Comments : 17

Good morning, friends! The last couple of days have finally started to feel somewhat normal after weeks of chaos. The actual move is officially behind us—there’s just one small closet left to empty out today, and once that’s done, the house will be completely cleared out. Will be sharing more on current state of renovation in a post this coming week.

It’s exciting to have this chapter behind us. As I’ve mentioned before, it’s been an absolutely exhausting process, but now that we’re coming out on the other side, it feels great to be settling into our new home for the next year and a half.

We’ve had a little work being done here and there, so I haven’t been able to get out as much as I would have liked. I was supposed to go on a girls’ trip but wasn’t able to make it, though that has given me extra time to focus on settling in. My husband and I are very much alike in that we can’t stand living with boxes and bags everywhere, so we really worked ourselves to the bone to get things unpacked.

Now that the bulk of it is done, we’re taking things at a slower pace, devoting an hour or two a day to the finishing touches. Some things will remain in storage for now, but overall, we’re feeling good about where things are.

We were supposed to go to Florida to see friends for the weekend and then Palmetto Bluff for a few days but the contractor (very slow but good) who is doing odds and ends here,  needs 2 more days so any getaway plans came to a screeching halt. Hopefully in a few weeks we can steal a few days for a bit of rest and relaxation.

Here we go—onto this next chapter…


Added our pretty silk sconce shades to our dining room chandelier…love how they look

Found a pretty spot for our gorgeous ormolu porcelain jars (collaboration with Carolyne Roehm)


And plenty of blue and white being spread around and loved our trellis mirrors above this pair of consoles

Our big etched bowl with these beautiful Tiffany urns that I just adore

Filled our big landscape bowl with a bunch of our porcelain balls

Center hall table was a great place to place my coral

Love blue and white against dark woods

We have these very tall cabinets in the living room, which worked out great as a place for all my coral, silver and some china plates

Added our blue dot sconce shades to my bedroom chandelier and love them (click here to see all styles) They really do add a lot

Placing my silver wherever I can find a spot

One of my most favorite pieces (from my beloved mom)

Placed some of my crystal decanters on a large silver tray

Tiny powder room #2 got the sink put in now it onto the wallpaper (also used our bamboo lantern in here)

My absolute pride and joy….Baby Phillip, like a ray of sunshine every day!

He has started eating solids, and on this particular day he experimented with peas! So far, he is loving what hes being given:)

Those chubby little hands get me every time!

Love our lattice frames, painted the two above a grayish blue to match my room, white are below….

I try to stay away from sweets but on this night out with good friends, these were too good to not have a few bites of, the BEST biscotti and profiteroles!

This is an old fashioned linen closet that was painted a tan with very dated wallpaper, we are having it repainted in. my new favorite white, Cloud White by BM

I made this dish which is SO good, its a basmati rice and chicken dish called Tahchin with a Mediterranean salad…will share recipe on Sunday for anyone who is interested





And that’s a wrap friends. Thanks for stopping in, want to wish everyone a happy Friday and smooth end to your week. Until next time….

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Thanks for taking us along on your journey! I’d love to have your recipe….looks delicious!

I’m confused also!! She had a huge home she renovated and sold about a year ago. They built a home in Palmetto Bluff as a vacation home. Then, bought a new home in NY after they sold their big home. That’s the home I thought they are renovating, but it sounds like there is another home they are renovating too! I hope Tina can straighten us out! lol

Phillip is getting so big. Cherish every second with him, What a little doll. The etagere and dark cabinets in your temporary home are stunning.

Such a beautiful post. I love your tall cabinets in the living room with your coral and china! What a wonderful place to display your treasures. Your grandson is so sweet! Have a great weekend..

Your new “home” looks wonderful. I love your lampshades and I have purchased some for my chandeliers. They surely do add the right touch. Of course, seeing pics of your adorable grandson is the best. Enjoy!!

Moving is stressful but glad you only have a closet left. Then the small things can be tweaked.

I’d kissed those little fingers. I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun when weather settled. He’ll be the bunny for Easter

Thank you so much! I was just searching for a reliable silversmith when I happened to notice your post. I will definitely contact him.

The temporary home looks nice from what you have shown. I’ll take those chandeliers if they’re for sale? Ha ha….they are Gorgeous! Show us all of house including outside. Homes and gardens is my passion. Phillip is so cute!

Love what you’re doing to your new home. It’s beautiful. I’ve seen the blue & white vase on the bottom shelf of the dark wood etagiere featured in your home before. I called your office about it once and was told it was not available. Can you make it so? I love it! Precious Phillip is gorgeous, a mini-me of his father.

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