Comments : 5

Hi there, hope you are well. I am sharing a little of my Dad every Saturday with his always entertaining, insightful and often humorous emails. I am glad you are enjoying these. This weekend I get double the pleasure because he is here visiting us! He is so flattered that so many of you have been enjoying  this new edition. So he thanks you:)

So here is this weekends share….



This was so beautiful, poignant and touching….definitely very much worth  sharing!



This however is very disconcerting and far too prevalent right now-




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And there you have it, a little scoop of the day from my dad! Hope you enjoyed, that first one in particular really got to me. Wishing everyone a fabulous day, until next time……

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Good Morning to YOU and your fabulous Father 🙂 As for the “Ford Dealers Report” – per SNOPES this has been around since 2012-2013 – and their position on viability is Undetermined. BUT – I for one – believe in it TOTALLY – even if it may or may not have happened @ Latham Ford – this same scenario is, has been & continues to be happening everywhere in our Country 🙁

Tina, thanks, so much, for sharing your dear and precious Dad with us again today. He is such a wise and wonderful man and I am so thankful that we get to read his great posts each Saturday. I loved the first post and am going to share this. It brought tears to my eyes while reading it. In my younger days, I worked as a nurse in Geriatrics and I just loved all those special dear people. You are so blessed to have such a dear and precious Dad! Make sure you really spoil your Dad!

All of it is so profound-I thank your father for that poem and will remember that when I meet older people and remember that one day, if I’m lucky, I’ll be in that position, too. Everything today that he sent is true

White collar crimes rob our country of much more money than the fraud mentioned above. That’s where we need to get very serious!!

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