yesterday that my son came home from college on my 50th birthday only to declare “Mom you’re a half century old!” I did not feel like that then nor do I feel “old” now, only alot wiser. Count your blessings and enjoy every day. Happy Birthday!!

I am a year behind you but have to say I think it is really all about how you live and approach life, goes way beyond the number. I have gone back to graduate school and started a small business at 47 years old and feel like I can conquer the world, with every year comes new wisdom and experience.
Happy Birthday beautiful Tina!

Happy, happy birthday, Tina!! I hope you have a beautiful day and a blessed year!! Being two whole years older than you, I can tell you that so far my fifties have been AMAZING…two of the best years of my life. Enjoy your day…and what a gift to have your son home tonight! xoxo

Happy Birthday, Tina!

Age means nothing: it’s how you approach life. I passed 50 eight yrs ago…I am amazed I am 58, because I feel so much younger.. I know people in their 30’s and 40’s who appear so much older because of attitude. Attitude is everything.

May you have many more years ahead of you…

Lots of great advice here. But at no time than now has it ever been true that 50 is still young. I see 50 year olds who look way better than some 30 year olds. I can see you love enjoy and embrace life and with that spirit you will always be young.
Enjoy every minute. Thank you for your blog, its my favorite!

Happy 50th Tina and you should feel so proud and know you are about what you have accomplished in your short life. I can remember in 2002, my only sibling (sister)was in the hospital on December 21 and she had terminal cancer. That was the day I turned 50. Without thinking, I blurted out- ” how I hate turning “50” I can remember the tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at me and said, Kathy-Be so thankful you are turning 50. How I wish I could. She died at age 47, a week before her 48th birthday. So, now a week shy of turning 62, I treasure each year I am given here and always remember what she told me. Have a wonderful day and a wonderful next 50 years. You have just begun !!!:)

My dear, dear Tina. I am glad I caught this post before the day began, so I could come here to tell you how much your readership and friendship has meant to me.

I am going on 57, and let me tell you, the joys of “growing up” far out-measure the inevitable physical changes. Menopause, aches and pains and new eye glass prescriptions pale in comparison to the things that really start to matter the most. But in all of that, outward beauty takes on a new glow from THE INSIDE.

I wish you a fabulous 50 and a decade long of entering into a new level of womanhood. It is fabulous.

Wishing you a SPLENDID celebration with all the people who madly love you! BIG HUGS! Anita

Happy Birthday Tina! I so enjoy reading your blog, seeing the beautiful way you decorate your home, the joy with which you entertain, the love you have for your family. Who knew the digital world could bring people together the way it has? Thank you for sharing your life with those of us who are inspired by it.

Blessing to you on this milestone birthday. Thank you for your beautiful blog as it is a treat for me each day! Enjoy the time spent with your “little man” as those are the important things in life. Cheers

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are a gift to each of us as well!
Have a beautiful blessed day!

Happy Birthday– your joy will increase with your years. I hope you planned something wonderful and special to mark the day. I spent my 65th birthday having tea with a friend who is 95. I told her I wanted her to talk with me about how she does it. I would not have traded the great loves and losses of the past 15 years for anything. I have loved well, quit smoking, left one life to begin another, have lifelong cherish friends and family, and have begun to learn French.

Happy Birthday Tina. Hope your day is wonderful. When I read your blog in the morning, it puts a smile on my face to start the day. Now at 68, I remember turning 50 and thinking what could be better in the years ahead. Not to rush you – but then along came weddings and grandchildren! There are truly years ahead of you that will be as wonderful or even more than the first 50. Bon cinquantieme anniversaire. Ginny Rowe

Thank You Lord for blessing Tina on her 50th birthday and always! Tina you are a gift from God to me and I am so happy to be your friend! I hope you have the best birthday ever with your family and your little man. My little man isn’t so little either but he will always be my baby, so I know exactly what you mean! Hugs and kisses to you my dearest friend! God bless you! XOXOXOXO

Happy birthday Tina! There is nothing better than celebrating with friends and family, that’s what it’s all about. I had the good fortune of having my 91 year old mom and older sister give me a 60th birthday this summer (i am a 4th of july “baby”. Nothing better. Enjoy your special day, and am so glad your son is coming home too!

The little chick is turning into a wise old owl ;). That’s how I feel. There’s a quote from Ann Landers that made me chuckle when I turned 60 recently…”At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At 40 we don’t care what they think of us. At 60 we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all.” Ha! Take care of numero uno and enjoy your day. HAPPY 50th!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my favorite people! I hope that it is as special as you are, Tina.
I will be hitting the big 60 next week, so I can tell you it gets better! My 50s have been better than the pass decades.

Cherish the past and relish the future. Life is an adventure. Happy trails and Happy 50th Birthday!

Happy Birthday again. I also left a birthday message yesterday and on A Ribbon in My Journal about your beautiful home. I am way older than 50. I made a decision at age 50 to go back to school to become a minister. My advice is to always listen to your intuition and follow your heart. Then you will never have any regrets. Peace and Blessings and Gratitude

Happy 50th Birthday, Tina. The Best is Truly Yet To Come.
Have a wonderful time celebrating with your family.

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to YOU,
Happy Birthday, dear Tina,
Happy Birthday to YOU, & many more happy years of friendship with all of us
virtual friends.

Sending love X10

Happy Birthday, Tina! When I turned 50, my children gave me a huge bouquet of black balloons…no lack of humor in this family! The truth is, if you’re in good health and have a youthful spirit, numbers mean nothing…you truly are as young as you feel. So, live it up and celebrate that your best days lie ahead!

Hi Tina,
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! I hope you have a wonderful, beautiful, fantastic day celebrating with your family.

Tina HAPPY BIRTHDAY to someone who is beautiful inside and out. The gift you give to people from all around the world is such a beautiful thing, I hope you have the joy you give others for your special day today, and hope you are surrounded by those who love you most.

I turned 50 6 months ago and if there are two things I have l learned – to weed out those “weeds” aka inauthentic people out of your life and keep those who really love you unconditionally close AND to seize the day and not let a minute go by without it meaning something. Life is short. I took up golf, tennis and went back for my masters all in one year!

Wishing life’s best as you celebrate this special birthday Tina.

Dearest Tina, let me unite my voice to the 8,500 friends around the world that will be sending birthday blessings your way! Have a wonder filled day!!!!!

Wishing you a very happy birthday and the best years are ahead.
I enjoy your blog very much.

You always have a happy attitude, whenever you write and share news of what is happening in your world. Your sunny disposition and strong family bonds are what keeps you youthful.
Enjoy the day with your sweet husband and boys – enjoy all of the wonderful years yet to come. I’m a half dozen years ahead of you and I can honestly say it is great being 50 {and then some}.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TINA!!! You have accomplished so much in the first 50 years, I can’t wait to see what you do in the future! Enjoy your holidays with all your boys!

Happy, Happy Birthday Tina, hope you have the most amazing day!!!! Thank you for you and your wonderful blog.

Have a fabulous celebration. When I turned fifty I announced that I was no longer celebrating birthdays but rather commemorating the anniversaries of my 49th. It’s devious fun to watch people’s faces when I tell them that I just celebrated the 9th anniversary of my 49th…..

Enjoy the love, warmth and magic of the holidays

I gave MYSELF a “50 is Nifty” birthday party that year and now at age 80 my advice is to just enjoy the ride and count your blessings every day.

Happy birthday- your love of life will keep you young forever Tina- afire your blog….I turn 50 next year and have a whole new outlook on how I see “50”!

Happy Birthday Tina! I hope you have a Wonderful Day. 50 is Fabulous on you…..

Happy birthday Tina,

Thankyou for the many wonderful hours of joy you have given me, and many many others.

Reachng 50 is quite an achievement, and a chance to reflect on what you have achieved, and what you still want to do.

I really think the real treasures in life are friends and family. When my parents had been married for 50 years, I made them a treasure box, with a photo album of all of their ‘treasures”. I put in photos of their wedding, and all of us when we were young and our achievements when we were growing up. Then I put in some of our wedding photos, all of the grandchildren. and of course, our beloved pets who are always in our hearts. And the homes where all the memories are created.

So have a wonderful day , and a wonderful year and a wonderful decade

With warmest regards,

Gabrielle (from Australia)

Happy Birthday, Tina!!! 50 is the new 30 by the way! I hope you have fun with your family and enjoy seeing your ‘lil man.’ I know great things are is store for you and I can’t wait to watch them all happen!! xo

happy birthday tina!!!
seems like my 50th was just yesterday, 8 years on life is still great
a friend told me i would enjoy my fifties, “you will be empowered to speak your mind” and how true. it’s a great decade, embrace it and live life to the fullest!

Happy Birthday 50th Tina ! The best is yet to come and I know that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to!! You are a fabulous woman!
The Arts by Karena

Happy, happy birthday, dear Tina. I LOVE the wonderful attitude and happiness that your words exude – you are like a glass of champagne bubbling over. I’m so inspired by your determination to celebrate all that you have to be grateful for and to make ever day count. Good for you! I’m a bit behind you, but will tuck this post away to read on my birthday, and every birthday as I approach the big 5-0 myself.

Your friendship and way of seeing the beauty in the world is such generous gift to all your readers. Thank you.

Wishing you the very best today and in the year to come! XOXO

Happy Birthday Tina – nothing to be afraid of – being 50 that is. I have just turned 60 and loved getting older. People start taking you seriously and ask your advice!!. X

Dear Tina, a day late, but many happy birthday wishes for you from Normandy! In my experience, 50 brings us to a stage in our lives where are children are bigger and we have more time to ‘play’. Doing what we love and doing it well, as you do at your enchanted home, is surely the very best way to hit a new decade.
Your website is already a huge success, I am sure that you will continue to go from strength to strength.
love to you

Congratulations, I think 50 is one of those wonderful milestones when you can put your childhood and all the growing pains of life behind you and emerge like a butterfly, confident in who you have become and sure of your own style and personality. I also turned 50 this year and like you, I was thrilled to be doing so and not at all depressed by the ticking over of another decade. I guess I also feel that it is disrespectful to those who don’t get to reach that age to be upset by any milestone! We are blessed. Enjoy your precious son and have a wonderful birthday.

Happy birthday, Tina! I’m a couple of years ahead of you and have found the ’50s’ to be great. I predict this will be your best decade to date!

OMG! Happy 50th Tina! We have the same birthday! I turned 54 on December 14th!! Spent the weekend in NYC enjoyed Central Park, the boathouse for Rose,
Dinner at Delfrisco’s and the Spice Market!!Drinks on the 65TH FLOOR at the newly renovated 65 bar at Rockefeller(you should go) and of course the Christmas Spectacular! I knew we had a connection!! HaHa!

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