Comments : 13

Hi there! Hope everyone is having a great weekend, can you believe we are already in Sept! Enjoying a nice weekend here, the weather has been sublime. We were supposed to go to Palmetto Bluff, think this is the longest it’s been since I have not been there and really miss it but something came up. Besides, helping out daily with baby Phillip and even for a few days I would really miss him. I enjoy and cherish my daily visits with him.

My phone has broken, had it fixed THREE times and it broke again. Being without my phone was both kind of of nice and gave me anxiety:) I forgot what the “good ol days of being phone free” felt like and I cannot lie, kind of liked it! I have two sons who have done a digital detox for 21 days (no phones, laptops, just being in the great outdoors connecting with people, nature and yourself) and they say its one of the best things they have ever done. In any case, hope to have a new phone later today or tomorrow as some of what I wanted to share today is on that treasured little device!

Onward to my post this weekend….



1 CUSTOM TABLECLOTHS I had mentioned we would be doing a custom tablecloth popup a few months ago. Many of you have since written asking if you missed it. No you did not. Unfortunately,  I was not able to secure the quantity of fabric I was hoping to get. We did get one huge bolt (approx enough for 10-14 tablecloths) so will not be doing the popup BUT if you are interested in info, please email info@enchantedhome. and put tablecloth in subject line.

We will be doing a mailer on these next week, it will be first come first serve. They are gorgeous and SO SO hard to find!!


2 A HEARTWARMING STORY Love sharing a story that warms my heart, and with our fragile and tormented world, think we all need a daily dose! A true little life angel here!



3 INSTAGRAMS OF INTEREST A pretty little round up of random beauty…


4 THE PERFECT COUPLE  Only watched one episode but plan to finish it later today. So far I am on the fence, I was so anticipating this and am a very big fan of Elin Hilderbrand’s books,  but the acting is falling flat for me (except for Nicole Kidman). You know how some movies, you immediately tell yourself they were totally miscast ? Well, to me, this is one such example. I might be in the minority. And make no mistake,I REALLY want to like this.  The jury is still out, hopefully it will get better. Sidenote- the scenery is fabulous!


5 QUEEN ELIZABETH’S FINAL PONY RIDE Something  about this pulled at my heart strings. I was a big fan of the Queen and knew of her love for her horses/ponies. This  account, of her final ride as told by one of her grooms, is beautiful and poignant. What a special hour in his life that just have been.Finals of anything are never easy and for her to know that as the last time she would ride her beloved pony, Emma must have been really bittersweet for her.  Click here to read it over at Town and Country.

6 THERMOMIX? Who has head of this robotic cooking machine? I admit, I have not until I saw someone demonstrating it and I have to admit I was captivated,  amazed and intrigued to find out more. Heres a quick video to show how it works. Can’t decide if this is pure genius or gimmicky. I am invested and so fascinated about how this works, there are thousands of videos on it, but it is really something! Don’t; think I would purchase one as I like to do things the simpler old fashioned way but do think there’s a huge market for something like this, could be a great time saver for  working families who wants to eat nutritious meals at home. Click here for their website. 


7 SUNDAY’S SURVEY OK I am really curious where you will fall on this. So I recently went for my annual physical. I have been going to my dr for years who I love. They moved to new offices and when I walked in there were 3 people behind the desk (no other patients ) as it was the first appt of the morning, 8am. I went to check in and she asks very nicely if I can use the. new kiosk to check in so I walk back to the entrance of the new offices and start punching away at the keyboard. (this is all new)

It was pretty straightforward but asked for information they already had which I found super annoying. There was also a momentary glitch which I had to make the girl behind the desk aware of. A few minutes later I got it done. Around the same time, an elderly woman walks in, same thing. I heard her saying that she was having issues checking in, and it got me thinking. There’s 3 people fully capable behind the desk to check us in, no doubt which would take a minute at most.

Not everyone is super tech savvy and case in point was this woman who was clearly not finding it very user friendly. Kind of points back to what’s happening at a lot of markets and big box stores. Plenty of employees yet you are checking out yourself. I guess I understand ir more for a store than I do a doctors offie. Am I being too snarky or is that a fair complaint? It just felt very unnecessasry.



And that’s a wrap for this Sunday. Hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing day. Plan on a little visit with Phillip then getting ready for the US Open men’s final. Should be a good one…go USA! Thanks for stopping in, until next time…..






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I totally agree with you about The Perfect Couple.
It was extremely miscast. I was very disappointed.
The series did get better but couldn’t get past the cast.
As usual the book was better. I wish they had stuck to the storyline in the book

I can’t get past Nicole Kidman ‘s wig. Dakota Fanning is superb in her role. Everyone being questioned by police without their lawyers. Kept watching hoping it would get better. Didn’t happen.

Kiosks and checking in on a tablet is disgusting in a medical facility. It never fails, I am coming in for a wellness check and the person checking in ahead of me is coughing and sniffling all over the screen that I then must sign in on. There just isn’t enough hand sanitizer!

Tina, I agree with everything you commented about The Perfect Couple! Totally miscast, except for Nicole Kidman and the police chief. My husband & I really had to laugh! We both said we could barely understand the maid/housekeeper & the family friend from France & even the police detective says later on that she could barely understand half of what they were saying!! Then why have them cast with their heavy accents?! We finished the show last night & it gets a bit better but is a total disappointment if you read & loved the book as I did. Love hearing about how over-the-moon you are about your darling grandson!!

I agree with you. What are people doing behind their desks if customers and patients are doing all the paper work that they could be doing? You haven’t lived though until you- online only, – file and pay taxes in Florida for “Tourist Development Tax” (!?) that all temporary renters need to pay, but through their landlord only. It has to be filed every month whether you have rented or not! So user unfriendly!
Your blogs, on the other hand, are so enjoyable! Thank you!

I hope you all could see that’s NOT the real Nicole Kidman. I was told by a producer she died 2 years ago, but because she is such a money maker they now have a stand in double. Media not told.

I was also a little disappointed in Perfect Couple, but I loved seeing the scenery and the beauty home. Thank you for the post . I always enjoy reading it.

We were disappointed in The Perfect Couple but watched the entire thing and were surprised by the ending. I could not figure out what was wrong with Nicole Kidman’s hair and now I see it was a wig thanks to your followers. And the filming of certain scenes seemed amateurish. Thanks for your great blog post as always!

I hear your angst about the automated, impersonal reception we now encounter at professional offices. I can deal with scanning my own groceries but when visiting a medical facility I may be in pain, anxious, ill or assisting someone who is.. My husband and I recently joined a concierge medical practice for precisely this reason. As a retired physician my husband, who practiced both as an Air Force officer and a private provider for over 40 years, was appalled by the lack of personal connection that has become the new normal at most professional medical facilities.

Agree with you on” The Perfect Couple” Visually stunning, but some acting falls short.

I absolutely agree with your disappointment about The Perfect Couple. I loved that book and this adaptation is so not up to the book. It is trying too hard and the result is just not good, but rather trashy unpleasantness.

Oh my goodness, is that Linda for real!!! I can’t believe there are people out there who believe all this…

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