Comments : 5

Hello everyone. Hope you have enjoyed a good week! TGIF….looking forward to the weekend and some much needed down time along with some fun things planned. We are getting to the finish line with PB and so excited to finally wrap it up so I can go there more often, though will likely avoid the scorching month of August.

We have had a bizarre weather pattern this week between the hail storm I was stuck in then living through three days of a strange, eerie looking haze with a burning smell filling every crevasse. It should get better by the weekend, but this is one time where the media was not exaggerating. Anyhow, onto pictures taken in the last week or so……..



One of our favorite meals, recipes coming up on Sunday!

The salad that’s on repeat all summer long

Exhibit A of the craziest weather we had this week, it went from pink to orange skies with a nonstop burning scent in the air

And the day before got stuck in a hail storm, felt like Weather Channel Central!

The best Greek yogurt at a local restaurant, shared with a friend

Went to Kips Bay shophouse and though most rooms were not my style, this living room spoke to me… talented Timothy Corrigan

Went around the yard and went flower cutting….

Got the very last of my peonies

Adore our new watering cans, they make gardening just a little prettier:) Click here to see them (scroll down once on new arrivals

Added some white flowers to my planters by the greenhouse

My favorite front seat passenger

And…..I have tomatoes! Hope the deer stay far away

Calling all rose lovers…..if you want. beautiful fragrant delicate GORGEOUS rose that looks like a rose, peony and rananculus rolled into one….this is the one!

Never had a sushi dinner I didn’t love!

Went to a lovely dinner party and couldn’t resists taking a few pictures of this incredible chinoiserie powder room! The entire house was like a chinoiserie museum….interesting crowd too. Met Susan Lucci, who looks amazing, lovely and ageless.

The top border was wallpaper and there was a ledge with real porcelain jars on it too…it was amazing, hard to make out in photos.


And that’s life around here, at least the good and pretty:) Always have to capture the beauty and the positive things out there, as that’s what keeps me chugging.


Our ongoing linen sale is on and things are going fast! ALL LINENS 30% OFF

use code linen

click here to see our linen collection

Thank you for stopping by. Wishing everyone a beautiful day, until next time……

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That haze looks awful. I hope it moves away and stays away so you can breathe! Your dinner looks delicious. Looking forward to the recipe on Sunday!! Happy Friday.

Hi Tina; you have to plant marigolds around tomatoes helps w/ worms…also deer will jump any fence etc. Need to fence in garden tastefully w/overhead netting or cage effect w/ chicken wire but do it… or else you will walk out one morning
and everything ravaged… Fan of your website 😊 Linda

You met Susan Lucci????? What a treat! I watched her for decades on AMC, and it is funny that she is so nice in person while being so conniving on TV!

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