Comments : 9

Hi all hope you are having a great weekend. Its gotten so much cooler here, that I am back to wearing a sweater and jacket! On top of that I am under the weather, we were due to go to PB this weekend but had to postpone it. Good weekend to stay in, cool and rainy. As I do every Saturday, here is a little share from my dear dad….a long read but well worth it!



Don’t know about you but I wish I could click my heels and go back a few decades, the “old days” when life was simpler and people were more civilized, sounds really good to me right now! This was interesting…

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Thanks Dad! Hope you enjoyed this post, appreciate you stopping by (as does he)!  Wishing everyone a fabulous day, until next time…..

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To work to foster long-lasting, more appropriate positive attitudes & achievements, this type historical occurrence should be taught within our schools beginning when children are young enough to listen & to comprehend (via age-appropriate readings & presentations) as well as continued throughout their high school years…
Thank you again for sharing…

Thank you for your Saturday With Dad posts! Our parents have such amazing wisdom and patriotism. Your dad’s comments and stories are so spot on. I agree with you….let’s get back to those days of kindness and pride in our country. This is a great refreshing read…And I won’t give up hope💕

This is a lovely story. Maybe this is too heavy for a blog that focuses on beauty, but I think we need to be careful about sentimentalizing the past. The truth is, it was a harder time for women in multiple ways, right? It was a harder time for anybody of color or minority. Those in power were often just as corrupt—it could just stay covered up. Medically there have been tremendous advances—important for those of us getting into our senior years. Etc. Etc. ‘Just sayin….

There’s nothing wrong in sentimentalizing the past and acknowledging and recognizing the truth.
We need to remind ourselves that integrity and respect should not be lost. People are quick to think of negative comments rather than positive compliments which I find quite sad.
Love reading your dad’s post.

Tina, with each Saturday Morning Post with your dear and precious Dad, I just get to love and appreciate him more and more. What a wonderful man you are so blessed to have as your Dad. He is precious!

I, too, share the sentiments of that 12 year old boy in Kingston, Ontario. There have been so many times when I, too, have wished that I was an American. We love the USA and my husband and I spend 6 months of winter on South Padre Island, Texas and absolutely love it. We have done this for 16 years now! As a Canadian, we have always loved and respected the USA. And I, too, salute that pilot and hope and pray that America will return to what it used to be!

Hope you will soon be feeling better, Tina. Also hope that your Dad is having a wonderful trip! Thanks, again, for sharing your precious Dad with us! We all need to be reading more of his wonderful articles that cause us to stop and think — and, as a result, try to make things better wherever we live!

Your dad is a wise man! Loved this and will be sharing. Love your blog, you make th world a much prettier and special place!

Love your post! The beauty of your blog is made all the more beautiful by the inclusion of beautiful moments in human history.

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