Comments : 29

Hello friends! Missed being here (as I always do) and hope everyone had a restful and wonderful holiday weekend. First I want to announce the winner of the porcelain planter giveaway (when it arrives in late June). Congratulations goes to-


Please contact me to provide your shipping details at


I know the rainy weather that plagued much of the East Coast put a dampener on many plans but as I said on my Instagram, that is nothing compared to the sacrifice of those who have given themselves to our country and their families. We were in Maine and it was so wonderful, so beautiful and very restful, much needed:)

We had beautiful weather the first half and the second half the temps dropped and it was overcast, it didn’t stop us from having our fun but it did curtail plans to Bar Harbor to see friends. I feel totally recharged and ready to work again:)

Today is for all those incurable seekers of beauty. I would anoint myself president of that club. I seek it out wherever  I might be, and sometimes when life is not going quite as I would like, I find, no make that- I need to find it. It is almost like a compass that “sets me straight” and a form of therapy in that it balances me, makes me happy, calms and just inspires me to no end.

Looking at my online albums overflowing with beautiful pictures makes me happy and the power of a photograph to take us away and allow us to dream is still quite a phenomenon to me. Today’s post is all about beauty in many shapes, sizes and colors….this post just makes me happy:) Sometimes I have picture that doesn’t quite fit into a specific post but are just too good to not share, hence “Random Beauty”. No narrations necessary here, the pictures speak volumes!  Hope you enjoy…..



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Ahhh so many pretty pictures, do these get your mind racing too? Hope this little dose of beauty will start your day off right:)  I am a hopeless seeker of beauty…and I am more than happy for it to stay that way:) Hope you  have a great start to this short week, I know I have  lots to do and get busy with, so thank you for stopping in….until next time!



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These photos are just so beautiful! Especially the 1st one.. That house.. Perfection! Thank you for starting my day with these gorgeous pictures!

Tina, could not agree with you more. One sometimes has to find the beauty in a situation and life. It was nice here one day and rained the rest but we still had a fabulous, restful weekend.

Maine is a favorite destination of mine, sound like you had a great time! Can’t wait to see photos.

Have a wonderful week and thanks for sharing these fabulous images.

I’m an addict of beauty too! It inspires me & encourages me to seek beauty out that is all around us, especially in nature.

Just beautiful…..and drool worthy. OMG that first picture…..dream house for sure. You have such good taste. Keep on posting “eye candy”.

What wonderful photos! Thank you for sharing these beautiful moments captured for all of us to enjoy! Have a day filled with sunshine, Tina!

I agree with all of you! Nothing like some fabulous photos. And my goodness, those labs!!

Mmm. That first one with the American flag – a perfect representation of the freedom we have in America. To our veterans out there: may we always make America worth your sacrifices.

Tina this is just what I needed this morning! I woke up so tired this morning and needed a jump start and this did it. Such gorgeous photos! Each and every one of them. I too seek beauty when I need some inspiration to get me back on track when I’m tired or a bit down. Thank you so much! I’m off an running now.

You, as always, share an amazing array of fantastic images. Love all your posts, I save, and re-read them. Everything you send is beautiful.
Thank You!

Your site has become part of my morning ritual. Thank you for sharing your passion and gorgeous point of view. It is inspiring for this upcoming empty nester!

Thank you for the beautiful post! All the photos were great, but I especially love the photo of the dogs. ? The photos of nature, at its best, are also pretty. Have a great week.

Thanx for the gorgeous photos. Have to agree made for a more enjoyable coffee break. Am itching to plant a hydrangea border, understand deer ‘may or may not’ (wow – that narrows it down!) munch on hydrangea.
Nothing like a man in full Classic Dressage attire, makes me miss the Royal Winter Fair.
And that fabulous cart of luggage – the owner must have arrived by private plane – it would have ended up with missing handles had it been thrown into commercial baggage..
Enjoy this gorgeous weather!


This would make a beautiful “coffee table” book.

No words needed.

Love the hunter clearing the fence.. Love the sailboat. The houses, the gardens. Oh, my goodness, I could go on. So relieved this was not a Which Do You Choose!! There’s so much beauty in our world if we open the eyes of our hearts. Even on the dreariest winter day, there is always something beautiful to see. Thank you for offering these images today.

I wanted to say, “Once upon a time…” with every gorgeous photograph! Thank you for making my day.

Thank you…. your “random beauty” served as a much needed respite and act of random kindness for me on a very difficult day.

Helloooo dear Tina!! Hope you are having the gorgeous weather that we are having here. Thanks for my morning eye candy – especially of that handsome gent walking his horse!! Enjoy your week!

I’m a little late to commenting on this beautiful post but I’m here to say…..OMG!!! I agree all quite beautiful and worth posting. Since I’m a Kentucky girl I especially like the horses and the silver julep cups. Thanks for sharing!!!

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