Comments : 26

Hi and happy Sunday friends! I first want to announce the winner of the pagoda giveaway. Congratulations goes to-

I absolutely love the etched glass hurricanes. And the picture of Teddy.
Linda O.

Please email with your shipping info, name and pagoda color choice (include 2) and your prize will be on it’s way!


Hope you are having a great weekend. We had a nice dinner with friends, first time out for dinner to a restaurant and sat outside of course with tables safely distanced. I still was a nervous Nelly but used caution. Today we are taking a little day trip out to the Hamptons to see a friends new home and will be making  a day of it.

As our we prepare for our warehouse move we continue with the painting due to be done by end of  week, I am soaking up every chance for some much needed down time, though the move is exciting and we are so eager to have much more space and new offices. I will do some kind of an update post on the new digs in the next week or two. In the meantime, onward we go to this weeks post-



1 DREAMING OF PROVENCE. I am a self proclaimed dreamer, always have been. So this house really got me dreaming:) I can see the possibilities alive in my mind. Doesn’t need much, some new furniture, a litlte paint, something yummy baking in that beautiful oven, French music blaring…get the picture? Something  about the state of our world makes escaping to such a beautiful, idyllic place like this that much more appealing! If you are feeling tempted click here to see the listing.

2 NEW PRODUCTS IN THE WORKS! So very excited to share with you all that is new and exciting over here. A LOT!! And now that we get to move to our new warehouse space in about 2-3 weeks, we will have more room to expand so though its a lot of work, stress and expense, I know in the end it will be worth it.

Remember these lamps? Well they are about to get painted, hand carved solid wood!! They are getting painted this week

Our new mural in the works, the above mural is an almost completed sample, we have since tweaked it a bit but this gives you the idea:)

And adore these pale blue, pink and green wastepaper baskets and tissues…can’t wait to get them (presale will be in 2 weeks)

So excited about finally bringing red/white tuipieres, great for year round but also wonderful for the holidays

3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST  Never at a loss of incredible instagrams to share with you, part of the fun of these is also getting to discover all kinds of beautiful new accounts.



4 TULIPIERE FEVER I was sent the most wonderful box of the most fragrant roses I have ever smelled by a favorite customer/friend. They came from Grace Rose farm (new to me but a source I am thrilled to now know about)! The presentation was beautiful and this is a fantastic new resource for all you rose fans out there.

I had a rough day that day so coming home to these was a serious sight for sore eyes. I had such fun using the occasion to decorate my large pale village scene tulipieres. I forgot how much I love working with them and just love the effect of these incredible pastel toned roses in these! I wish I could keep them like this forever!! Click here to visit Grace Rose Farm and here to visit them on Instagram.

5 A FAVORITE SUMMER SALAD I could eat this morning noon and night. And with corn and tomatoes being their ripest in August, it’s a great time to make this delicious salad either as a main dish or a side. Pairs great with BBQ’s too. The fact that’s its super easy is a big bonus, in fact think I may make this tonight! Found at Gimme Delicious which has lots of fantastic recipes, click here.


  • 1 cup corn (canned, fresh or frozen)
  • 1 large avocado
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 small red onion
  • 1/2 medium English cucumber
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp lime juice
  • 1 tsp salt adjsut to taste
  • 1 tsp ground black adjust to taste


  • If you’re using frozen corn, thaw it out by running it through cool water in a colander. If using canned corn, drain and rinse. Or, if you are grilling your corn, make sure to use a sharp knife to carefully remove the kernels from the cob. Then, let them fully cool to room temperature.
  • Cut avocado, cucumber and tomatoes into bite-sized pieces.
  • Dice onions and combine them with the rest of the chopped produce.
  • Whisk the oil, lime juice and salt together in a small bowl. Lightly toss with your veggies and serve.




6 ABOUT THOSE MASKS.So when I featured our gorgeous new blue embroidered masks a week or two ago I had no idea they would get the attention they did. Who knew! We got two shipments and almost immediately sold out and are getting a third sometime around mid Sept (have limited stock of the new white on white masks,just added yesterday)

Though we are sold out of the pale blue we are now taking orders for that shipment (shipping 2nd or 3rd week of Sept). They are made of Italian cotton, are hand embroidered and are triple layered.

We also now have limited white on white which are stunning and amazing for a bride, bridal party,etc…..

If you want to preorder yours, you can click here.


7 SUNDAYS’ SURVEY Ahhh, these crazy times we live in……..I don’t know that I will ever get used to this new norm. It still feels so surreal to me. Wearing a mask everywhere I go, not being able to do the things I used to love, travel, even hugging someone, all things I think many of us took for granted.

It has all changed so much, have this conversation almost daily with friends and family. So, just how well do you think you have managed to adjust and how much has this impacted you and your daily life?

I recognize this is different for many of us depending on where in the country you are.  In having this conversation with many I know, most of us seem to think its greatly impacted our lives but are finding ways to carry on, albeit a new and not always comfortable normal. I am curious to see what you have to say on the matter!


And that friends is a wrap. I am going to enjoy this day off as we have a super busy week ahead. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and finding time to enjoy and savor summer, its going by awfully fast. Stay safe, and thanks for stopping in! Until next time……

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I so enjoy everything about The Enchanted Home. My days are filled with dreams as we wait for our house to be finished. Shades of blue and white for me. I’m a floral designer that’s eager to start decorating. Thanks for your inspiration

I am thankful that no one I know and love has the virus and I just think we all need to count our daily blessings and know that in God’s time this will pass

I am a family nurse practitioner in Kentucky and Covid has had a huge impact on my professional and personal life. However, I am doing all I can to treat and protect those I love, patients and family.
However, little indulgences like this site bring some blue and white beautiful to my life!

Good morning Tina, A beautiful post as always., I look forward to Sunday mornings just because I look forward to the Sunday posts!
Those tuliperes are beautiful! Just love all of your new products, you really do have such a talent for creating beautiful things and I cannot tell you how much influence you’ve had on how I have started to decorate our new home.
I love Provence! My sister got married there 5 years ago and we rented a house and stayed there for 2 1/2 weeks, it was the best trip we’ve ever had, , a very special place.
There is no doubt that Covid has greatly impacted our lives, my husband is an emergency room doctor so he works around the clock and has had to take precautions that he never had to think about before (we also have 3 young kids under 11) . If only our federal government had implemented a mask regulation country wide, we would not be where we are today. Sad to say. Enjoy your day!

Beautiful everything!! I am
Making that salad today! Looks so good!
If everyone would wear a mask- we could get our life back!! Love your new masks and placed my order!

Is it possible to order the cream and gold planters now or do we need to wait till you’re in the new warehouse. I’ve loved these and saw they were sold out for a bit so very excited they’re back. Would love to get 1 ASAP.

The problem is that the “experts”—Dr Fauci—in January said there was no need to wear masks and that the virus was not going to have a big impact on the US, yet in 2016 he said the President would be faced with a pandemic. Makes you wonder what he knew and when he knew it. He also has 4 patents on items needed for the vaccine. The President can only act on the best info he has from “experts”. Half the country called him racist for banning flights from China the end of January. The WHO said the virus did not spread person to person at China’s insistence. I think the President has done the best he could with the info he has had at particular points in time. We all have to cope with it for now but it is very important to get the country back to the new normal ASAP.

Of course we’ve all adjusted, what choice did we have? I’m afraid those who have resisted have just made it worse, and those who made it political have the weight of thousands of dead victims. What a sad, unnecessary time for the country.

I love your posts for the escape they provide. Unfortunately we know several people who came down with Covid three who were hospitalized and one who died. So it’s hit hard for our community (Atlanta).

I am totally appalled at our current administration for the most irresponsible handling of the worst public health crisis our country has ever seen. Because of no cohesive leadership we are in the state that we are in now unlike any other country. At this point, the most important thing people can do is practice social distancing, common sense and always wear a mask in public.

My two kids will not be attending school in a few weeks but will be part of a new hybrid model that a private group of citizens has put together for temporary learning for the 2021 school year

Want to tell you that your products and everything that I have ever received from you has been even better in person! Thanks for the beauty that you provide in our lives, something we all need more of.


Another fun start to the day….love the info on the Villa. Had to cancel 3 weeks in Provence this year, A small sacrifice considering what so many are enduring throughout our upside-down world right now. Our health, a roof over our head, being safe……it certainly does put things in perspective.
The lamps getting ready for paint – I think offering some natural, without any paint, would be well received.
As always, spot on product wise.

As a Midwesterner, we have been somewhat unscathed by the difficulties that larger, highly crowded cities have had to contend. However, it is very clear to see the political motivation behind the media and Trump haters, to destroy our economy and try to blame this on Conservative politicians. Very interesting times we live in indeed. Many believe Covid will immediately go away after the election! Hope so.

My husband and I are fortunate enough to have moved into a CCRC (continuing care community) Independent Living building last year which has made this much easier! We still see our neighbors as we get our second set of exercise walking the halls, we have our daily dinner delivered to our apartment, we have an in-house “grocery” store, our Fitness Center Director does our exercises on our in-house TV station, we get “live” entertainment from our auditorium on the same in-house TV station,. We miss “hugs”, friends who do not live here, traveling, “just shopping”, and not having a full selection of items when we order groceries, etc. Thank heavens for Amazon who deliver packages daily to our building.
We all must be thankful for what we have, not complain about what we don’t have. Thank you for bringing beauty to our lives weekly!

I’m with you Linda Cashman. Everything seemed planned for this Pandemic to happen and certain people would benefit from it. Money is evil for some people….praying for things to get back to normal.

RE: Covid-19 ~ I’m getting better at this new life style. The first two months, I wasted so much time, sitting glued to CNN. One day, I took matters in hand and made myself accomplish something positive beyond meal planning and cooking with Hubby. He resumed model railroad projects at home; I resumed my writing. We cut down on television and read lots more, took occasional drives into the country with the windows wide open, Charlie (cocker spaniel) going along for the ride. Lately, we’ve been able to return to church with Masses held outdoors under the locust trees. Lovely!

Then we return home to brunch and the Sunday papers with NPR classical music for company.

Thanks for the salad recipe. It sounds delicious, and I think I’ll make it tonight. Also, thanks for the recommendation about Lenox Hill. From the first few minutes, I was hooked and binge-watched the entire season last weekend.

Made the salad and added frozen peas. So good, Tina, Love summer salads. The home in Provence was beautiful. Did I see that the range was placed in the middle of the kitchen? I love to think outside the box and this idea is brilliant, giving “the chefs” access to both sides. Would like to see other photos of this kitchen to learn the layout. Your kitchen is still one of my favorites. Looking forward to seeing the lamps. On my radar. Life will get better, take heart. Be positive and pray for healing on all levels. Thanks for a another lovely post.

Happy Sunday All!
Great recipe! Steaming the corn on the cob and then throwing it on the grill for a few minutes (then just run a knife down the cob to cut off the kernels) adds a nice smokiness to summer salads. Easy to throw a few skewers of shrimp on at the same time to add protein without a lot of fuss and easy clean-up!
The fabric masks are gorgeous, remember to wash them frequently. I had trouble finding the Lysol disinfecting laundry additive in the stores, but Clorox makes one as well now. No bleach so no worries about ruining colored items. Also use it on sheets and towels.
We have managed to adjust, but especially with the four-day power outage, people are losing their patience. Yes, this will pass in God’s time, but even JC himself would be losing his infinite patience with those who refuse to wear and mask and thus are prolonging this agony!

Dr. Fauci said masks were not necessary when there was a shortage of PPE for the healthcare providers and before we learned that asymptomatic people can transmit the virus. When those facts changed, Dr. Fauci recommended masks for everyone. Since January, the experts have learned more & more about the virus.

Dr Fauci invented 4 patents related to a possible HIV vaccine & the HHS (his employer) owns those patents, not Dr Fauci. So the patents do not relate to the virus vaccine & he does not own the patents.

Yes, Dr. Fauci predicted a pandemic could occur. So have many other public health experts. They did so, hoping the government would prepare for one. The prediction was accurate.

The pandemic is not the result of a conspiracy & Dr. Fauci will not financially benefit from the development of a vaccine. We need to wear masks, socially distance, stay home as much as possible & follow the advice of scientists & healthcare professionals.

I really enjoy the recipes you share with us. I have made quite a few and they always turn out great and are so tasty! I just had this great idea! Well, you might not think so, but who knows? Like you don’t have your hands full with everything going on in your life already! I thought you could put all your recipes that you have shared with us into a little cookbook. Or maybe a book on entertaining with the recipes included. I know that I would purchase it. What do you think of my great idea? ???

My problem is wearing a mask. I feel like I’m suffocating. I truly loathe wearing one. Ughhh.
Stay well. ?

Pros: I don’t have to worry about wearing makeup as much as I used to. Sort of a waste behind the mask. I wouldn’t go to the mailbox without it before and wore cute little outfits even at home. But the more I stayed at home and didn’t see or talk to anyone I gave it up except for lipstick and mascara but now they have gone by the wayside too. I don’t iron or have to change purses since I only wear bike pants and t-shirts and a ponytail to do a daily run. So I stopped blowdrying my hair too. Not to mention pedicures are no more…boo hoo. But then again, everybody else seems to have adopted this look too. OMG, I’m not sure I can go back to having to look decent again. My closet is on static display and has never looked better since I never wear any of it. Working from home can be bad for your upkeep!!!

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