Hello, back from Brimfield, more on that later. Welcome to Seven on Sunday. Seven? things that I am loving or that have caught my attention? on Sunday……could be just about anything. Movies, books, a new designer, a news story, a new line, clothing, stationery, a hot restaurant or vacation spot, you name it…..nothing is off […]
Hello from rainy dreary New York….well finally at long last my knee is starting to feel better, slow going but there is light at the end of the tunnel. I started having? a serious case of cabin fever and though I was able to be very productive this week via? my computer, being inside so? […]
Hello there! How are you? Hope you had a fabulous weekend. Over here, chugging along. Still want to be on vacation though I cannot lie:)? Sometimes its hard for me to settle in and get back to routine after being on a leisurely roll for a while, but I feel back in the saddle once […]