Comments : 10

Hello everyone, hope you are having a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend. I first want to announce the winner of the Spring Love contest (it was a very close contest), congratulations goes to-

Emily for submitting this beautiful picture from round 2


Please email us at to provide your name and address so your box of goodies can be on the way! Congratulations to the runners up and all who submitted their gorgeous photos. Always fun to host these contests.


Now a little something from my dad-


I don’t know if this makes me appreciate technology more or less, realizing that we will never go back to the simpler times and that instant gratification is not always a good thing! I remember maps, strategic long distance calling, having to look up things in books and encyclopedias, library visits (which I loved and miss), and will always love a good board game regardless of what technology throws at us:) Can I say I even miss the days when I went to CVS to develop my film from a trip !



Thanks Dad! Always enjoy sharing what you send and happy to see many others enjoy it too. Wishing everyone a wonderful day, until next time…..

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Hi Tina,
Your dads quotes are very cute !!
Happy Mother’s Day !! Your mom would want you to enjoy your sons on this special day , she is watching over you always!!!
Love, Dr. Caroline Engelhardt

Oh, my goodness-HILARIOUS and touching all at once. You can see why we have so many reports about how lonely people are now-it will change if we just try and put “devices” in their proper places-WE control them, not the other way around. They are tools-not a lifestyle. Many thanks for your Dad’s wisdom and vision

Thanks, Tina, for a wonderful Saturday Morning post with your dear and precious Dad.

Tina, I pray that you will have a nice Mother’s Day with your family and also that you will have many precious memories of your Mom. Bless you!

I just lost my dad to dementia last month and these quotes are the kinds of things he would’ve enjoyed in better days. 🙂 Thank you for sharing. My mother, too, has dementia and I am thinking of her and your mother this weekend. Best wishes to your family. <3

I absolutely love these! Tina, your dad must be great guy! Thanks for sharing him with us each week!

Tina, your Dad is about the only person who can still make me laugh out loud!!! Thank you so much for sharing his quips, wisdom and intellect with us. And, his brilliant sense of humor. Of course, that.

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