Hi there! Hope this finds you well. Its been so nice getting away for a few days, though its never ever enough! I keep saying next time, I am staying a few weeks but truth is, as long as I am running a business, that does not seem feasible though I have an incredible and […]
Good morning, everyone! As you may know, we have some of the most beautiful melamine out there—and I’m not just saying that. It’s truly something special, far from the ordinary melamine you typically see. Now through tonight, we’re offering an incredible Buy One, Get One Free special! That means whatever you purchase will be duplicated, […]
Hi there! Boy, we have been busy, busy busy in getting this warehouse in shape and boy, are we ever on our way! For the first time since this began I can really see the light at the end of the tunnel. Our warehouse cleanup continues and a few of the categories that we have […]