Comments : 21

Happy Sunday morning everyone!

I hope this message finds you well. It’s been quite a busy weekend for me. On Friday, we tackled round one of our big move, clearing out about six rooms that are all above or near the kitchen side of the house. That area will be the next section of the house to come down as we move forward with our renovations. Even with plenty of help from some very capable people, it’s been a lot of work. Of course, when it comes to personal belongings, I prefer to pack those up myself, which adds to the workload.

We’ve made great progress—there are just a few odds and ends left in the kitchen, but for the most part, we’re done with this section of the house. Despite the chaos, I was able to enjoy a very nice dinner with friends last night, and I’m looking forward to a relaxing lunch with my son, daughter-in-law, and little Prince Philip today. A quiet moment with family feels which feels  well-deserved after such a hectic few days. Still frigid over here, counting down the days till spring:)

Now, let’s dive into today’s post…..


1 A BEAUTIFUL RUG COMPANY I love Vermilion rugs, they are so incredibly stylish and offer many customization options. I will absolute be keeping their name  handy for when I need broadloom for a few rooms down the road as our renovation turns into the decorating stages (cannot wait) Here’s a few favorites, click here to visit their site



2 CUSTOMER PHOTOS Love when we get customer pictures showing off our products! Makes me so proud, here are some that we recently received, all so stunning. Have one to send in? Please email, as we periodically post these and share them with our readers.




3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST A beautiful roundup, getting back to more interior inspired instagrams now that the holidays are over…

4 THE PRETTIEST NAPKIN RINGS COMING THIS WAY!!!!! Its the little things, sometimes that get you excited. And these are like little jewels!~ They make me want to throw a party or at least set a beautiful table. These beauties are coming out of production and will be here in about 3 weeks. Stay tuned….


These are prototypes, (painted metal)  there were a few tiny changes made but these are pretty much what they look like, cannot wait to set a table with them. so charming.


5 TWO FAVORITE COFFEE TABLE BOOKS Normally on the weekends, I try to carve out an hour or two late afternoon before we go out for the night to sit down and read or pour over some coffee table books. There are two I find myself going to over and over (well, there are many more) but lately these two, I have been going back to and scouring every detail If you don’t have them, these are a must add to your coffee table book collection!

Charlotte Moss’s book, Entertains,  remains one of my all time favorites. Such beauty on every page!

Danielle Rollins’ book. deserves more press then it gets (in my opinion) I love her attention to detail and feel like the entire book is a serious study on color, layering and using prints together.



6 A MUST MAKE RECIPE First of all,  this is easy with a surprise superstar ingredient, Boursin Cheese! Made it for the first time last week and it was sooo good. I served it with grilled chicken breasts but it could easily be a meal. Super flavorful, promise whoever you make it for will love it! This will absolutely be made again and again…

  • 1 Box Boursin Garlic & Fine Herbs Cheese other flavors can also be used
  • 1 pound grape tomatoes
  • 1 medium shallot diced
  • 3 cloves garlic minced
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil sliced
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • pinch pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flake can use more or less if desired
  • 8 ounces pasta of choice more can be used, this is just a general guideline for four servings (2 oz per person)
  • 8 ounces OPTIONAL portobello chopped (we love mushrooms also so I actually added extra)
  • 3 cups OPTIONAL fresh baby spinach (we love spinach so used it)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  1. Begin by preheating the oven to 400°F and grab a 9×9 baking dish. Place your garlic and herb Boursin cheese in the center of the pan. Wash and dry your grape tomatoes and pour them into the dish so they surround the Boursin cheese.
  2. Mince your garlic and dice your shallot then sprinkle it on top of the cheese and tomatoes. Slice the basil into strips and sprinkle it on top. Pour the olive oil on top of everything, then add red pepper flakes, salt and black pepper. Pop the dish into the oven once it’s ready. Bake for 15 minutes
  3. Boil the pasta noodles in some salted water according to the instructions and cook until very al-dente. I almost undercooked mine as I didn’t want them to get mushy. Drain the noodles and set aside.
  4. Next, grab a saucepan and place it on the stove over medium heat. Add olive oil to the bottom of the pan and let it heat up. Dice up your mushrooms. Add diced mushrooms to the saucepan and cook that down until the mushrooms turn brown. This should take about 5-8 minutes. After that time add the spinach, salt and black pepper and cook it down until it shrinks and becomes tender.
  5. Take the baked cheese and tomatoes out of the oven when done. You’ll know they’re done cooking when the tomatoes have burst a bit, and the color deepens. Remove from oven.
  6. Lastly, pour the cooked pasta on top of the baked cheese mixture, add the sautéed spinach and mushrooms to the dish if using, and stir everything together until combined. Serve hot and enjoy!


7  SUNDAY’S SURVEY Two health related questions today and I will be so curious to see the answers. I am admittedly a bad sleeper, on a good night I get 5-6 hours. On a bad night, I am up almost the entire night (does not happen often). I know part of the problem is that I need to disengage from screen time an hour or two before I am ready to sleep. Easier said than done, I have gotten better but thees room for improvement. But in general, I have always been not only a light sleeper but one does not require a lot of sleep, though studies show how important it is to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep at night

And then my second questions, is if you take vitamins of any kind how many? Not including anything prescribed. I have been taking Chondroitin Glucosamine (for joints) as my dad swears by it and I will attest to the fact that if you take religiously every single day for 30 days you WILL see/feel a difference. Even my pickle ball partners noticed how I was running around the court! I take Areds 2 formula by Bausch + Lomb or eyes to avoid develops Macular Degeneration.  Its a preventative and again, dad recommend and approved. And, I take Vitamin D every day.

This past week I started taking NAD which seems to be all the rage. I will report back on this one in a month or so! Funny I have never taken a single vitamin until approx 6 months ago, now I am on a kick and enjoying educating myself about them.



Also BIG NEWS, today and tomorrow before we put away all holiday- its a FINAL CALL! The perfect time to prepare and be several steps ahead of the game for next holiday season!

60% off all ornaments and holiday paper!

Code- steal

Click here for glass ornaments

Click here for porcelain ornaments

Click here for holiday gift wrap


And that my friends, is a wrap. Hope you enjoy a wonderful and relaxing Sunday. I know there are big games on today for those who love football (my son and dad are some of the biggest fans I know) so I feel like I need to at least tune in to show my support:) Until next time…..

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A lot of beauty today! Love those carpets and looking for one for my husbands small home office.

Those napkin rings are beautiful. Will you have them by April? Hosting a blue and white themed bridal shower lunch for my sister and those would be amazing on the tables.

Trying the recipe. I am a horrible sleeper, 3-5 straight hours if I am lucky. High pressured jobs doesn’t help. I do take vitamins-Vitamin D, B6 and B9. Good luck with your move!

I love the serviette rings. Please tell me there will be some ivory/white and gold ones.

I started taking magnesium before I go to bed and it’s been a game changer in how fast I fall asleep and the quality of my sleep. Highly recommend. You could also apply magnesium oil topically. Try it!

I use a soft fabric Bluetooth sleeping headband and listen to Fox News all night using my kindle. I’ve heard it already so it’s just background noise. Movies or tv shows end and I wake up when the sound goes off. No one can hear it but me and I cover the screen with fabric so there’s no light. I’m 72 and this is the only sleep aid I’ve used for at least 10 years. A glass of wine before bed doesn’t hurt either! 😊 I am able to sleep from 10p to 7:30a!

Magnesium Glycinate 300-400 mg. before bed really helps me sleep. Sometimes I will remember to split the dosage in half because when I wake up to go to the bathroom during the night, I have a hard time falling back asleep and then I’ll take the other half at that point.

I have vestibular migraines so I take a lot of vitamins. I take magnesium glycinate at night and I sleep like a baby. You could also try magnesium cream and epsom salts. Wishing you a good nights sleep.

With regards to sleep. I’ve had issues for quite some time and since I’m on blood pressure medication, melatonin is not recommended as the interaction between the two has not been established.

I’ve started eating a handful of pistachios between 9 and 10 pm and have been delighted with the results! I’m sleeping much better and even with waking up once in the night, I am going right back to sleep and wake up feeling refreshed for the first time in a long time.

It turns out that pistachios have significant melatonin, a huge aid in helping one sleep. In addition to tasting good, the latest studies show they have a readily available source of lutein and therefore improve “macular pigment optical density”.

I’ve been eating pistachios in the evening for about a month now and am amazed at their effectiveness. Some studies even show that they may aid in weight loss and have a positive effect on blood sugar levels.

Who knew these little green gems could do so much!

Glucosamine/Condroitin can raise cholesterol levels. Be sure to have blood lipids checked if you’re taking this supplement regularly.

BOURSIN!!! FINALLY!! I’ve been touting BOURSIN for eons…it is “still amazing” to me!!” Put in cream soups, put in gravy, mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes.. well…almost everything (except dessert!) franki

I take Magnesium Glycinate before bed & it has helped my sleep tremendously! Also take Vit. D & K, B-12 & the supplements Berberine &/or Citrus Bergamot & CoQ10 for cardiac function.

Sleeping is a luxury & this is my cocktail!!! Magnesium, Melatonin ( 10mg quick dissolve, with another beside the bed in case I wake up and start thinking 😆) & Twinings honey vanilla camomile tea or sleepytime tea extra. My sister says clean sheets, shaved legs & a good book are her sleepytime cocktail 😴

,Tina enjoyed your post. I had a game changer in the vitamin dept.!! I am 70 and started to get red blotches on my arms and legs UGH. then I came across NMN and Trans-Resveratrol by Vitruvin My skin has changed back to it beautiful self YEAH!! Thought I would share as it might help another reader. Moving can be hectic but the end result will be wonderful! Love your D=Sunday posts!

I could not vote on the vitamin question because my answer would be zero. Love the napkin rings. Have a wonderful day with your family.

I used to have trouble falling asleep but I found the cure. For years I wanted to start an early morning routine and join the “5 am club.” I finally made myself do it last year and not only has it changed my life for the better (I get so much more done) it means I no longer have trouble falling asleep – usually by 9:30 pm. No napping during the day so this former life-long night owl falls asleep without any encouragement. It only took a few 5 am mornings for this to happen. I love my quiet time early in the morning! Never thought I would say that.

Tina, try Magnesium Glycinate. My Sister-in-Law, a doc, recommended it. It just seems to smooth out the rough edges and my sleep quality is now fantastic.

Hello dear Tina
I hope you had a nice relaxing weekend and lovely time with your little sweetie pie, Philip. I know he makes every day special .
I am in the ‘more than 8’ vitamins box, for the last 2 years or so. It started with trying to boost my immune system, then led to supplements for joints, circulation, sleep and skin care. You could buy combined tablets but I take them separately, vitamins C, D, A, E, vitamin B complex, vitB12, Biotin, Selenium, Co-Q10, Ginkgo Biloba, Zinc, Magnesium, Glucosamine, Reservatrol and Grapeseed.
I know its a cocktail 🙂 but since taking all of these, I have felt a real sense of ‘wellness’, more energy and have better skin. Now I dont catch many colds and bugs, so that is a good thing. My dentist also swears by vitamins and supplements. Im going to check out the ones you recommend, thank you. And will really enjoy making the Boursin recipe
With much love

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