Comments : 14

Hello friends! Busy but fun week……knee deep in the chinoiseie and just loving every single piece. I am bringing home a tray, mirror and a few planters with me today. The sale ends TONIGHT. Click here to see. (plus a great giveaway you will want to enter)!

THANK YOU so very much for your votes……I was so honored to have even been chosen to run in the best interior design blog category for the JDR Industry Blogger Awards.…a huge honor! I believe you can vote once per day so if you are ultra loyal…then be my guest:) And yes I will be including fairly regular reminds of how shameless I am in self promotion, lol.

As I often do I share with you regular happenings of my life as seen through my iPhone, only the good, pretty and fun. Today is a look at the last week or so…..

Had a small brunch and had such fun setting up the table, more on this next week!

LOVE getting in new goodies and these stunning raffia totes are amazingly chic, a flash sale will happen in a few days

Got in a shipment of gorgeous white azalea topiaries… faves

A clients beautiful fireplace with her new screen, tool set and of course ginger jars from yours truly:)

Set up this darling settee in my office (it will soon be added to my shop)!

Loving these pillows..had a pair made for a client and loved them so much had a pair made for me

Gorgeous new bags just came in for two very lucky customers….loving the blue and white of course:)

Adding/trying a blue runner in my kitchen for Mr. Teddy’s weary legs, I am ordering three of these so he can get up a little easier (floor can be slippery) He will thank me

A gorgeous paneled box of squares for a darling nursery I am helping with, love the effect

Is there anything yummier than a tasty bowl of hot minestrone soup in the dead of winter!

A clients beautiful tonal living room…so elegant

Love fish and getting to see the catch of the day at one our favorite Greek restaurants, Kyma

Chinoiesrie tole city over here….and loving every minute:)

A blast from the past, a new client referred to this room as inspiration for her own powder room, loved doing this! My showhouse space in Franklin, TN for the O’More College of Design

Got in these magnificent floral urns from my favorite statuary line and these two beautiful planter (both will be on the site soon but taking orders now). NO ONE can believe they are not heavy old stone:)

And that’s a wrap! A little peek into the good things that have happened over the last week or so, we are keeping out the ugly, frustrating and annoying, who needs that! Until next time…..


Chinoiserie tole sale is on until tonight plus you will want to enter the giveaway for a gorgeous planter, click here to see

Don’t forget to vote for me  and thank you in advance for your support..your encouragement keeps my little engine going:) click here to vote


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Two questions rather than comments:
Do you have a source for the sweet cream pitcher on your brunch table. Should love to have one.
What is the source of the rug your ordered for Mr. Teddy’s tired legs. Mine could use some help also
I shall appreciate very much,

So much to take in, and so much beauty. I LOVE those garden urns by your sweet settee (and the pillows). Your design jobs always have me wanting to do a rehaul of my entire house. I can’t wait to see the totes, going on vacation April 2nd and would love to have one by then, when will they be for sale? Loved this entire post, a better pick me up than coffee:-)

I tried to vote for you again. But, alas, it told me I had already voted. Good Luck to you! Looks like you are definitely in the lead, as you should be!

Love those Quadrille pillows!! I’m going to have some made in blue, that pattern just makes me happy!
I so wish I had ordered one of the monogrammed beaded bags during the presale, but I missed my chance 🙁

I voted for South Shore Decorating and…saw your blog listed (different category)…so, it got a vote as well!! franki

Thanks for the vote Tina! I am voting for you, too, of course and I really think you deserve to win. It’s bene fun to be a reader since the beginning and watch you conquer so many things here!

I fell in love with the “aged stone ” planters. Look like the real heavy deal. I saw some like this at the annual Antique and Garden show at the botanical gardens outside of Chicago. They needed a forklift to move them. Check out Stone Ornamental book by Barbara Israel. You will swoon

The blue scenic wallpaper in the powder room is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! I am not sure if I have left this on the right day..the powder rooms on your blog are outstandingly beautiful….I am haunted by the one by Paul Montgomery that had the yellow/gold background with the white flowers in it.. a little over a week ago…Your blog is exquisite…

Looks like a busy but fun week. Love the rugs for Teddy, he will indeed thank you. Love the flashback to the bathroom, it is gorgeous.

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