Hello! Coming up for air after a crazy 7 days of packing, moving, unpacking, countless trips to and from the two houses. It was honestly a week of mayhem. We worked morning to night and yes, we had movers however when it came to packing, I did all my dishes and personal items. I felt like these items were conspiring and reproducing over night, just when I thought I was “nearly done” I realized I barely scratched the surface. I will attest to the fact that they say moving, emotional and physicality wise is among the four most exhausting and stressful events. I will attest to that!
The good news is that we are on the other side, in the other house. I got SO MANY questions about confusion over our living situation. So I am breaking it down here once and for all-
1. We moved into the big white house about 3 years ago, we were not actively looking in the market but were both starting to think maybe there’s a next chapter out there for us. We loved our French home but our last son had left and when this white house came on the market for the first time in 50 years we wanted to take a look. Afterall it was a home i had long admired as I passed it all the time on the way to my sister in laws and good friends house. I must say when we stepped foot onto the property we felt an instant connection to this house. Long story short, we bought it. We did not move in right away, we sold our home about a year later then moved. We recognized that we would need to do a big/large scale renovation on this house and spent nearly 2 years living there while figuring it all that out. About 6 weeks ago our renovation officially began.
2. Two parts of the house are coming down the other more formal part of the house (the central body) is staying intact but we are working on the reno within the house. Redoing all the floors, all windows, etc…a big job which will take approx a year to a year and a half. The next logical question was where will we live?
3.We also thought we would find a nice rental to call home during this time, but as we stared looking, we realized the market was abyssal and outrageously overpriced. I was stunned at what was being offered with insane rents. There was not a single one I would have even been interested in, even if it was half the cost. So we started thinking outside the box. A relative had had a home off and on the market. An enormous turn of the century grand brick Georgian that we had always loved. It was sitting there empty (they had moved out of the area).
4. First we thought to rent it, but they were only interested in selling it. Before I know it, we struck a deal and we bought it. We figured we would add a little TLC, the house is in excellent condition. Some of the baths are dated but certainly livable. Kitchen was redone about 10 years ago. This would give us a beautiful comfortable home to live in, and then eventually sell when we move back into our house. We also feel like it was a solid investment. Sadly homes like this from the fabled Gold Coast are far and few between. Many have fallen into great disrepair, or were torn down as their carrying costs were too great.
5. This made sense. This one was lovingly cared for with each owner. The other sad thing is people today just aren’t interested in these types of homes any more (we are in them minority). So the market for them is narrow. You need someone who has an immense appreciation for the homes built in this era, unparalleled craftsmanship, etc….we have a few ideas about this becoming a large residence or perhaps being used in the hospitality field down the road (not for us but next owner)
So here we are, day #3! These first few posts will be primarily on this house, as I told you, you are getting a two for one! Our own renovation is happening and in a few weeks I will start sharing more specific on what we are doing and general ideas of how I hope to finish/decorate it. So without further ado here is a look at our move this week, little narration necessary!
One thing about moving is that you get to take stock of all you have, and that includes my many many dishes.I bought some temporary shelves and will turn a small empty storeage room into my dish room so I can really take stock of what I have (and tons of silver trays too)
Last home cooked meal in our house before we move out! Hearty and stick to your ribs, we needed lots of energy in the days to come!
This picture makes me laugh, I thought all linens were packed up then I opened another closet and forgot these had been put in there temporarily as they tore down the other area where I had had all my linens. Just when I thought we were nearly done:)
You have no idea how many meals were made on this tiny little stove:)
Last meal in the house before our renovation…wine and Chinese food!
Strange seeing my empty bedroom with just scatterings of odds and ends
Truck finally full!
And on to the new house…..everything getting delivered-
And that is the not so glamorous side to moving, I promise next post will be a lot prettier:) I will focus a few posts on our new house (for now) and what we have done so far to make it home, then will be full steam ahead onto our renovation and all the plans that are starting to percolate. I think it will be a fun journey to watch. I love watching other home builds and renovations, fun to see the progress week to week.
If you have questions about our house/temp house, please ask in the comment section so I can answer them there too. Thanks for stopping in, wishing everyone a great day! Until next time….
Well you are definitely going to be busy for a few days. Best of luck with all your projects and very excited to see the finished product. I think you will need to go south to put your feet up.
Oh my goodness! What an ordeal. It will be worth it in the long run. It’s like having a baby. You forget the pain and have another one or two or three! Thank you for being a keeper for these old beautiful homes. So many have been razed in our area. Looking forward to future posts on both homes.
Thanks for the fun post Tina! After downsizing a few years ago , I’m so glad it wasn’t me! I love keeping up with your progress and beautiful ideas. I know you must have said so, but just where is your new, temporary home located? Hope you post a photo of the outside. Looks like the interior has some beautiful architectural features!
Tina, thank you for the post and pixs. Love both your homes. Excited to follow your progress, as your ideas are an inspiration. Our last move two years ago at 75 and 80 was a giant undertaking and admire your youthful zest. Three cheers for you and your husband.
Oh, that new house is gorgeous! I can see why you bought it. What a shame it is not appreciated by the younger set, I’d be all over that. CANNOT WAIT to see how you renovate your other beautiful home! I so enjoy watching renovations and the final decorations. Your energy is amazing!
All I can say is Wow, what an undertaking, wishing you all the best, with less stressful,days ahead, we are going to enjoy watching the renovations ahead💗
Moving is not for the faint at heart! Best wishes for your present/future & past moves – great opportunity to reassess as you go – just got done moving myself, but not in final destination. The thought of moving again,,,,ugh
Your post made me chuckle…it seems no matter where you are in life or on the financial spectrum, from college to middle class to the very well established, moving looks pretty much the same….from boxes to furniture wraps to plastic garbage bags! The garbage bags always get me….ugly but so practical. Glad to see you use them too! It’s a ton of work and I’m glad you are on the other side.
Wow! Your new (temporary) home looks gorgeous! From what I can see I think I might be tempted to stay, but I’m sure with your new renovations your “forever” house will be spectacular!
Get some rest and stay healthy. Thanks for sharing.
We are kindred souls! The first thing I noticed were the ever practical black garbage bags! Love Tina but would never have imagined she would have used them. They are in my future in the next few months as we downsize again lol!
Such an incredible adventure, thank you for bringing us all along. We just completed our 19th move in 45 years of marriage and we’re hoping that this will be the last for a while. Even with all those moves under my belt I still realize what an incredible chore it is and how much energy it takes. Good luck with everything; your new old home is extraordinary and the journey to its renewal will be so fun to watch
Your temporary new house looks great. The architecture and those mouldings!!! Thanks for sharing all the pics and I look forward to your future posts. I love renos…but I am slowing down.
Well, you have been quite the busy lady. I’m not so sure I would have the energy on a day to day schedule to deal with all that you do. I would save all my strength for babysitting and playtime. Being a business woman, running 3 households, create new product ideas, plan parties and get togethers, grandparenting, babysit and playtime. Your having the “time of your life”, good for you. Now, on to the great homes of the Gold Coast era. Old money and all. Love, love, love them. Wish we could find one of those homes for us. Don’t have the right connections I guess. It always was my dream and my husband’s to own an old Grand Dame. My husband was raised in a very large Southern Louisiana Antibellum home and he wants another one. Thank you for taking the time to post your moving pictures. I do enjoy them so much. Please, take more detail pics of your Grand Lady home and we would love to see it. Remember, it’s all in the details. Thank you again! Linda P.
I think you are possibly the only woman on the planet who has more dishes than I do……🙄 although I could be very wrong,……
my husband says I’ve never met a dish I didn’t like, but of course that is very much not true!! Ha! Glad the literal heavy lifting is behind you for a season. And this doesn’t look like a bad crash pad for the interim……
Tina, both your new home and temporary home are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing the renovations and all your beautiful, inspiring posts. I adore The Enchanted Home!
I have a lot of empathy for you!
I have been a 2 homeowner at one time in life. Living in another state while keeping an original home in our home state. Living between the 2 for 7+ yrs.
Eventually moving home permanently.
What a journey! I wish you well in yours☺️
Hi Tina
Thanks for clearing up your living arrangements. To buy 2 incredible homes such as these is amazing !! I love older homes would be interested I buying this home after you move back to centre island! Keep me in mind please !!
Love everything you do can’t wait to see all your spectacular renovations ! Get some rest too ❤️❤️
Our last move about killed us. Two 3,500 square foot homes moved to one 6,000 plus square foot home. Moved one home ourselves. The other movers. Luckily we were in our 60’s. Could not do that now again. . — Good luck to you 🍀 if will be all worth it.( Last year we were thinking of buying an even larger Estate with 50 acres by the water for our whole family. Just couldn’t go through the move and headache. Love our home with one acre. Enough to handle.) Exciting times for you. It will be fun going through all your things. You forget what you all have. It will be like Christmas. Time to purge. I have been decluttering and it is going slow. Even rented a storage indoor unit. Kind of crazy.
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Hello! Coming up for air after a crazy 7 days of packing, moving, unpacking, countless trips to and from the two houses. It was honestly a week of mayhem. We worked morning to night and yes, we had movers however when it came to packing, I did all my dishes and personal items. I felt like these items were conspiring and reproducing over night, just when I thought I was “nearly done” I realized I barely scratched the surface. I will attest to the fact that they say moving, emotional and physicality wise is among the four most exhausting and stressful events. I will attest to that!
The good news is that we are on the other side, in the other house. I got SO MANY questions about confusion over our living situation. So I am breaking it down here once and for all-
1. We moved into the big white house about 3 years ago, we were not actively looking in the market but were both starting to think maybe there’s a next chapter out there for us. We loved our French home but our last son had left and when this white house came on the market for the first time in 50 years we wanted to take a look. Afterall it was a home i had long admired as I passed it all the time on the way to my sister in laws and good friends house. I must say when we stepped foot onto the property we felt an instant connection to this house. Long story short, we bought it. We did not move in right away, we sold our home about a year later then moved. We recognized that we would need to do a big/large scale renovation on this house and spent nearly 2 years living there while figuring it all that out. About 6 weeks ago our renovation officially began.
2. Two parts of the house are coming down the other more formal part of the house (the central body) is staying intact but we are working on the reno within the house. Redoing all the floors, all windows, etc…a big job which will take approx a year to a year and a half. The next logical question was where will we live?
3.We also thought we would find a nice rental to call home during this time, but as we stared looking, we realized the market was abyssal and outrageously overpriced. I was stunned at what was being offered with insane rents. There was not a single one I would have even been interested in, even if it was half the cost. So we started thinking outside the box. A relative had had a home off and on the market. An enormous turn of the century grand brick Georgian that we had always loved. It was sitting there empty (they had moved out of the area).
4. First we thought to rent it, but they were only interested in selling it. Before I know it, we struck a deal and we bought it. We figured we would add a little TLC, the house is in excellent condition. Some of the baths are dated but certainly livable. Kitchen was redone about 10 years ago. This would give us a beautiful comfortable home to live in, and then eventually sell when we move back into our house. We also feel like it was a solid investment. Sadly homes like this from the fabled Gold Coast are far and few between. Many have fallen into great disrepair, or were torn down as their carrying costs were too great.
5. This made sense. This one was lovingly cared for with each owner. The other sad thing is people today just aren’t interested in these types of homes any more (we are in them minority). So the market for them is narrow. You need someone who has an immense appreciation for the homes built in this era, unparalleled craftsmanship, etc….we have a few ideas about this becoming a large residence or perhaps being used in the hospitality field down the road (not for us but next owner)
So here we are, day #3! These first few posts will be primarily on this house, as I told you, you are getting a two for one! Our own renovation is happening and in a few weeks I will start sharing more specific on what we are doing and general ideas of how I hope to finish/decorate it. So without further ado here is a look at our move this week, little narration necessary!
One thing about moving is that you get to take stock of all you have, and that includes my many many dishes.I bought some temporary shelves and will turn a small empty storeage room into my dish room so I can really take stock of what I have (and tons of silver trays too)
Last home cooked meal in our house before we move out! Hearty and stick to your ribs, we needed lots of energy in the days to come!
This picture makes me laugh, I thought all linens were packed up then I opened another closet and forgot these had been put in there temporarily as they tore down the other area where I had had all my linens. Just when I thought we were nearly done:)
You have no idea how many meals were made on this tiny little stove:)
Last meal in the house before our renovation…wine and Chinese food!
Strange seeing my empty bedroom with just scatterings of odds and ends
Truck finally full!
And on to the new house…..everything getting delivered-
And that is the not so glamorous side to moving, I promise next post will be a lot prettier:) I will focus a few posts on our new house (for now) and what we have done so far to make it home, then will be full steam ahead onto our renovation and all the plans that are starting to percolate. I think it will be a fun journey to watch. I love watching other home builds and renovations, fun to see the progress week to week.
If you have questions about our house/temp house, please ask in the comment section so I can answer them there too. Thanks for stopping in, wishing everyone a great day! Until next time….
Well you are definitely going to be busy for a few days. Best of luck with all your projects and very excited to see the finished product. I think you will need to go south to put your feet up.
Oh my goodness! What an ordeal. It will be worth it in the long run. It’s like having a baby. You forget the pain and have another one or two or three! Thank you for being a keeper for these old beautiful homes. So many have been razed in our area. Looking forward to future posts on both homes.
Thanks for the fun post Tina! After downsizing a few years ago , I’m so glad it wasn’t me! I love keeping up with your progress and beautiful ideas. I know you must have said so, but just where is your new, temporary home located? Hope you post a photo of the outside. Looks like the interior has some beautiful architectural features!
WOW!! Love your plans for sharing your amazing renovations with us! Thank you! Get some rest! Moving is beyond hectic & stressful!❤️👌🥰
Tina, thank you for the post and pixs. Love both your homes. Excited to follow your progress, as your ideas are an inspiration. Our last move two years ago at 75 and 80 was a giant undertaking and admire your youthful zest. Three cheers for you and your husband.
Oh, that new house is gorgeous! I can see why you bought it. What a shame it is not appreciated by the younger set, I’d be all over that. CANNOT WAIT to see how you renovate your other beautiful home! I so enjoy watching renovations and the final decorations. Your energy is amazing!
All I can say is Wow, what an undertaking, wishing you all the best, with less stressful,days ahead, we are going to enjoy watching the renovations ahead💗
Moving is not for the faint at heart! Best wishes for your present/future & past moves – great opportunity to reassess as you go – just got done moving myself, but not in final destination. The thought of moving again,,,,ugh
Your post made me chuckle…it seems no matter where you are in life or on the financial spectrum, from college to middle class to the very well established, moving looks pretty much the same….from boxes to furniture wraps to plastic garbage bags! The garbage bags always get me….ugly but so practical. Glad to see you use them too! It’s a ton of work and I’m glad you are on the other side.
Wow! Your new (temporary) home looks gorgeous! From what I can see I think I might be tempted to stay, but I’m sure with your new renovations your “forever” house will be spectacular!
Get some rest and stay healthy. Thanks for sharing.
We are kindred souls! The first thing I noticed were the ever practical black garbage bags! Love Tina but would never have imagined she would have used them. They are in my future in the next few months as we downsize again lol!
Such an incredible adventure, thank you for bringing us all along. We just completed our 19th move in 45 years of marriage and we’re hoping that this will be the last for a while. Even with all those moves under my belt I still realize what an incredible chore it is and how much energy it takes. Good luck with everything; your new old home is extraordinary and the journey to its renewal will be so fun to watch
Paper plates come in handy at a time like this
Your temporary new house looks great. The architecture and those mouldings!!! Thanks for sharing all the pics and I look forward to your future posts. I love renos…but I am slowing down.
Well, you have been quite the busy lady. I’m not so sure I would have the energy on a day to day schedule to deal with all that you do. I would save all my strength for babysitting and playtime. Being a business woman, running 3 households, create new product ideas, plan parties and get togethers, grandparenting, babysit and playtime. Your having the “time of your life”, good for you. Now, on to the great homes of the Gold Coast era. Old money and all. Love, love, love them. Wish we could find one of those homes for us. Don’t have the right connections I guess. It always was my dream and my husband’s to own an old Grand Dame. My husband was raised in a very large Southern Louisiana Antibellum home and he wants another one. Thank you for taking the time to post your moving pictures. I do enjoy them so much. Please, take more detail pics of your Grand Lady home and we would love to see it. Remember, it’s all in the details. Thank you again! Linda P.
I think you are possibly the only woman on the planet who has more dishes than I do……🙄 although I could be very wrong,……
my husband says I’ve never met a dish I didn’t like, but of course that is very much not true!! Ha! Glad the literal heavy lifting is behind you for a season. And this doesn’t look like a bad crash pad for the interim……
The staircase in the new house is gorgeous. The chandeliers are beautiful too.
The staircase in the new house is gorgeous. The chandeliers are beautiful too. Moving is such a pain.
Tina, both your new home and temporary home are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing the renovations and all your beautiful, inspiring posts. I adore The Enchanted Home!
I have a lot of empathy for you!
I have been a 2 homeowner at one time in life. Living in another state while keeping an original home in our home state. Living between the 2 for 7+ yrs.
Eventually moving home permanently.
What a journey! I wish you well in yours☺️
Hi Tina
Thanks for clearing up your living arrangements. To buy 2 incredible homes such as these is amazing !! I love older homes would be interested I buying this home after you move back to centre island! Keep me in mind please !!
Love everything you do can’t wait to see all your spectacular renovations ! Get some rest too ❤️❤️
Our last move about killed us. Two 3,500 square foot homes moved to one 6,000 plus square foot home. Moved one home ourselves. The other movers. Luckily we were in our 60’s. Could not do that now again. . — Good luck to you 🍀 if will be all worth it.( Last year we were thinking of buying an even larger Estate with 50 acres by the water for our whole family. Just couldn’t go through the move and headache. Love our home with one acre. Enough to handle.) Exciting times for you. It will be fun going through all your things. You forget what you all have. It will be like Christmas. Time to purge. I have been decluttering and it is going slow. Even rented a storage indoor unit. Kind of crazy.